Trading Losses Flashcards
What are the main reliefs for trading reliefs that it can be put against?
Opening Year Relief Relief against total income Relief against future trading profits Relief against chargeable gains Terminal Year Relief
What is carry forward relief?
Default relief
Against the first available future trading profits from the SAME TRADE.
Losses cannot be restricted therefore PA maybe wasted
What is relief against total income?
What happens to the excess loss?
This is offset against TOTAL PROFIT
Losses are set against total income in the ‘tax year of the loss’, and/or -the preceding (previous) year
Can set off
- CY then CB then CF
- CB then CY then CF
- Remaining losses CF
Losses cannot be restricted therefore PA maybe wasted. However if it excess the maximum amount then it may be restricted.
Excess losses can be carrief forward or set against chargeable gains
What is relief against chargeable gains and what are the conditions?
This can only be used if the trading loss has been
relieved against total income (UP TO NIL) in the tax year in which a claim against gains is required. So the remaining loss can then be relieved against
chargeable gains.
Do not need to claim against total income in both years first
Maximum amount needs to be relieved, therefore AE maybe wasted as well as the PA
No maximum loss restriction
**What is the profoma for the gains relief (After working out the amount to deduct)
Trading loss is treated as a current year capital loss,
So it is deducted; CY capitalgain Less CY Capital losses **Loss relief **** Less Capital losses B/FWd (ONLY HERE it is restricted to protect AEA)
- And before the Annual exemption amount of £3k
What is the restriction on the relief against total income and what does it apply to?
The cap is the higher of £50,000 or 25% of a person’s adjusted total income. For this purpose, total income is AFTER deducting the gross amount of personal pension contributions from the total income.
- Applies to trading losses set against CY Total income and earlier years if set against income from anything other than profits of the same trade
- The offset of qualifying loan interest against total income.
- The offset of losses arising in the first four tax years of a business against general income in the three preceding years.
- The offset of capital losses on the disposal of qualifying unquoted shares against general income.
For the restriction on the relief against total income, how is this applied for the offsets against earlier years and what happens to the remaining amount?
• Set against profits from same trade first, then non-trading income
• Losses that cannot be offset are;
- Can claim to offset against chargeable gain
- Carried forward as usual
When there is more than one loss to offset, what is the general rule?
Deal with the earliest loss first.
Losses brought forward are offset in priority to CY and PY claims
What is the opening loss relief rule?
What is it relieved against
and in what order
Optional claim
Is available if trading losses arise in any of first 4 tax years of trading and is set against total income by carrying back 3 tax years on a FIFO basis
How is opening loss relief rule applied
If claimed, set loss against - total income - in 3 tax years before tax year of loss - on a FIFO basis One claim covers all 3 years Maximum amount needs to be relieved, therefore PA maybe wasted
What is the terminal loss relief
The relief is given for the loss of the last 12 months of trading.
How is the terminal loss relieved rule?
What is it relieved against
and in what order
The relief is;
- Against profits of the SAME trade
- Of the tax year of cessation and
- the three preceding tax years
- On a LIFO basis
What is the calculation/profoma of the terminal loss?
1) Loss from 6 April to date of cessation
2) 12 Months before cessation to 5th April before cessation. (IGNORE IF THIS IS A PROFIT)
3) Plus unrelieved overlap profits
YE 31 Jan 19, ceasing trade on 30th Sep 19
1) 6 April 19 TO 30 September 19 (6months)
2) 1 Feb 19 TO 5 April 19 (£24,000×2/8)
1 October 18 TO 31 Jan 19 (£39,000×4/12)
3) Overlap profits
What are the 2losses that CAN be restricted for individuals?
- Capital loss CF (Against gains)
- Trading loss restricted to higher of £50k or 25% Adjusted total income (Against Total income)
Generally when working with losses, what are something you want to consider before beginning to deep dive into the question?
Whether early year of business or last year of business and if there are any chargeable gains in the tax year