TR Flash Cards
Engine Warning Light
RPM sub Idle (<55%) Overtemp, Flameout, Stagnation 2 Seconds after FTIT exceeds 1000˚ C Alternator Failure May occur if RPM or FTIT indicators fail
SEC Operation
Unrestricted throttle movement between 15k-40k ft when subsonic
80-100% MIL thrust
Fire and Overheat Loops
Fire: Engine compartment
Overheat: Engine compartment, MLG wheel wells, ECS bay, EPU bay (EWEE)
Overheat loop happens 100˚ below fire loops
Fuel system (C model)
Internal wing: 550 +/- 100 Forward: 3150 +/- 100 Aft: 2810 +/- 100 Reservoir: 480 +/- 30 Centerline: 1890 +/- 100 Wing Tank: 2420 +/- 100 Fuel Low Caution: Fwd res <400, Aft res <250
FLCS: Power Sources
FLCS: AoA/g limiter
G-based until 15.8 AoA, blended AoA & G 15.8-25.8 AoA
FLCS: Roll Rate Limiter
Prevents roll-coupled departures by limiting roll rate
FLCS: Yaw axis limiter
Overrides rudder inputs above 26˚AoA
FLCS: Yaw rate limiter
Provides anti-spin controls at >35 AoA and < -5 AoA
FLCS: Gains
Cruise Gains, T/O & Lnd Gains, STBY Gains
Hydraulics: System A
Flight Controls
Speed Brakes
FFP (Fuel Flow Proportioner)
Hydraulics: System B
Flight Controls Gun Gun Purge Door AR Door LG Brakes NWS JFS accumulator
Hydraulics: HYD/OIL Light
A or B Hydraulic <1000 psi
Oil PX < 10 psi for >30 seconds
Goes out above 1000 psi HYD and 20 psi OIL
EPU: When does it come on
Dual GEN Failure and Dual Hydraulic Failure (with WOW)
EPU: What does it back up
System A Hydraulics
Emergency AC & DC buses
EPU: How do you avoid using Hydrazine
Set 75-80% RPM minimum
EPU: Hydrazine limit
10 min run time when operating only on Hydrazine.
Assuming normal flight control movement
Landing Gear:
B System
NLG extended and retracted with HYD PX
MLG extended by free-fall, retracted with HYD PX
Alt. Gear (NLG) is pneumatic PX bottle
Landing Gear: Warning light/horn
All gear not down and locked when…
<190 knots
>250 fpm VVI
Brakes: A or B HYD system
Brakes: How long do you have Accumulator braking
75 seconds
Brakes: When does CH 1 braking work
Only when LDG gear handle is down
Brakes: When does CH 2 work
LDG gear handle up or down
Brakes: When does Anti-skid light come on and what does it mean
Above 5 knots
Braking effectiveness is reduced by 25-50%
Brakes: What does Anti-skid light flashing mean?
Total electrical failure of at least one brake
What are the speed brake limits
60˚ full
43˚ with RMLG down and locked
Describe lights at startup
Batt on, 2, 1, 0
Power test, 4, 1, 3, 0 (adds FLCS PMG and FLCS channels)
Main Power, 2, 1, 0
How long do you motor the JFS
1 minute
What are the JFS limitations
Run for 4 minutes
Cool for 5
1 minute in between start attempts
What does a flashing JFS run light mean?
1/sec = non-critical failure, continue 2/sec = critical failure, don’t continue
When is the JFS recharged
40-60 seconds after 12% RPM
When does HYD and Fuel PX increase
15% RPM
When does the SEC light go out?
When should engine light off occur
20 seconds after IDLE
RPM leads FTIT