Training Flashcards
What does BFM stand for?
Bonded Fiber Matrix
What does BMP stand for?
Best Management Practice
What does CCD stand for?
Construction Change Directive
What does CEC stand for?
Civil Engineering Consultant
What does CM stand for?
Walmart Construction Manager
What does CO stand for?
Compliance Officer
What does CPESC stand for?
Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control
What does CWA stand for?
Clean Water Act
What does DM stand for?
Walmart Design Manager
What Does E&SC stand for?
Erosion and Sediment Control
What does ECTC stand for?
Erosion Control Technology Council
What does GC stand for?
General Contractor
What does HDPE stand for?
High Density Polyethylene
What does MS4 stand for?
Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System
What does MSDS stand for?
Material Safety Data Sheet
What does NOI stand for?
Notice of Intent
What does NOT stand for?
Notice of Termination
What does NPDES stand for?
National Polluntant Discharge Elimination System
What does NTU stand for?
Nephelometric Turbidity Unit
What does OTB stand for?
Out of Bid
What does PAM stand for?
What does RECP stand for?
Rolled Erosion Control Products
What does RFI stand for?
Request for Information
What does SWPPP stand for?
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
What does TRM stand for?
Turf Reinforcement Mat
What does USEPA stand for?
United States Environmental Protection Agency
What does WMT stand for?
Wal-Mart Stores Inc.
What does SWC stand for?
Wal-Mart Stormwater Coordinator
What does SWCT stand for?
Wal-Mart Stormwater Compliance Team
What does CESSWI stand for?
Certified Erosion,Sediment, and Stormwater Inspector
What does CPSWQ stand for?
Certified Professional in Stormwater Quality
What does CISEC stand for?
Certified Inspector of Sediment and Erosion Control