Trade Flashcards
3 Types of protectionism
Non-tariff/Administrative barriers
3 Periods of globalisation
Role of GATT and WTO (3)
GATT initially established guidelines in 1945
WOT has taken over with 153 member countries
Average tariff down form 40% to 4%
Why is negotiating trade slow (2)
Unequal distribution of gains from trade agreements among countries
‘Most favoured nation’ rule
Regional trade barriers?
Trade deals set up among smaller groups of countries to make negotiation easier
6 types of RTA
Independence- a country with many bi-lateral deals
Free trade area- independent of non-member countries
Customs Union- FTA + Common tariff
Common market- CU + Free movement of K+L
Economic union- Common market + shared currency
One nation- All parliamentary controls centralised
Change in trade roles
Developing countries take on higher share of manufacturing exports
Developed countries increase service exports
3 causes for DC exports increasing
Reduced barriers
Transport and Communications costs down
4 LR gains of trade
As less developed countries share the same market as developed countries their wages should climb to the same equilibrium
Foreign trader multiplier acts as injection to circular flow
Higher competition= Higher efficiency
Higher production= Economies of scale
2 SR costs
Rising inequality
Structural unemployment from shifts in competitive advantage
Challenges for LDC’s
FDI can fail to employ many local resources (worse the more local population lacks skills, infrastructure or legal institutions are weak)
Infant industries need protection
Flying Geese Paradigm (3)
Starts with import substitution
When leader moves onto higher value added production then a follower fills the gap left
e.g. East-Asian countries copied Japanese economic policies creating regional externalities
5 Problems with trade in primary products
Lack of export diversity Export price volatility Low income elasticity of exports Resource curse Downward trend in price
Prebisch-Singer hypothesis (2)
DC process primary exports into higher value product and therefore have incomes than grow quicker than LDC’s
Can use technology advantage to gain market power and reduce primary god consumption
The resource curse (3)
Dutch disease
Rent seekig and Corruption
The Dutch disease (3)
The ER increases making non-export less competitive
Increased domestic demand increases I
Capital is reallocated to export sector
Rent seeking and corruption (3)
Sudden resource wealth can be poorly allocated
Resource wealth is much easily ‘spirited away’
Private gains are localised therefore there can be conflict over control
Conflict over natural resources
Natural resources are often localised, therefore great gains to those who control locality