Toy_Review_Packet Flashcards
IUGR is defined as
fetal weight <10th percentile for gestational age
Whereas alcohol use has a much more nebulous connection to F.A.S., __________ is always associated with small baby size.
tobacco use/cigarette smoking
In a baby with IUGR, you have two potential next steps:
1) delivery, if after 37 weeks gestation
2) monitor baby with BPP or Doppler studies of umbilical artery
Severe oligohydramnios with IUGR has the highest perinatal mortality and is associated with what Doppler flow finding?
increased Doppler flow in umbilical arteries, which means increased resistance in the placental circulation. This can lead to absence or reversal of end diastolic flow, the two Doppler study indicatinos for delivery
What are the two findings on Doppler umbilical artery studies that would indicate delivery?
absence or reversal of end diastolic flow
What does the BPP measure?
Fetal movement (>2 movements of torso or limbs)
Fetal tone (at least one active bending/straightening movement)
Fetal breathing (>20s of breathing movements)
Amniotic fluid volume (at least one vertical pocket >2 cm)
Fetal Heart Rate (>2 accelerations–increase in 15 bpm for 15 sec)
What is the recommended management based on BPP?
2 or less: labor induction
4: labor induction if >32 w, otherwise repeat test same day and THEN deliver if 36w, otherwise repeat test in 1 day. Deliver if 6.
8: labor induction if there is oligo
Patient with history of diabetes and urine that “dribbles out throughout the day.” Diagnosis? Next step? Treatment?
1) Overflow incontinence
2) Post-void residual ~200cc
3) intermittent self catheterization (the nerves don’t grow back in this neuropathy, though in MS exacerbations things might get better…)
What is the most common cause of ambiguous genitalia?
21-hydroxylase deficiency
What is the most likely physical exam finding in a patient with 21-hydroxylase deficiency who has not had medications for 4 days? Prominent lab finding?
Hypotension. Prominent lab finding: Hyponatremia (salt wasting)
Also hyperkalemia, high 17-hydroxyprogesterone
_______ is characterized by satisfying criteria with regards to somatic and mood components in the 2nd half (luteal phase) of the menstrual cycle.
What is the difference in presentation between 21- and 11-hydroxylase deficiency in CAH?
21 –> hypotension
11 –> hypertension (deoxycortisol is still made, which has mineralocorticoid properties)
What is the definition of secondary amenorrhea?
Absence of menses for 3 months in women with previously normal menstruation and for 9 months in women with previous oligomenorrhea
What are the four etiologies of secondary amenorrhea? Which is most common if it’s chronic? Which is most common if the patient has had regular menses up until now?
- hypothalamic (prolactinoma, hypothyroid)
- pituitary (Sheehan’s)
- uterus (Ashermann, cervical stenosis)
- ovary (PCOS)
chronic = PCOS
regular until now = hypothalamic
After a pregnancy test, women with secondary oligomenorrhea should get which tests?
TSH, prolactin (eventually FSH, LH, estrogen)
What is the best prevention for hydrosalpinx/tubal factor for infertility?
counseling about safe sex! Barrier methods of contraception. PID is not always symptomatic so it can’t always be appropriately treated!!
If there are no endocervical cells on the Pap smear of a pregnant woman, should the Pap smear be repeated?
No! Not having endocervical cells is not a big deal in pregnancy because we don’t sample too vigorously
Which of the following antibodies does not cross the placenta: Lewis, Kell, Duffy
Lewis! (Lewis lives; it is IgM). Kell kills and Duffy dies (Duffy is the receptor for entry of the malaria parasite, fun fact.)
If a mother is competent and denies the C-section for fetal interest, do you perform it, anyway? Which ethical principle?
Do not perform it! Autonomy