Trace The Spiritual Heritage Of Jehovah's People From Pentecost To The Time Of The End Flashcards
33 (a)
On Sivan 6 (May-June), holy spirit is poured out on about 120 of Jesus’ disciples at the festival of Pentecost
33 (b)
Stephen is killed, becoming the first Christian martyr on record
James, brother of John, is executed by the sword and Peter is jailed Herod Agrippa I
Emperor Nero falsely accuses Christians of burning Rome; mass arrests and exccutions follow, likely including the apostole Paul. Peter’s martyrdom may also have ocurred under Nero
Heeding Jesus’ command, Christians flee to Pella after Roman forces withdraw their siege of Jerusalem
Jerusalem and its temple are destroyed by Roman armies under General Titus. Some 1.1 million Jews die and 97,000 are taken captive
Apostole John writes the book of Revelation while exiled on the isle of Patmos, likely during Emperor Domitian’s reign
Emperor Trajan authorizes governor Pliny to punish Christians for affending the gods
Polycarp, age 86, is burned at the stake for refusing to renounce Christ
The most severe persecution to date takes place under Emperor Marcus Aurelius. A new policy allows informers to take the goods of Christians they turn over to authorities.
The Roman Empire is wracked by fifty years of civil war, tribal invasions, and political, economic, and social crises. Christians are blamed for angering the Roman gods
Constatine defeats Maxentius. Later, Constatine claims he has seen a flaming cross and the words “By this sign conquer.” He accepts Christianity but also heads the imperoal pagan religion
Constantine calls the Council of Nicea. Under his influence, the bishops adopt the Nicene Creed, affirming Christ’s equality with God. The State punishes those who disagree as heretics
Constatine’s capital moves from Rome to Byzantium, renamed Constantinople. The Western Empire declines, while the Eastern Empire flourishes economically and culturally
Theodosius I establishes Christianity as the State religion
The Roman Empire is divided into what become the Eastern Greek-speaking part and the Western Latin-speaking part. Their churches develop separate doctrines, rituals, and leadership
The fall of Rome in a political sense is marked by the deposing of the last emperor of the Western Empire, Romulus Augustulus, by Odovacar, a Germanic warlord