Training book - Review Flashcards
Which Meduim conducts heat the fastest?
Solids because the particles are closer together.
Insulators are
Bad conductors
The transfer of energy is
when the form stays the same but travel to a new region or medium.
Direct contact of Particles to transfer heat energy.
Convection is
Warm air rises as it is less dense and cool air sink as its more dense.
eg. Aircon.
Radiation is
Method of heat transfer NOT needing particles. Eg. sun radiation heating earth.
Transformation of energy is when
There is a change in the
form of energy.
Transformation of energy example:
Sound > eletrical > sound
Series circuit
globes are in a row, more globes means more resistance therefore dimmer light
measures current (amps)
Set up in parallel, measures voltage in volts.
parallel circuit
Light globes on separate ‘arms’ of the circuit, more globes means the same resistance and brightness.
Ohms law
Shows the relationship between voltage, current and resistance
V = I x R
Transverse Wave
Particles move up and down, electromagnetic spectrum. Eg -light.
Compression Wave
Particles move side to side, compression, and rarefaction. Eg sound waves
Distance between successive points. troughs or crests.
Number of wavelengths completed in a second, Measured in hertz
How to find the velocity of a wave.
Velocity(m/s) =
Frequency(Hz) x Wavelengths (m)
Light travels in
Straight lines
Incident ray
Ray coming in
Reflected ray
Ray reflected off surface
90 degrees adjacent to reflective surface
The angle of incidence =
The angle of reflection
All light rays pass through.
Eg. glass
Some light rays pas through
Eg. Frosted glass
No light pass through
Eg. wood
When light passes through the substance of different densities they slow down (bends towards normal) or speed up ( bend away)
Gamma rays
The shortest wavelength,and highest frequency and energy
Radio waves
The largest wavelength,and lowest frequency and energy.
Sound can only be transmitted when
where particles are present.
The pitch of a sound depends on how
Fast the air vibrates.
High pitch =
High-frequency and fast-moving particles
Low pitch =
low frequency and slow-moving particles
Independent variable
One that changes, independant on its own
dependant variable
dependant on the other one,
The X-axis has which variable
The Y axis has which variable