Trancendentalism Flashcards
When did Henry David Thoreau live?
Where and when was HDT born?
1817 in Concord, Mass.
Was HDT well known?
He was unrecognized in his day
Where did HDT study?
He got a scholarship to study at Harvard
What did the Transcendentalism circle call themselves originally?
The Hedge club
Who did people say HDT imitated?
His friend and mentor Ralph Waldo Emerson
How is HDT recognized today?
He is one of the most influential figures in American thoughts and literature
What social group was HDT a part of?
The New England Transcendentalism circle compromised of Boston and Concord writers
Most famous members of the club are:
Henry David Thoreau, Ralph Waldo Emerson, F. H. Hedge, George Ripley, Bronson Alcott, Margaret Fuller and Theodore Parker
What social class did his family belong to?
Poor to lower income (lower class)
How did Transcendentalism begin?
As a reform movement in the Unitarian church extending the views of an indwelling God and intuitive thought
Where was most of their work published?
The Dial, a journal edited by Emerson and Fuller
How and when did HDT die?
In 1862 due to tuberculosis
What were his most important works?
Civil Disobedience and Walden
What was American Transcendentalism?
An important movement in philosophy and literature that flourished during the early to mid 19th century (1836-1860)