Tranche 13 Flashcards
What does the root OD- mean?
Route, path
Define the term ‘period’.
A specific span of time determined by something
What does the root ONYM- refer to?
What is a patronym?
Family name
What is toponymy?
Study of place names, their etymology
What is an antonym?
A word that has an opposite meaning
What does anonymous mean?
Someone whose name is not known
What does the root ORTHO- signify?
Straight, direct
Define orthodontics.
Branch of dental medicine dealing with teeth misalignment
What is orthodoxy?
Conformity to a dogma, to the doctrine of a religion
What does orthogonal mean?
That forms a right angle
What is orthography?
What does the root PAR(A)- mean?
Beside, partly
Define paragraph.
A division in a piece of writing in which a new idea is introduced
What is paralysis?
Loss of motor function in a part of the body
What does paranoia refer to?
Mental disorder causing aggressive reactions
What are paronyms?
Words that are almost homonyms
What is a paroxysm?
The highest degree of a feeling
What does the root PATH- indicate?
To be affected, moved
Define pathetic.
Something that evokes intense emotion, often unpleasant; moving, poignant
What is pathos?
Excessive pathetic tone in a speech or writing
What is antipathy?
Instinctive, irrational aversion (opposite of sympathy)
What does apathy mean?
Without energy, inactive, dull, unresponsive
What does the root PATH(O)- refer to?
Define neuropath.
Someone suffering from a nervous disease
What is a psychopath?
Mentally ill person
What does psychopathology study?
Study of mental disorders, foundational science of psychiatry
What is a pathogen?
That can cause a disease