Toys unit 3 Flashcards
What is the activity of playing with dolls?
play with dolls
jouer aux poupées
What is the activity of playing with cars?
play with cars
jouer aux voitures
What is the activity of playing in sand?
play in sand
jouer dans le sable
What is the activity of playing in water?
play in water
jouer dans l’eau
What is the activity of climbing trees?
climb trees
grimper dans les arbres
What is the activity of using imagination?
What is the activity of swinging on swings?
to swing on swings
se balancer sur les balançoires
What is the activity of sliding on a slide?
to slide on slide
glisser sur le toboggan
What is the activity of jumping rope?
to jump rope
sauter à la corde
What is the activity of playing hide and seek?
to play hide and seek
jouer à cache-cache
What is the activity of flying a kite?
to fly a kite
faire voler un cerf-volant
What is the activity of collecting?
to collect
What are some items that can be collected?
some marbles
des billes
What are some items that can be collected?
some cards
des cartes
What are some items that can be collected?
some stamps
des timbres