Trademarks Flashcards
Trademark: Definition
- Is a word, phrase, symbol or design, or a combination of
words, phrases, symbols or designs, logos, company
names, product names, and slogans that identifies and
distinguishes the source of the goods of one party from
those of others. - Examples – Reebok, Mc Donald’s, Nike, Levis etc
- Trademark is a symbol that indicates who is responsible for the goods placed in the market
- Trademarks help to distinguish between the goods of competing traders
- Trademark helps a customer to buy goods of a certain quality (e.g. colour, size, weight,
fragrance, taste.)
Trade Names vs Trademarks?
Trade names are names, terms
or designations that serve to
identify and distinguish an
enterprise and its business
activities from those of other
enterprise and its business
Whereas the trademark
distinguishes the goods or
services of an enterprise, a trade
name identifies the entire
enterprise and symbolises the
reputation and goodwill of the
business as a whole.
Why do we have trademarks and tradenames
- The main reason for protecting trademark and trade
names against infringement is that the public might be
misled into thinking that two separate enterprises using
same or confusingly similar trademark or a trade name
constitute one and the same enterprise - It is not only harmful to the consumers but it also permits
the infringing enterprise to benefit unfairly.
What is a tradename under UK law?
Trade name refers to a name which is used to impart distinct identity to the company or firm.
Such company will conduct their business activities under this term. The trade name is
mandatory for registering the company under the existing act.
* One can choose any trade name for its business provide it is not already in existence. That
means two identical trade names cannot exists in a legal space.
What is a trademark under UK law?
- Trademark refers to a brand name that carries exclusive
rights. It includes logo, symbol, word, numerals, or a
combination of these. It helps the company to distinguish
their offering from the rest of the competition. - In the UK, a trade mark registration gives the proprietor the
exclusive right to use the registered trade mark on those
goods or services for which it is registered. A registration
also gives the owner the right to stop others from using
confusingly similar marks for their goods or services.
What is Trademark infringement?
Trade Marks Act 1994 (TMA)
2008 Trade Marks Directive
2015 Trade Marks Directive
Trademark infringement occurs
when someone else uses a
sign that is identical to a
registered trademark in the
course of a trade.
The TMA goes further to state
that even if a sign is similar to
that of a registered trademark,
this could be classed as an
infringement if it creates
confusion in the minds of the
Therefore, a Defendant will not
escape liability for trademark
infringement by simply altering
the wording or logo of a
registered trademark.
what is passing off?
- Trademarks can still be enforced even if they have not been registered. This is
through the common law action of passing off. - The underlying principle behind this action is that “a man is not to sell his
goods under the pretence that they are the goods of another man”. Broadly
speaking, passing off occurs when:
A claimant’s goods or services have goodwill attached to them, i.e. they
have a particular image and reputation attached to them, which enable
the public to easily recognise those particular goods or services;
There has been a misrepresentation to the public (which does not have
to be intentional) which would lead, or is likely to lead, the public into
believing that the goods or services offered by the defendant belong to
the claimant; and
There has been damage caused to the goodwill or reputation of the
Service Marks
- Where a trademark is used
in connection with services,
it may be called a “service
mark”. - Service marks are used by
hotels, restaurants, airlines,
tourist agencies, laundries
and cleaners etc
what are the three important concepts of trademarks?
Marks that cannot be registered
The spectrum of distinctiveness.
Marks that cannot be registered
Generic Terms
Scandalous or immoral marks
Deceptive Terms
Flags and Official Hallmarks
Descriptive Terms
As per modern business conditions, a TM performs the following functions
- It identifies the product and origin.
- It guarantees its unchanged quality.
- It advertises the product.
- It creates an image for the product
A Trademark should have the following essential elements
A Trademark should have a Distinctive Character (Distinctiveness of the Trademark)
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Are Trademarks international?
There is No “Global Trademark” HOWEVER - you can file trade
marks in over 100 countries via the World Intellectual Property
Organization (WIPO) on one application.
Do UK Trademarks apply internationally
No - If you want to use your trade mark in countries other than
the UK, you can apply to the trade mark office in each country
Do UK trademarks apply in the EU?
No – Trademarks in the UK only apply in the UK. Trademarks
registered under the EU are registered in all 27 member states.