Trade Integration - Customs Union (L2, L3, L4) Flashcards
What is a CU?
A form of regional integration which has free trade + CET
what is the main point of trade theory?
Free trade maximises world production
Arguments FOR free trade?
- bigger market, more competition, lower prices
- imports are cheaper
Arguments AGAINST free trade (argument for tariffs)
- Tariffs increase share of home market - creating domestic employment
- Tariffs generate gov. revenue
Is a CU beneficial for members?
Depends on if trade is new trade or diverted trade.
Jacob Viner’s modelling assumptions
- World of 3 countries (home/partner/rest of world)
- One good (price of product is FIXED)
- Given supply price, unaffected by quantity
- Given demand level, unaffected by supply
- Switching to lower cost source is better, higher cost source is worse
Why trade creation IS BENEFICIAL
- Production switched to lower cost source
- Consumers get lower prices
- No loss of revenue to the government
CAVEATS of trade creation?
- Nobody will want to buy home produce
- Workers + machines assumed to be flexible and easily switched between sectors
- Adjustment costs (losses for firms/workers) from moving sectors are ignored in theory.
What is the general condition for countries’ costs in CU?
C(h) > C(f) > C(r)
Effects that in theory, CU should have on trade of member countries?
- increased trade
- increased specialisation
- more output + income due to specialisation
Actual effect of CU on trade of member countries?
- Rapid trade growth (+15% to member countries compared with +8.5% to non member countries)
- De-specialisation (home country gives up production of imported good + become de-specialised, workers cannot transfer their skills)
But how can we tell if trade grew fast due to CU or if it was a mere coincidence?
We have to construct an argument, then a counter-factual argument where we extrapolate the trend forwards.
Facts about CU + trade growth relationship?
- 19-26% of Increased EU trade was due to tariff cuts in 1960-2000s
HOWEVER, main factor (70%) was due to rising incomes
What was the effect of entry into EU to UK?
1973 uk joins EU.
- UK trade w EU had increased significantly due to trade creation
- Trade with the rest of world had also increased & external TC as previously the UK had held a higher tariff rate for external countries but adopted a lower tariff rate
What were the main worries about forming the EUCU?
People had worried that a CU formation meant large job losses and widespread factory closures.
This is because the home country would need to give up production on certain imported goods, which reduces home production + producer surplus. Leads to laid off workers + lower employment.
Real life labour isn’t as substitutable as in theory.