Training Packet Flashcards
Training Division Chief
Battalion Chief Justin White
Training Academy Captain
Captain Juliet Draper
Officer Development Captain
Captain Kenny Bradley
Training Academy Lieutenant
Lieutenant Ken Anderson
Training Lieutenant/Driver Coordinator
Lieutenant David Noblitt
Administrative Specialist
Lily Lucherini
A/V Specialist
Steve Schopper
Cadre Members
Lieutenant Richard Valdez Driver/Engineer Michelle Madrid Paramedic Kent Smith PM Tyler Bolton Firefighter John Hussey
Training cadre commitment
1) the Service provided to Taxpaying Citizens
2) our Line Operations personnel
3) the success of you, the Trainee
We will not accept mediocrity. The responsibility for success rests with the Trainee.
Trainee commitment
Learning the required material
Practicing each required skill and demonstrating acceptable proficiency in those skills throughout the Academy
Conducting themselves in a manner consistent with the City of CS Standards of Conduct, the CSFD Code of Conduct, and the Standards of Conduct established for the Academy
Demonstration of dedication, effort and attention to detail.
The success of their team
Maintaining a high level of physical fitness
The CSFD seeks excellent employees; people who are interested in becoming the best firefighters possible.
CSFD Core Values
Accountability Courage Honor Professionalism Service
The CSFD remains accountable to our employees and community through responsible stewardship of our resources and ownership of our actions
The CSFD demonstrates physical courage when taking calculated risks during the mitigation of emergencies and shows moral courage by doing what is right for the protection of our coworkers and community.
The CSFD stands united in promoting excellence of character and integrity while adhering to what is right and ethical
The CSFD exhibits professionalism through pride, passion, and dedication with intense preparation toward mastery over all with which we have been entrusted.
The CSFD strives to positively impact our community and members of our organization by placing the needs of others before self, without judgement or thought of reward.
CSFD Patch
To the rescue
Contents 2-3
Introduction - 2 CSFD’s Commitment - 2 Training Staff - 2 Trainee Commitment - 3 CSFD Core Values - 3
Contents 4-6
Training Academy Rules and Regulations - 4
General Information - 4
Team Roles - 5
Violations - 6
Contents 7
Trainee Code of Conduct - 7 Discrimination and Harassment - 7 Chain of Command - 7 Authority - 7 Substance Abuse - 7
Contents 8
Participation - 8
Respect - 8
Insubordination- 8
Cheating - 8
Contents 9
Responsibility - 9
Attendance - 9
Teamwork - 9
Appearance - 9
Contents 12-16
Physical Fitness - 12 Classroom Behavior - 12 Drill Field Behavior - 12 Testing Policy - 14 Bi-Weekly Evaluations - 16
The mission of the Colorado Springs Fire Department is to provide fire, emergency and prevention services with professionalism, compassion and excellence.