Trainee Care Support Worker 1 Flashcards
What is the procedure of a non-emergency detainment under the MHA?
GP, family member or carer expresses concern, discusses with patient. In a severe situation the concerned party can ask for a formal assessment through the MHA. This can also happen in court or via a prison transfer.
How long can someone be held under a Section 2?
28 days
How long can someone be held under a Section 3?
6 months
What is an MHT
Mental Health Tribunal–an independent board that can decide on discharge when a patient appeals against their detainment.
Other than an MHT what is a patient wishing to protest their detainment entitled to
An independent mental health advocate, as well as making a complaint to the CQC
What is Section 17 leave
Leave allowed from hospital under Section 17,agreed by a health professional. Can be revoked at any time, due to breach of the conditions attached (also determined by the health professional)
What is a CTO
Community Treatment Order- patient can go home if certain conditions are met (eg clinician may be concerned a patient will not Co tinue their treatment upon leaving). Assigned a care coordinator. Can be appealed.
What is the SOAD service
Second Opinion Appointed Doctor service, safeguards patient rights. Check if recommended treatment is appropriate.
What are AMHPs
Approved Mental Health Professionals, receive special training to provide assistance to those detained under the MHA. Can investigate if someone needs to be compulsorarily detained. Responsible for upholding patients human and civil rights.
What is the key tenet of the MCA
Choosing the least restrictive alternative
What is an advance statement
Can be made by someone who expects their mental capacity to be diminished in the future. Not legally binding. Can cover religious/care/preference/practical needs.
What is an ADRT or living will
Legally binding decisions to refuse specific future treatment. If this involves life sustaining treatment it must be in writing, signed and witnessed as well as stating clearly the decision applied even if life is at risk.
What is an LPA
Lasting Power of Attorney, allows a trusted individual to make decisions about patient’s health, welfare, property or financial affairs. Duty to make sure the MCA is adhered to, and that the person can’t make the decision themselves.
What is the Court of Protection
Oversees operation of the MCA, settles disputes between carers and social workers about a patients best interests.
What is the process to be followed when a deprivation of liberty may be necessary
The provider of care (hospital or care home) applies to the local authority for an assessment of the person’s care and treatment to see if the deprivation of liberty is in the persons best interests. If not, the treatment package must be changed.
What are some things to mention about the structure of the NHS?
Primary/secondary/Community care NHS Foundation Trusts NHS Trusts Clinical Commissioning Groups Long Term Plan
What are some challenges to the NHS
Ageing population
Antibiotic resistance
Brexit (hiring from overseas more difficult)
But world renowned for its quality of care!!
Good qualities
Responsible Calm Welcoming Compassionate Responsive Caring Good under pressure Team player Empathic Organised