Training Units And Developing Leaders Flashcards
What is the army’s life-blood?
Unit training and leader development.
What are the 3 training domains the army uses?
1) institutional
2) operational
3) self development
Who is responsible for training units and developing leaders?
The commander
How do commanders exercise the responsibility to train units and develop leaders?
Through formal and informal chains, assisted by other officers and noncommissioned officers, through the development and execution of progressive, challenging, and realistic training.
Where does training begin for soldiers?
Training begins in the generating force.
Soldiers and leaders should train to master what?
Bight the individual and unit collective tasks that support the unit’s mission-essential tasks.
Who must train as part of a combined arms team?
Individual, teams, sections, and units train to standard as part of a combined arms team.
What training events link together as comprehensive progressive and sequential training and leader development program, providing the experiences necessary for building ready units?
Major training events, combat training center exercises, and operational deployments.
What must commanders do to ensure leaders can meat the prerequisites to attend and get the most benefit from institutional training?
Unit commanders must allocate time during operational assignments.
Who supports both the operational and generating forces?
Army civilians.
What us the major benefit to having army civilians supporting our force?
Army civilians provide the skills and continuity essential to the functioning of army organizations and programs.
What is considered to be as important as institutional training and operational assignments?
Self development.
Who is responsible for self-development training?
Self development is a personal responsibility.
What is the purpose of self-development?
Self development enhances qualifications for a current position or helps prepare and individual for future positions.
What must soldiers and civilians do to understand both personal strengths and gaps in skills, knowledge, and behaviors?
All must be completely honest with themselves to understand their strengths and weaknesses.
Why does the army train?
To provide ready forces to combatant commanders worldwide.
Why do units train?
Units train in garrison and while deployed to prepare for their mission and adapt their capabilities to any changes in an operational environment.
What is the institutional training domain?
The army’s institutional training and education system which includes training base centers and schools that provide initial training and subsequent professional military education for soldiers, military leaders and army civilians.
What is the operational training domain?
Training that organizations conduct at home stations, maneuver combat training centers, during joint exercises, at mobilization centers and while operationally deployed.
What is the self development training domain?
Goal oriented learning that reinforces and expands the knowledge base, self-awareness and situational awareness and it compliments institutional and operational learning and enhances professional competence and professionalism.
What does individual training allow?
Allows individuals to ,aster fundamental skills.
What integrates and synchronizes the skills learned at the individual skill level?
Collective training.
What is the basis for collective proficiency?
Individual skill proficiency.
What does training in units focus on?
Improving unit, soldier and leader proficiencies.
Who ensures unit training plans are prioritized and collective training is executed to maximize the operational performance of the unit?
Commanders and other leaders.
What do soldiers and army civilians cycle between throughout their careers?
The institutional and operation training domains.
What compliments training, educational, and experiences gained in both schools and unit assignments?
Structured, guided, and individualized self-development programs.
What is critical in maintaining awareness of individual skills?
Documentation of individual training in all venues.
What is a continuous and progressive process, spanning a leaders entire career?
Leader development
What is the army committed to?
To training, educating, and developing its leaders.
What develops leaders and prepares them for assignments of increased responsibility?
Training, education and experience in the schools and units.
What is essential to unit readiness and successful deployments?
Competent and confident leaders.
Who is responsible for ensuring their units are capable of performing their missions?
Can commanders delegate their responsibility of ensuring their units are capable of performing their mission?
What makes a quantitative and qualitative difference in unit training and leader development?
Commander involvement
How do commanders apply the operational process to training?
They use steps: plan, prepare, execute, and assess.
How do commanders drive the process of training?
By understanding, visualizing, describing, directing, leading, and assessing unit training and leader development.
How do commanders describe their end state?
Through guidance and orders.
What does TADSS stand for?
Training aids, devices, simulators, and simulations.
What does ITE stand for?
Integrated training environment
Can the army afford to conduct all training in a live environment?
What must commanders do to save cost but still give soldiers tough, realistic training?
They must use the ITE and TADSS to save cost and also ensure that the training is as realistic and tough as possible.
How do commanders build trust and initiative in subordinates?
By giving them latitude in determining how to train their units to achieve the desired end state.
What collective tasks should a unit train on?
Only those collective tasks that are essential to the unit’s mission.
How should units employ effective collective training?
Based on the army principles of unit training.
What must collective training be?
Training must be relevant, rigorous, realistic, challenging and properly resourced.
Collective training provides the full range of experiences needed to produce what?
Agile, adaptive leaders and soldiers and versatile units.
What are the 11 principles of unit training?
1) commanders/leaders are responsible for training
2) NCOs train individuals, crews, small teams
3) train to standard
4) train as you will fight
5) train while operating
6) train fundamentals first
7) train to develop adaptability
8) understand the operational environment
9) train to sustain
10) train to maintain
11) conduct multi-echelon and concurrent training
Who is responsible for the training proficiency of their respective organizations and subordinates?
Subordinate leaders, NCOs
Who are the primary trainers of enlisted soldiers, crews, small teams?
Who helps officers train units?
Who develops and conducts training for their subordinates that support the unit training plan, coaches junior NCOs, advise senior leaders, and helps develop junior officers?
What do leaders need to establish and enforce to ensure their organizations meet mission requirements?
If no standard exists, what should happen?
The commander should establish one and the next higher commander should approve it.
What does train as you will fight mean?
Training under an expected operational environment for the mission.
How can Commanders and other leaders replicate cultural settings as much as possible?
Using role players or actual mission partners
Why do you continue to train while you are deployed or in continuous operations?
As units operate, they learn from formal and informal AARs and can address changes in tactics, techniques, and procedures that affect the operation.
What fundamentals must units at every echelon master in order to accomplish their mission?
Basic soldiering, warrior tasks, battle drills, marksmanship, fitness and MOS procedures.
Units proficient in fundamentals are more capable of accomplishing what?
Higher level, more complex collective tasks that support the unit’s METL.
How do soldiers and leaders develop adaptability?
From training under complex, changing conditions with minimal information available to make decisions.
What establishes the conditions that units must meet for training?
The unit training management operation order
What programs must unit training plans incorporate?
Programs that improve individual and collective mental and physical fitness.
Why must units conduct maintenance?
To ensure equipment is serviceable and available for the conduct of training and for mission accomplishment.
What training technique allows for simultaneous training of more than one echelon on different or complimentary tasks?
Multi-echelon training
What does training multiple tasks concurrently do?
Preserves valuable time while capitalizing on the opportunity to train related tasks at the same time.
Why should leaders follow the principles of leader development?
To develop other leaders
What provides leaders with enough fundamental information to help them contribute to unit collective capabilities on the day they arrive in the unit?
When does most leader development occur?
During operational assignments.
What do leaders learn during operational assignments?
To adapt to new situations and develop on the job through training and education and they also develop through challenging, unfamiliar experiences that require them to adapt theory to reality.
What happens when a soldier or leader makes a mistake?
They learn from the mistake
What is considered the crucible of leader development?
Operational assignments
What are the army’s 7 principles of leader development?
1) lead by example
2) develop subordinate leaders
3) create a learning environment for subordinate leaders
4) train leaders in the art and science of mission command
5) train to develop adaptive leaders
6) train leaders to think critically and creatively
7) train your leaders to know their subordinates and their families
Which training principle prepares units and individuals to be resilient?
Train to sustain
Good leaders understand they are role models for others. What should they reflect for subordinates and peers?
The desired leader characteristics and lead by example.
What is one of the most important functions of a leader?
Developing subordinate leaders by training subordinates to be successful tactically and technically and to be prepared to assume positions of greater responsibility.
What type of learning environment should leaders create in their unit for their subordinates?
An environment that allows subordinates to try different solutions to problems and where they can attempt innovative solutions to problems.
What happens when leaders create an environment where mistakes are not tolerated?
Soldiers will not attempt to solve problems on their own out of fear of making mistakes
How should mistakes be handled by leaders in a unit?
Leaders should establish an environment for subordinates that allow subordinate leaders to make honest mistakes without prejudice and remember that they will learn more from their mistakes
Can soldiers train on every task in every condition?
No. They should excel at a few tasks and then adapt to new tasks
Training must enable leaders to respond to unexpected conditions in what type of way?
In a positive and constructive way
What must leaders be able to do for challenging problems?
Leaders must be able to analyze challenging problems.
How many levels down should all leaders know their subordinates?
At least 2 levels down
What should all leaders know about their subordinates 2 levels down?
Strengths, weaknesses and capabilities
The army trains leaders to know and help not only their subordinates but who else?
Their families
What is the primary focus of a unit when not deployed?
What should the intensity of training be when not deployed?
It requires the same level of detail, intensity, and focus that a unit applies to deployed operations.
What provides a common framework for units to plan, prepare, execute, and assess training and to integrate leader development into training plans?
The operations process
What unit level uses military decision making process (MDMP) to develop unit training plans?
Battalion level and higher
What does company level use to develop unit training plans?
Troop leading procedures (TLPs)
What is the purpose of unit training?
To build and maintain ready units to conduct unified land operations for combatant commanders.
What does ADP 7-0 cover?
Training units and developing leaders.
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