Trade Flashcards
Commercer/ echanger/ troquer
To trade (-ed)
Le troc / troquer
Barter / to barter (-ed)
Un achat / acheter
A purchase / to purchase / to buy
Le pouvoir d’achat
The purchasing power
Etre dans le commerce de
To deal in / to trade in
La vente / vendre
Selling / to sell (sold)
Une vente
A sale
La force de vente
The sales force
Un representant de commerce
A sales representative/ a travelling salesman
Vendre au detail / un detaillant
To retail (-ed) / a retailer
Un grossiste
A wholesaler
Le manque a gagner
Foregone earnings
Fournir / un fournisseur
To supply (-ed) / a suplier
Un reçu
A receipt
Distribuir / la distribution
To distribute (-ed) / distribution
Reseau de distribution
A distribution network
To dispatch/ to ship
Un envoi
A consignment/ a shipment
To pay
Une mensualite/versement
An installment
Une garantie
A guarantee
Un bon de garantie
A guarantee slip
Une reclamation
A complaint
Importations /exportations
Imports/ exports
Importer/exporter qqchose de/vers
To import/export sth from/to
Pays importateur/exportateur
An importer/exporter
Un transitaire
A forwarding agent (transport)
La douane /un douanier
Customs / customs officer
Droits de douane
Customs duties
Le prix d”usine
The factory-gate price / the price ex-works
Le prix de lancement
The launch price
Des prix defiant concurrence
Rock-bott prices
Verser des arrhes
To pay a deposit
Acheter qqchose a credit
To buy smt on credit