Tozer Definitions Flashcards
What is an attribute?
Simply whatever may be correctly ascribed to God. An attribute of God is whatever God has in any way revealed as being true of Himself.
What is an attribute in relation to God?
It is not a part of God. It is how God is.
What is the Holy Trinity?
Father, Son, Holy Spirit. It is truth for the heart.
Does the Trinity correspond with itself like humans do?
Does the Trinity have one will?
What is the self-existence of God?
The concept that “God has no origin” which distinguishes That-which-is-God from whatever is not God.
What are our problems and solutions?
Because we are God’s handiwork they are innately theological?
What is the basic tenet of Christian faith and devotion?
That God is everything and man is nothing.
Why is man a sinner?
He challenges God’s selfhood in relation to his own.
What is the self-sufficiency of God?
Whatever God is, and all that God is, He is in Himself. “The Father hath life in himself.”
What is the Eternity of God?
It is God’s everlasting nature. “From the vanishing poin to the vanishing point” is the way it is from the human perspective. God has no past nor future.
What is God’s Infinitude?
It is his limitlessness that means He has no bounds.
What is God’s Immutability?
It is God’s inability to change for better or worse. It stems from His Holiness.
What is God’s Omniscience?
It is His perfect knowledge and inability to learn more. Receiving more knowledge would signify imperfection.
What is God’s Wisdom?
The fact that God possesses infinite understanding and is wise in Himself. He devises the perfect ends through the perfect means.