Trail Flashcards
Each bite or hit of or stepping on a log, cone, or plant
Penalty 1
Each tick of log, pole, cone, plant or any component of the obstacle
penalty 1/2
Incorrect gait or break of gait at the walk or jog for two strides or less
Penalty 1
Both front or hind feet in a single-stride slot or space at a walk or jog
Penalty 1
Skipping over or failure to step into a required spot
Penalty 1
Split pole in lope over
Penalty 1
Incorrect number of strides, if specified
penalty 1
Incorrect or break of gait at the walk or jog for more than 2 strides
Penalty 3
Out of lead or break of gait at the lope(except for fixing an incorrect lead)
Penalty 3
Knocking down an elevated pole, cone, barrel, plant, obstacle, or severely disturbing an obstacle
Penalty 3
Falling or jumping off or out of a bridge or water box with ONE foot once the horse has got into that obstacle
Penalty 3
Stepping outside the confines of and obstacle with designated boundaries
(i.e. back through, 360 box, side pass) with ONE foot once a horse had entered the obstacle
Penalty 3
missing or evading a pole that is a part of a series of an obstacle with one foot
Penalty 3
Dropping slicker or object to be carried on course
Penalty 5
1st or 2nd cumulative refusal, balk, or evading an obstacle by shying or backing
Penalty 5
letting go of gate or dropping a rope gate
Penalty 5
Use of either hand to instill fear or praise
Penalty 5
Falling or jumping off or out of a bridge or a water box with more than one foot once the horse has got onto or into that obstacle
Penalty 5
Stepping outside the confines of an obstacle with designated boundaries with more than one foot once the horse has entered the obstacle
I.e back through, 360-degree box, side pass
Penalty 5
Missing or evading a pole that is part of a series of an obstacle with more than one foot
Penalty 5
Blatant disobedience (including, kicking, biting, bucking, rearing, or striking)
Penalty 5
Use of Romal other than outlined in western equipment.
Penalty score 0
Use of 2 hands (except in snaffle bit or hackamore classes designated for two hands) or CHANGING HANDS ON REINS except for junior horses shown with hackamore or snaffle bit, only one hand may be used on the reins, except that it is permissible to change hands to work an obstacle or to straighted reins when stopped
penalty score 0
Performing an obstacle incorrectly or other than specified order
Penalty score 0
No attempt to perform an obstacle
Penalty score 0
Equipment failure that delays completion of the pattern
Penalty score 0
Excessively or repeatedly touching the horse on the neck to lower the head
Penalty score 0
Entering or exiting an obstacle from the wrong side or direction
Penalty score 0
Working an obstacle in the incorrect direction including overturns more than 1/4
Penalty score 0
Riding outside designated boundary marker of the arena or course area
Penalty score 0
3rd cumulative refusal, balk or evading an obstacle by shying or backing
Penalty score 0
Failure to ever demonstrate correct lead and/or gait between obstacles as designated
Penalty score 0
Failure to follow the correct line of travel between obstacles
Penalty score 0
Excessive schooling, pulling, turning, stepping, or backing anywhere on course
Penalty score 0
Failure to open and shut gate or failure to complete gate
(except for level 1 rookie classes where they placed below all horses who complete the course correctly