Training Adaptations Flashcards
What are acute adaptations?
What are chronic adaptations?
- Acute Adaptions (responses) to exercise = changes that occur in the body during and shortly after exercise bout
- e.g. creatine phosphate depletion
- Chronic Adaptions = changes in body that occur after repeated training bouts and persist long after a training session is over
- e.g muscle mass gain.
What are major characteristics of muscle fiber types?

What are the 4 factors the affect adaptations to aerobic/resistance training?
- Genetics
- Age
- Specificity
- Sex
How do the following affect aerobic adaptation?
- Specificity
- Genetics
- What % of genetics account for what % VO2 max an HR Max?
- Sex
- Describe sex differences for:
- Lean muscle mass
- Bodyfat
- Heart size
- Lung Size
- Blood volume
- Cardiac output
- Stroke Volume
- O2 consumption
- How do these differences impact adaptations?
- Describe sex differences for:
- Age
- How does VO2 max change with age
- All endurance adaptations will be specific to the type of endurance training
- Our ability to adapt and perform are limited by ceiling of genetic potential
- Genetic factors account for 20-30% of VO2 max and 50% differences in max HR
Changes are similar, but sex differences affect absolute amounts of changes
- Smaller absolute adaptations than males, but similar relative (percent adaptations)
- Lean muscle mass = women have less
- Bodyfat = women have more
- Heart size = women have smaller
- Lung Size = women have smaller
- Blood volume = women have smaller
- Cardiac output = women have lower
- Stroke Volume = women have lower
- O2 consumption = women have lower than males when exercising @ 50% VO2 max
Changes are similar, but sex differences affect absolute amounts of changes
- Age
- As children age, VO2 max ↑
- Peak at 12-15 for females
- Peaks at 17-21 for males
- VO2 max plateaus (after peaking at above ages) then gradual ↓ with age
- Aerobic training results in only slight age related ↓ in VO2 max if training maintained
- As children age, VO2 max ↑
- What is the general principle of how specificity influences RT adaptations?
- What are 2 types of specificity that incluence RT adaptations?
- Specificity in resistance training – effects of resistance training specific to muscle action mode in which exercise performed
- Specificity in type/mode of exercise = you get better at the mode you train
- Specificity in velocity of exercise = you get better at the speed you train at
- Resistance trianing mode specificity
- What is relationship between dynamic and static exercises?
- What maximizes strength increase in out of gym performance?
- Give examples for strength test/training
- Isometric training and free weight performance relationship?
- Resistance training velocity specificity
- How training velocity impacts testing results
- What type of training improves power production?
- Type of Exercise
- Poor correlation between dynamic and static exercise and strength
- E.g. static training doesn’t give dynamic strength
- Strength increases largest when tested in modes similar to training
- Training with weights = strong with weights
- Trianing with isokinetic exercises= strong with isokinetic tests
- Poor correlation between dynamic and static exercise and strength
- Velocity Specificity
- Strength increases greatest when individuals tested in situations involving muscle actions at velocities similar to those experienced in training
- Power production more improved with plyometric-type training than with slow-velocity, heavy resistance
How does sex influence RT adaptation?
How does sex influence notice starting point?
- Sex – males and females respond similarly to resistance training, but start with quantitative differences in strength, muscle mass, and hormone levels
- Describe body size differences between sexes.
- What are these differences result of?
- Describe sex differences in upper and lower body strength
- How does sex influence force production capability
- Describe strength differences in relation to body comp
- Sex influence on muscle CSA per unit
- Differences in body size and composition
- Men larger, more muscle mass ➔ differences in strength
- Women higher percentage of body fat ➔ less muscle per pound of bodyweight
- Size/composition differences from differences in hormone levels
- Body strength sex differences
- Similar lower body strength
- Men stronger upper body strength
- Force production capability of given ammount of muscle not affected by sex
- Strength differneces shrink when comparing strength to fat free mass
- Sex differeces negligible when comparing per unit of muscle CSA
- What impact does age have on RT adaptations?
- What 2 things declines with age. What is it called and at what age does decline begin?
- Which motor units are most impacted by age?
- How can these effects be moderated and reversed?
- 3 things does RT increase in elderly?
- Function
- performance
- Size
- Age → diminished ability to produce force and deminished speed of force production
- Sarcopenia: progressive decline of muscle mass (and potentially muscle quality) starting in 30’s.
- High-threshold, fast-twitch muscle fibers lost with age → deminished ability to quickly generate force
- With high intensity RT
- Muscle function
- General motor performance
- Type I and II muscle fiber size
- How do genetics infleunce RT adaptations?
- How do genetic infleunce combine with sex and age?
- Genetics influence relative % of type I and II fibers, which places limits on hypertrophy, explosive and aerobic endurance capabilities
- Sex plays role in gene expression, additional ceiling on hypertrophy and strength
- Age limits available muscle mass and propagation of action potentials limiting speed and strength of movement
What is difference between hypertrophy and hyperplasia?
What on a cellular level, what 3 things occur during hypertrophy?
- Hypertrophy = ↑ in muscle size
- ↑ in # of contractile proteins (actin and myosin) within in myofibrils, which ↑ myofibril size
- ↑ in # of myofibrils in muscle cell/fiber
- Both 1 and 2 → ↑ myofibril diameter → ↑muscle cell/fiber diameter
- Hyperplasia (not proven to occur in humans) = increasing number of muscle fibers by splitting of existing myofibrils into daughter myofibrils
How does blood supply influence CT adaptations?
- Ligaments and tendons have poor blood supply and relatively few living cells w/in extracellular material ➔ prolonged adaption time
What adaptations likely occur in tendons and ligaments in response to aerobic training? What intensity is required?
- Ligament/tendon strength and thickness ↑ if intensity > daily activity and systematic increases in intensity to ensure progressive overload
- Low to moderate intensities not markedly change in collagen content of connective tissue
- Intensity must be greater than that applied in daily activities
What are likely adaptations in tendons and ligaments in response to RT?
- ↑ Ligament and tendon strength
- ↑ Tendon stiffness
- Long-term adaptations in tendons, ligaments, and fascia stimulated through progressive high intensity loading patterns using external resistances
- What adaptations occur in cartilage in response to aerobic training?
- In response to RT?
- Moderate running program may ↑ cartilage thickness
- Moderate intensity resistance training may ↑ cartilage thickness
What adaptions occur to bone in response to AET? How to maximize adaptions?
In response to RT? How to maximize adaptions?
- AET =
- No ∆ if intensity low
- ↑ if intensity high enough – high intensity interval training = best
- Requires intensity that consistently exceeds strain on bone than placed during usual daily activities
- RT =
- No ∆ if intensity not high enough
- ↑ in BMD and bone strength is intensity high enough
- ↑ in muscle strength and size → ↑ in mechanical stress on bones during exercise → stimulation of bone growth mechanisms
What is the process called that of building bone? What are mechanisms that increase BMD?
Remodeling = constant process of destroying/building bone
- Osteoclasts = cells that break down bone
- Osteoblasts = cells that stimulate bone synthesis
- What is general recommendation for increasing BMD?
- Increase with _ aet, _, _, _combo
- What are 4 recommendations for AET program design for increasing BMD?
- _ = ineffective
- _ + _ = better than above
- _ with _ loading ↓ age related bone loss
- _ ↑ bone mass
- What are 4 recommendations for RT program design for increasing BMD?
- __joint, _ exercsises that involve _
- Exercises that direct a_
- _ load exercises, _ impact exercises
- _ overload, increasing _
- ↑ BMD with high intensity weight-bearing aerobic exercise, plyometrics, resistance training, or combo
- Aerobic exercises
- Walking ≠effective in preventing bone loss with aging
- Walking + intermittent jogging = better than just walking
- Jogging with Higher-intensity bone loading forces ↓ age related bone loss
- High intensity weight bearing exercises ↑ bone mass
- Resistance Training
- Multi-joint, structural exercises that involve many muscle groups
- Exercises that direct axial force vectors through spine and hip
- Heavy load exercises, high impact exercises
- Progressive overload, increasing load exposed to tissues
- How to help conserve FFM when in deficit?
- What is relationship between aerobic activity and amount of fat loss?
- What levels are recommended for: minimal, moderate, and high weight loss?
- Aerobic endurance training + deficit = help conserve fat free mass
- Dose response relationship between amount of aerobic activity and amount of fat loss
- >150 minutes moderate activity = minimal weight loss
- <150 minutes - moderate
- 225-420 = high weight loss
What 2 changes in BF stores occur in resposne to resistance training?
Give 3 points of interest for fat loss relating to RT
- ↓ % body fat
- ↑ Fat free mass
- Higher volume burns more calories than lower volume
- Resistance training elevates metabolism during recovery period
- ↑ in FFM may ↑ RMR and TDEE
What are 4 possible chronic adaptions to neuromuscular system in response to AET?
- Efficiency
- MU discharge rate
- MU recruitment threshold
- Decline of MU conduction velocity during sustained contactions
- ↑ neural efficiency
- ↓ motor unit discharge rate
- ↓ motor unit recruitment thresholds
- ↓ in decline rate of motor unit conduction velocity during sustained contractions
- How do specific modes of training dictate neural adaptions?
- 3 ways heavy resistance training leads to maximal strength/power of trained muscles?
- 2 ways neurological adaptions from AET imrpove performace
- You become more neurologically efficient at what you practice
- Heavy resistance → maximal strength gains b/c
- ↑ in motor unit recruitment
- To meet force production needs
- ↑ firing rate
- Greater synchronization of neural discharge → improved coordination of muscle activity of multiple muscles
- ↑ in motor unit recruitment
- 2 ways neurological adaptions from AET imrpove performace
- Improved movement mechanics
- Delay in fatigue of contractile mechanisms

What adaptions occur within muscle cell in response to aerobic training?
- Type 1 CSA
- Fber type distribution
- capillary supply
- Mitochondrial density
- oxidative enzyme activity
- intermuscular stores of glycogen
- Myoglobin Concentration
- No change or small increase in Type 1 CSA
Shift in muscle fiber type distribution Type 2 ➔ Type 1
- Small ↑ % of Type 1 fibers
- Small ↓ % Type 2x fibers
- ↑ capillary supply ➔ ↑ blood flow to better feed muscles nutrients and pick up waste
- ↑ mitochondrial density (↑ size and number of mitochondria per cell)
- ↑ oxidative enzyme activity ➔ ↑ rate of slow oxidative system
- ↑ intermuscular stores of glycogen ➔ slower to fatigue aka better endurance
- ↑ Myoglobin Concentration (iron-containing protein in muscle cells, acts as reservoir and transport of oxygen within muscle to mitochondria) ➔ ↑ transport of O2 to mitochondria
What 11 adaptions occur within muscle cell in response to RT?
- Type 1 CSA
- Type 2 CSA
- % Type 2a
- % Type 2x
- % Type 1
- Absolute levels of:
- Phosphagen system enzymes
- Glycogen system enzymes
- CP
- Concentration of
- Phosphagen system enzymes
- Glycogen system enzymes
- CP
- ATP and CP changes during exercise
- Lactate increase during exercise
↑ Type 1 CSA (small)
- Even with heavy lifting, Type 1 Muscle fibers ↑ b/c of size principle for motor unit recruitment
- ↑ Type 2 (↑ > Type 1 ↑)
- ↑ % Type 2a
- ↓ % Type 2x
- No ∆ % Type 1
- ↑ absolute levels of:
- Phosphagen system enzymes
- Glycogen system enzymes
- CP
- Potential ↑ in Concentration of
- Phosphagen system enzymes
- Glycogen system enzymes
- CP
- ↓ ATP and CP changes during exercise
- ↓ Lactate increase during exercise
3 possible chronic neurological system adaptions to RT?
- Motor unit _ and _
- EMG during max muscle contractions
- _-Contraction
- ↑ Motor unit recruitment and firing unit rate
- Able to recruit more motor units
- Untrained folks are generally unable to activate all motor units, resistance training ↑ ability to recruit more motor units
- Able to recruit more motor units
- ↑ in EMG amplitude during maximal muscle contractions
- EMG measures the muscular response to neurological electrical activity
- EMG activity corelates to strength of muscle contraction and number of activated muscles
- Higher voltage – stronger contraction, more activated muscle fiber
- ↓ Co-contraction (simultaneous activation of agonist and antagonist muscles) ↓ antagonist torque that must be overcome by agonist → ↑ strength expression
What are acute cardiorespiratory responses during aerobic exercise?
- Heart Rate
- Stroke Volume
- Cardiac output
- Total Peripheral Resistance
- blood flow to coronary vasculature and coronary artery diameter
- Skeletal muscle blood flow
- Splanchnic blood flow
- Mean Arterial Pressure =
- Systolic Blood Pressure
- Diastolic blood pressure
- Rate Pressure Product RPP
- Plasma volume
- Hematocrit
- ↑ Heart Rate
- ↑ Stroke Volume = EDV-ESV
- End Diastolic Volume = blood in ventricles after filling
- End Systolic Volume = blood in ventricles after contraction
- Frank-Starling mechanism = stroke volume increases proportional to volume of blood filling heart (EDV)
- ↑ venous blood to heart stretches heart walls
- ↑ elastic contractile force from stretch in heart walls
- a + b = ↑ in blood ejected from left ventricle
- ↑ Cardiac output = HR x SV
- ↓ Total Peripheral Resistance (resistance to blood flow caused by exercise, nervous stimulation, metabolism, and environmental stress)
- Result of vasodilation which occurs to divert blood to working muscle
- ↑ blood flow to coronary vasculature and coronary artery diameter
- ↑ Skeletal muscle blood flow
- ↓ Splanchnic blood flow
- ↑ Mean Arterial Pressure = average blood pressure through cardiac cycle
- MAP = DBP + [.333 x (SBP-DBP)]
- MAP = Q x TPR
- ↑ Systolic Blood Pressure
- No ∆/ slight ↓ Diastolic blood pressure
- ↑ Rate Pressure Product RPP (estimation of work of heart) = HR x SBP
- ↓ Plasma volume (as ↑ in BP forces plasma from blood into intercellular space)
- ↑ Hematocrit (proportion of blood that is red blood cells)
What are 4 accute respiratory responses to aerobic exercise?
- ↑ Pulmonary Minute Ventilation (Ve) = BR x TV
- ↑ Breathing Rate
- ↑ Tidal Volume
- ↑ Respiratory Exchange Rate or Respiratory Quotient = VCO2/Vo2
- As RQ/REE approaches 1, increase in percentage of energy derived from
What are 5 acute cardiorespiratory changes to acute RT?
- HR
- SV
- SBP and DBP
- Cardiac Output
- VO2
- ↑ HR
- ↑ SV
- ↑ SBP and DBP
- ↑ Cardiac Output (Q)
- ↑ VO2
What cardiorespiratory adaptions in response to chronic aerobic training?
- Heart
- ↑ Left ventricular _ chamber diameter
- ↑ _ muscle thickness
- ↑ _ muscle thickness
- Blood
- ↑ Blood _
- ↑ _ blood volume (rapid)
- ↑ _ blood cell volume (takes few weeks)
- Blood Pressure
- ↓ _ blood pressure
- Respiratory system
- ↑ _ muscle endurance
- ↑ Respiratory muscle _
- Heart
- ↑ Left ventricular end-diastolic chamber diameter
- ↑ Left ventricular muscle thickness
- ↑ Coronary ventricular muscle thickness
- Blood
- ↑ Blood volume
- ↑ Plasma blood volume (rapid)
- ↑ Red blood cell volume (takes few weeks)
- Blood Pressure
- ↓ Resting blood pressure
- Respiratory system
- ↑ Ventilatory muscle endurance
- ↑ Respiratory muscle aerobic enzymes
What are 10 cardiorespiratory adaptions to chronic RT training?
- Resting HR
- Resting BP
- Rate Pressure Product
- absolute magnitude of stroke volume
- _ wall thickness
- capillarization in proportion to muscle growth
- Mitochondrial density
- Myoglobin concentration
- LDL-cholesterol
- HDL-cholesteral
- Total cholesterol
- ↓ Resting HR
- ↓ Resting BP
- ↓ Rate Pressure Product = HR x SBP, a measure of myocardial work
- ↑ absolute magnitude of stroke volume, it ↑ in proportion to lean body mass ↑
- ↑ in left ventricular wall thickness, proportional to body mass ↑
- ↑ capillarization in proportion to muscle growth
- ↓ Mitochondrial density
- ↓ Myoglobin concentration
- No ∆ or slight↓ in LDL-cholesterol and total cholesterol
- No ∆ or slight ↑ in HDL-cholesterol
What are metabolic adaptions in response to AET?
- Lactate threshold
- Stored ATP,
- Stored creatine phosphate
- Stored glycogen
- Stored triglycerides
- Phosphagen and glycogen enzyme activity
- Mitochondrial and capillary density
- Reliance on fat as energy source
- Use of carbohydrates during _ exercise
- ↑ Lactate threshold
- ↑ Stored ATP, creatine phosphate, glycogen, and triglycerides
- ↑ Phosphagen and glycogen enzyme activity
- ↑ Mitochondrial and capillary density
- ↑ reliance on fat as energy source
- ↓ use of carbohydrates during submaximal exercise
What are 6 metabolic adaptions from RT?
- substrate absolute levels
- Enzyme absolute levels
- substrate concentration
- enzyme concentration
- substrate changes during exercise
- __ ↑ during exercise
- ↑ Absolute levels of CP and ATP
- ↑ Absolute levels of phosphagen system and glycolytic system enzymes
- Potential ↑ concentration of CP and ATP
- Potential ↑ in concentration of phosphagen and glycolytic systems enzymes
- ↓ CP and ATP changes during exercise
- ↓ Lactate ↑ during exercise
What are acute metabolic responses to Aerobic exercise?
- Oxygen consumption (_)
- Arteriovenous oxygen difference
- Blood lactate
- Blood pH
- ↑ Oxygen consumption VO2
- Calculate VO2 with Fick equation. VO2 = Q x a-vO2 difference
- ↑ Arteriovenous oxygen difference (a-vO2)
- ↑ Blood lactate
- ↓ Blood pH
What are acute metabolic responses to RT session?
- Hydrogen ion concentration
- CP concentration
- Inorganic Phosphate concentration
- Glycogen concentration
- Ammonia levels
- ATP concentration
- ↑ Hydrogen ion concentration
- ↑ Inorganic Phosphate concentration
- ↑ Ammonia levels
- ↓ CP concentration
- ↓ Glycogen concentration
- No ∆ or slight ↓ ATP concentration
What are hormonal responses during aerobic exercise?
- Catecholamines
- Glucagon
- Insulin
- Insulin sensitivity
- Cortisol @ low to moderate intensity
- Cortisol @ moderate to vigorous intensity ( > _% VO2 max)
- Growth hormone
- ↑ Catecholamines
- to facilitate cardiovascular changes (e.g. norepinephrine and epinephrine, fight or flight hormones to help deliver blood/oxygen to working muscles)
- ↑ Glucagon
- to stimulate conversation of plasma glycogen to glucose
- ↓ Insulin + ↑ Insulin sensitivity
- Prevents glucose transport to non-working cells so glucose can be used for exercise energy
- ↑ glucagon + ↓ insulin = enhanced fat breakdown in tissue + ↑ fatty acids as fuel source
- ↓ Cortisol @ low to moderate intensity
- ↑ Cortisol @ moderate to vigorous intensity ( > 60% VO2 max)
- Cortisol promotes use of fats
- Stimulates conversion of proteins for aerobic systems/glycolysis
- ↑ Growth hormone
- Works with cortisol and glucagon to make fats and carbohydrates available for metabolism
What are 4 hormonal responses to a RT session? (ECTG)
- ↑ Epinephrine concentration
- ↑ Cortisol concentration
- ↑ Testosterone concentration
- ↑ Growth hormone concentration
What is overall hormonal adaption to AET?
In what 2 ways does this manifest (think in terms of rise and fall of specific hormones, what hormones?)
- _ response in _ @ same absolute level of submax intensity
- _ in _ of e_, n_, g_, c_, and g_
- _ in size of insulin _during submaximal exercise
- _moderate/intense exercise ➔ _ can last _ hours.
- Acute effects of exercise _, but this is not _
- Blunted response in hormone release @ same absolute level of submax intensity
- ↓ in rise of epinephrine, norepinephrine, glucagon, cortisol, and growth hormone
- ↓ in size of insulin decrease during submaximal exercise
- Acute moderate/intense exercise ➔ ↑ insulin sensitivity that can last 72 hours.
- Acute effects of exercise can improve long-term glucose control, but this is not a result of chronic adaption in muscle function
What are 3 hormonal adaptions in response to RT?
(magnitutde, concentrations, sensitivity)
- No ∆ in resting Growth Hormone concentrations, but cumulative effect of acute ↑ in GH → ↑ hypertrophy
- ↑ in magnitude of endocrine response
- ↑ Tissue sensitivity to hormone by ↑ quantity of hormone receptors
What are 3 psychological changes in response to chronic exercise?
- ↑ Serotonin and norepinephrine levels
- ↓ State anxiety symptoms
- ↑ Cognition (particularly with aerobic fitness)
What are 3 adaptions from chronic exercise that that improve cognition?
- _ changes
- _ factors
- _ efficency
- Vascular changes = better blood flow to brain à more nutrients to support healthy neural tissue and neural processes
Neurotrophic factors = agents that preserve and nourish brain tissue
- ↑ expression of genes that code for neurotrophic factors
- Positive relationship with VO2 max and brain tissue density
- ↑ expression of genes that code for neurotrophic factors
- Neural Efficiency = improved CNS fatigue resistance over course of sustained mental effort à ↑mental function
- What is gene associated with Alzheimers and what is its association?
- What is relationship between this gene and exercise?
- APOE e4 =g ene that →↑ risk cognitive impairment/Alzheimer’s
- People with APOE e4 have larger magnitude of effect for benefits of exercise and detriments of inactivity
- What are 2 effects of exercise in relationship between anxiety and chronic exercise?
- Feel better effect = Change in _
- Stress/Anxiety symptoms reduction
- _ nature may contribute to stress reduction
- Feel better following intense exercise might be due to _ responses (↑ _ and _(e.g. _)
- Stress/Anxiety symptoms reduction
- _ effect = metabolic _ → _ production during exercise → relaxation
- Feel better effect = Change in psychological state from exercise
- Stress/Anxiety symptoms reduction
- Rhythmic nature may contribute to stress reduction
- Feel better following intense exercise might be due to physiological responses (↑ beta endorphin and neurotransmitters (e.g. serotonin)
- Stress/Anxiety symptoms reduction
- Thermogenic effect = metabolic inefficiency → heat production during exercise → relaxation
How effective is exercise for treating clinical depression?
What are 3 ways exercise influences depression symptoms? What other brain condition does it influence?
- Appears as effective as medication for people experiencing clinical depression
- Exercise elevates levels of biogenic amines in the brain → ↓ depression and Parkinson’s
- ↑Serotonin (neurotransmitter) levels
- ↑Dopamine levels and receptor binding sensitivity
- ↑Norepinephrine levels ↑ with exercise

- Post exercise hypotension = _-_ mmHg _ from aerobic exercise
- Aerobic exercise _ both SBP and DBP by _-_mmHg
- Post exercise hypotension = 5-7 mmHg drop from aerobic exercise
- Aerobic exercise decreases both SBP and DBP by 4-7mmHg