Tracts: sensory/ascending Flashcards
Tract for discriminitive touch, proprioception, vibration
posterior column/medial lemniscus
Pain/Temp/Crude Touch
Spinothalamic Tract
Central axon runs in Lissauer’s tract
Spinothalamic tract
Pain/Temp (3)
Spinoreticular - spinothypothalamic, spinotectal
unconscious proprioception from the lower extremity
posterior spinocerebellar tract
tactile information from the lower extremity (cutaneous mechanoreceptors)
Anterior Spinocerebellar tract
Tactile information from the upper extremity (cutaneous mechanoreceptors)
Rostro Spinocerebellar Tract
Unconscious proprioception from the upper extremity
cuneocerebellar tract
pain/temp and discriminitive touch
anterior (ventral) trigeminothalamic
discriminitive touch from around oral cavity
posterior (dorsal) trigminothalamic tract
Lateral geniculate
Optic nerve
medial geniculate
auditory nerve