Trading Income INCOMPLETE Flashcards
Taxes and NICs on trading income
-Income tax (Non sacing)
-Class 2 NIC
-Class 4 NIC
What is the class 2 NIC?
-Fixed amount of 3.45 pounds per week
-It is applied according to the number of weeks of a fiscal year in which the trade took place.
-52 weeks in a year
-Class 2 NIC is waived off if trading income in a tax year is less than 12,570 (small profit threshold)
given in paper
What is the class 4 NIC?
It is payable on trading income (bands will be given in exam)
1-12,570 (0%)
12,571- 50,270 (9%)
50,271+ (2%)
What are the badges of trade?
Factors that indicate whether a person is doing trade of an asset or not.
If transaction is regarded as a trade then its income will be included in trading income, and income tax and NIC will be payable on it.
If the transaction is regarded as a capital transaction then CGT will be paid on it.
Badges of trade are…
Funny Otters Can’t Predict Nature!
F - Frequency of transactions
O - Ownership period
C - Complimentary work done
P - Planned or not
N - Nature of asset
These are considerable factors, not conclusive.
what is the basis period calculation
A - Accounting year vs. Tax year
Basis period rules align them for tax purposes when they don’t match.
L - Legacy overlapping profits
Old rules (before Finance Act 2023) led to overlapping profits, where the same income was taxed twice.
I - Identify old profits
Overlapping profits from the old rules can still exist.
G - Goodbye old rules
Finance Act 2023 simplified things:
Tax is based on proportional months across the tax year.
Overlapping rules are gone, but any existing overlapping profits are relieved in the transition year.
N - New adjustment
Deduct overlapping profits from trading income in the transition year to calculate the taxable trading income.
Partnership business
each partner is given their share of profit and they have to pay their own income tax and NIC.
their share of profit includes salary, interest on capital and share in residual profit
what is capital allowance
Tax allowable depreciation, as normal depreciation is not allowed expense in tax.
(due to subjectivity etc)
capital allowance is available for?
plant & machinery which helps a business to function for its trade.
it is not available for building structures (on them a separate allowance known as SBA is available)
capital allowance treatment?
allowed expense in trading PnL.
for capital allowance purpose assets are divided in two heads which are.. and why? which is better?
2 heads:
1- Main pool/general pool (18%)
2- Special rate pool (6%)
why: cuz diff type of assets have diff rates of allowance
main pool is better due to higher allowed exp, lower tax will be charged. faster tax relief.
what does main pool include
all assets not shown in any other pool are classified in main pool.
allowance is 18% per year in main pool
what assets does special rate pool include?
C - Cars with CO₂ emissions > 50g/km
L - Lifts and escalators
I - Immense Long-life assets (25+ years AND £100k+ expenditure in 12 months) (flooring, plumbing, solar, cable network)
T - Thermal insulations
C - Cooling systems
H - Heating and lighting systems
what is the Annual Investment Allowance (AIA)? what does it do and for what assets is it available?
-Tax relief available to businesses that allows them to deduct full cost of assets from trading income.
-Annual limit is £1 million.
-It is available on purchase of NEW plant and machinery.
Not available for cars
Who is annual investment allowance available for? And when would it be apportioned?
All businesses eligible for AIA
Limit is proportioned if:
-Business not in operation for a full year.
-Accounting period < 12 months.
-Related businesses (e.g., parent company & subsidiaries, same activity, or shared premises).
In what order is AIA used?
-first for Special rate pool assets because rate of allowance is lesser
then main pool assets
capital allowance for cars?
There are 4 types of cares:
1) Electric cars with 0% CO2 emmissions:
New: 100% allowance (separate from AIA, so this is available even if AIA is used)
2) Electric 0 emmisisons car but it was purchased Used:
Main pool
-Cars having CO2 of less than 50g: main pool
-Cars having CO2 of more than 50g: special rate pool (because they are worse for environment)
if an asset is disposed it is removed from the pool at what value?
lower of:
-disposal proceed
if balance in any pool falls below 1000
the entire amount can be written off as an allowed expense in that year, instead of continuing to claim the 18% writing down allowance over several years.
this will simplify accounting for small business, reduce admin burden
this is called the small balance allowance
if an asset is purchased for business before start of trading activity how will it impact capital allowance?
And what if it’s used?
it will be treated as purchased on first day of business. the pretrading period is allowed uptil 7 years prior to start of business.
however if it is used, it’s value will be MV for the purpose of capital allowance
can repair expenses go into the capital allowance pools?
normally they are considered as revenue expenditure and treated as normal allowed expense
if repair expense done on asset = >50% of value of asset, over two years.
then it will not be treated as revenue expenditure.
it will be included in capital allowance working and yearly allowance will be claimed on it.
what if the asset is used partially in business and partially private use? will capital allowance be available?
separate pool (column) will be made
-asset will be depreciated by normal amount however, amount shifted to allowane column will be of business portion only
-Use AIA last against private use asset
-concept of pvt use is only for individuals, as companies cannot do private use
what if a company asset is being for private use by director? eg. a car?
capital allowance will be claimed normally
it will be a non cash employment benefit
-director will pay Income Tax on it
-Class 1A NIC will have to be paid by company
What is the Short life asset election?
-SLA election applies to new assets only.
-The asset is de-pooled (kept separate from the main or special rate pool).
-Normal allowances (e.g., 18% or 6%) apply, but the asset is tracked separately.
On disposal, balancing adjustment will be available separately.
-Balancing Allowance: If a balance remains after disposal, it is claimed as an immediate allowance.
-Balancing Charge: If the pool becomes negative, the excess is treated as a charge and added to taxable income.
SLA column looks like
Cost of asset
Less: Capital allowances
Tax written down value
Less: Asset Disposal (Lower of Cost/DP)
If any balance remains, then it is added in capital allowance
If balance is negative, deduct from capital allowance. (add to taxable income)
when is SLA election useful
Useful when asset is expected to be sold or scrapped within a short period of time (8 years)I
Without SLA:
Asset goes into the main pool, and the company claims 18% Writing Down Allowance (WDA) each year.
Relief is spread out over many years, even after the asset is no longer useful.
With SLA:
The asset is de-pooled and tracked separately.
When the computers are scrapped in year 4, any unrelieved balance is claimed as a balancing allowance immediately, giving faster tax relief.
AIA is used in which order
Special pool
General pool
Private use assets
If a business purchases a green asset (eco friendly)
100% first year allowance (FYA)
could be:
-energy-efficient equipment
-low-emission vehicles, -renewable energy installations (e.g., solar panels)
who is elligible for small business scheme?
Sole traders /partnerships with revenue ≤ £150,000 (can stay until revenue hits £300,000).
how does small business scheme work
Tax is based on cash sales and cash expenses.
100% deduction for assets (except cars).
Loss Relief: for small business scheme
Only carry forward loss relief allowed.
benefit of small business scheme
Simplifies returns—prepare directly from cash book.
What type of buildings qualify for the Structures and Buildings Allowance (SBA)?
Commercial buildings purchased for use in trade, such as offices, warehouses, factories, and retail premises.
When is the SBA available for a building?
Only for buildings constructed after 29 October 2018 (or 1 April 2020 for ATX exams).
What is the annual rate of the SBA?
3% per year over a period of 33 years and 4 months
Can the value of land be included in the SBA claim?
No, the SBA only applies to the building structure, not the land
Can plant and machinery qualify for SBA?
No, if the expenditure qualifies for plant and machinery allowances, it cannot also qualify for the SBA.
What happens when a building qualifying for SBA is sold?
The SBA claimed up to the date of sale is added back when calculating Capital Gains Tax (CGT).
CGT= DP-cost+SBA claim
Does SBA apply to improvements or renovations to a building?
Yes, subsequent improvements or renovations can also qualify for SBA.
What happens if a capital allowance asset is sold?
CGT applies to the gain only (no loss relief since allowances were given on cost).
Asset is removed from the capital allowance pool at the lower of cost or disposal proceeds (DP)
What happens to capital allowance pools when a business ceases?
Normal allowances are not claimed.
Entire pool value shifts to the allowance column after disposal adjustments.
How are assets treated when transferred to connected parties?
Assets are transferred at tax written-down value (no disposal adjustment).
Connected parties include:
Companies in a 51% group, parents, grandparents, children, grandchildren, siblings, spouse, and business partners.
What happens if a business has a trading loss and cannot use it?
The business can choose not to claim capital allowances.
Pool values remain intact and can be used for future profits via written-down allowances.
What is the disallowed expense for rented cars with CO2 emissions above 50g/km?
15% of the expense will not be allowed.
What is the super allowance, and when is it available?
130% allowance for Main Pool assets, 50% for SRP assets (1 April 2021 – 31 March 2023).
Not available for cars.
If claimed, no written-down allowance is available in that year.
Why is AIA preferred over super allowance for SRP assets?
AIA relieves 100% of the value, while super deduction applies to only 50% of the value.
What happens when an asset with a super allowance is disposed ?
Balancing charge = Lower of cost or DP.
For SRP assets, balancing charge applies to 50% of the value.
Deducted directly from the allowance column, not the pool.
A business is making a trading loss and has no taxable profit to offset the loss against (e.g., in the current year or via carry-back claims).
Don’t claim capital allowances if you can’t utilize the trading loss, and save the pool for future years with profits!