Trade Flashcards
What are the reasons for remaining in the UK?
-History of the business
-Maintain control over quality
-Better customer service
What are the reasons for manufacturing elsewhere?
-Lower production costs
-Falling demand in home markets
-Supply of workers
What is a push factor?
Factors that push a business to expand outside of their domestic country
-low growth opportunities
-need to diversify
What is a pull factor?
Encourage businesses to operate within markets abroad which present growth opportunities
-way to extend product lifecycle
-emerging economies abroad
What is offshoring?
A business may decide to move part of the production process, or all of it, to another country
What is outsourcing?
When a business hires an external organisation to complete certain tasks or business functions
How can companies extend the product life cycle?
-Change the packaging
-Add new features
-Promotion strategies
What do you do to assess a country as a market?
-Levels of growth and disposable income
-Exchange rates
-Ease of doing business
-Political stability
How do you assess a country for production?
-Cost of production
-Skills and availability of labour force
-Trade blocs
-Natural resources
-Government incentives
What is the ease of doing business in a market?
Looking at regulations and policies that are important for starting and growing a business
e.g. taxes, trading, contracts
What is political stability in a market?
Operating in places where political systems are stable
e.g. riots, civil war, terrorism
What is infrastructure in a market?
-Includes roads, transportation, communication, buildings, reliable power systems and premises
-Good infrastructure improves the production process and delivery of the goods which reduces costs and increases sales
What are levels of growth and disposable income in a market?
If disposable incomes increase that can mean a growth in consumption leading to more sales
What are exchange rates in a market?
-If the £ strengthens it will be more difficult to sell to that market for UK firms
-If the £ weakens it will be easier to sell to that market for UK firms
What factors do you consider when choosing a country as a production location?
-Trade blocs
-Skills of labour/availability of labour
-Ease of doing business
-Distribution links