Trading Income Flashcards
Badges of trade
Intention to make a profit Number of similar transactions Nature of the asset (personal, capital, resale) Connection with existing trade (eg mechanic selling a car) Changes to the asset Reasons for sale Source of finance Period of ownership Method of acquisition
Trading allowance
An allowance of £1,000 is available to individuals who carry on a trade. If trading receipts for an individual (not partner_ are less than £1,000 those receipts are not taxable.
If the receipts are above £1,000 the individual has a choice between calculating their taxable trading income in the usual way using the accruals basis, or alternatively, by election, deducting deemed expenses of £1,000 from the receipts with no further reduction for the actual expenses. The election applies to all of the individuals trades and relates to a specific tax year.
Capital expenditure
Disallowable. Distinguish between genuine repairs and improvements.
Appropriation of goods
- sole trader drawings
- excessive remuneration for family / friends
- partners “salaries”
Goods for own use
Effectively an appropriation of profit
General provision
For example of bad debts or stock, the movement in the general provision is disallowed.
Specific bad debts are allowable.
Non trade bad debts
Non staff entertaining - disallowed
Staff entertaining - allowable
- gifts to employees
- gifts of trade samples (one per customer per year)
- gifts to customers if they incorporate a conspicuous advertisement, are not food, drink tobacco or vouchers exchangeable for goods and the total cost per customer is no more than £50
- small donations to LOCAL charities if the gift enhances the public image of the trade
- subscriptions to trade and professional associations
- Donations to national charities
- Political donations
- Charitable donations under Gift Aid
Fines and penalties
Disallow fines and penalties except parking fines incurred by an employee on a business activity
Allowable expenditure
Wholly and exclusively incurred for the purposes of trade, not specifically disallowed by legislation
Interest on late paid tax
Interest on sums borrowed by the business
Legal and professional fees
Legal and prof fees relating to capital expenditure is disallowable (eg conveyancing architects, surveyors fees)
However the following expenses relating to capital assets are specifically allowable:
- Legal costs relating to the renewal of a short lease (50 years or less)
- Costs of registration of a parent or copyright for trade use
- incidental costs of raising long term finance
Irrecoverable VAT
Allowed if the expenditure to which it relates is allowable
Employment payments
Earnings paid to employees are generally allowable (must be paid within 9 months of the accounting period)
- include tax and NIC (employer and employee)
- Redundancy payments are generally allowable (on cessation of trade restricted to 3 times the amount of statutory redundancy pay)
Pension scheme
Employers’ contributions to a registered pension scheme are allowable in the accCounting period of payment
Car leasing and rental costs
15% disallowance if emissions >110g/km for leases out on / after 6 April 2018. (prior to that it was more than 130g/km)
Private use of leased item
A further proportion of the lease cost must be disallowed where there is private use by the sole trader
Fixed rate expenses
All unincorporated businesses can elect to deduct business expenses at a fixed rate instead of following normal rules
Fixed rate expenses: Motor vehicles
The fixed rate deduction is made using the approved mileage allowances (see tables) rather than actual expenditure
Fixed rate expenses: use of home for business purposes
Available where the trader or his employees use part of the trader’s home for business purposes (25 hours+ per month)
25-50 hours monthly adjustment £10
51 - 100 hours monthly adjustment £18
101 or more per month £26
Use of business as a home
Reduce allowable costs depending on no. occupants