Toxidromes 3 Flashcards
Sympathomimetics Toxidrome: Signs and Symptoms (4)
- Cardiovascular
a. Hypertension
b. Tachycardia
c. Hyperthermia
d. Tachypnea - GI - Bowel sounds present
a. Dilated pupils
b. Psychomotor agitation
c. Mydriasis (large pupils) - Skin- Diaphoresis
Sympathomimetic Responses (2)
- Increased catecholamine surge will typically produce Hypokalemia, Hyperglycemia, Metabolic acidosis, low bicarbonate
- Potential rhabdomyolysis due to extreme agitation
i. CK LEVELS – to test for rhabdomyolysis
ii. Do CK levels with a sympathomimetic ingestion
Cocaine Abuse (3)
- Insufflation
a. (snorting)
b. Reasonable high
c. Drug has short life and user seeks more
d. Safer but less efficient - Smoking (free basing)
a. Stronger and faster
b. Pulmonary complications - Injecting (speed balling)
a. User cut cocaine with heroin
How can children get cocaine? (5)
- Mother in child abuse
- Breast milk
- Accidentally: leaving around
- Intentional exposure from parents blowing it into child face
- Unintentional exposure from passive smoke
Cocaine Effects (7)
- Interacts with alcohol creating new compound in liver causes euphoria 45-60 minutes later
- Increased risk for seizure if using nifedipine (Calcium channel blocker)
Central venous effects:
- Vasoconstriction
- Tachycardia (200 range)
- BP increase (systolic in 200)
- Cocaine can lead to Coronary syndrome and Pulmonary hemorrhage
Adolescence and Cocaine Use (3)
- Pneumomediastinum from inhaling smoke and performing valsalva maneuver
- Screening: look form metabolites of cocaine
- In OD: pale, clammy and cool, cardiac rhythm abnormalities
Summary of sympathomimetic effects (4)
Ex: cocaine
- Large pupils
- Elevated HR
- Wet skin
- Decreased GI motility
Summary of cholinergic effects (4)
Ex: organophosphate
- Small pupils
- Decreased HR
- Wet skin
- Elevated GI motility
Summary of anticholinergic effects (4)
Ex: diphenhydramine
- Large pupils
- Increased HR
- Dry skin
- Decreased GI motility
Summary of opioid effects (4)
Ex: heroin
- Decreased HR
- Normal HR
- Normal skin
- Decreased GI motility
New toxidromes (4)
- Case of l7 year old woman who had a witnessed seizure at home
- Woke up complaining of bi-temporal headache
- Patients have bizarre interest in light
- Serum Na: ll4
MDA (6)
- Similar effects to MDMA
- MDA is a metabolite of
- Acts on the CNS by releasing norepinephrine and blocking its reuptake
- Oral or IV
- Frequently adulterated with other drugs
MDA Signs and Management (2)
- Hypertension –> IV nitro, nitroprusside or alpha blocker such as phenotolamine
- Rhabdomyolysis –> Strict attention for fluids and electrolyte balance with alkalization of urine
* Need to fluid restrict
Amphetamine Analogue (MDA, MDMA, MDEA) Effects (18)
- Increased CNS and hallucinogenic effects
- Tachycardia
- Hypertension
- Dysrhythmia
- Flushing
- Angina
- Diaphoresis
- headache
- altered mental status
- seizures
- Intracranial hemorrhage
- mydriasis
- BRUXISM: pacifier around neck: ectasy
- Severe fatigue following use
- Hyperthermia – Fluid and electrolyte imbalance due to water intake
- Marathon dancing is associated with its use
- Death associated with amphetamine use
- Subarachnoid hemorrhage and ruptured aneurysm
Acute overdose of amphetamine analogues (5)
- Airway, breathing
- Control of agitation and sedation is needed
- Control hyperthermia
- Rhabdomyolysis can be a control.
- Benzodiazepines such as Ativan for seizure
Gamma Hydroxybutyrate (GHB) (date rape drug) (10)
- Rapid progression to flaccid areflexic coma
- Preserved pulse and BP
- CNS depression and respiratory depression
- ‘DATE RAPE’ drug (liquid ecstasy, liquid X, Grievous bodily harm)
- GHB used until l990 as an OTC sedative
- Severe reactions including seizures and coma
- Produces dopamine release in substantia nigra producing euphoria
- GHB may be protective against hypoxic tissue injury
- Can have mild hypothermia and asymptomatic bradycardia
- Hypotension can occur if alcohol is used with this
Treatment of GHB (5)
- Watch and stimulate patient
- Must really determine that respirations can’t be stimulated
- May respond to naloxone
- Produces pattern of normal rapid eye movement
- Best sleep the patient has had
Salicylates (ASA) (7)
- Weak acid, rapidly absorbed
- Enteric coated has delayed absorption
- Toxic dose: 160 mg/kg
- Lethal dose 480 mg/kg
- Mixed respiratory alkalosis-metabolic acidosis
- Stimulates respiratory drive causing hyperventilation, but limits ATP production → metabolic acidosis
- Oil of wintergreen, 1ml = 1400mg of aspirin
Salicylates overdose etiology (6)
- Stimulate the respiratory center of medulla
- Hyperventilation and respiratory alkalosis (compensatory for metabolic acidosis)
a. Blowing off the ingested acid - Compensatory bicarbonates excretion
- Increased pyruvate and lactate cause metabolic acidosis
- Toxic if >/=150 mg/kg
- Found in antihistamine/decongestant combos, anti-diarrheal, herbal meds, oil of wintergreen, sunscreens
Salicylates signs and symptoms (10)
- Nausea and vomiting
- Tinnitus
- Tachypnea and hyperpnea
- Hypotension
- Oliguria
- Pulmonary edema
- Minor rise in temperature
- Respiratory alkalosis and metabolic acidosis
- Ketones in urine
- 1-2 drops of ferric chloride solution turns pink is positive for ASA
Salicylates Dif Dx (7)
- Other causes of anion gap metabolic acidosis
- Reye syndrome
- Sepsis
- Encephalopathy
- Diabetic ketoacidosis
- Renal failure
Salicylates Clinical Presentation (9)
- Tachypnea, tachycardia, hyperthermia
- Respiratory alkalosismetabolic acidosis
- Altered serum glucose
- AG metabolic acidosis (MUDPILES)
- Dehydration (vomiting, tachypnea, sweating)
- Abd. pain/n/v
- Tinnitus, hearing loss
- Lethargy, seizures, altered mental status
- Noncardiogenic pulmonary edema
Metabolic Acidosis with High Anion Gap: Causes (MUDPILES)
Evaluation of ASA Overdose (6)
- Lytes, ABG, LFTs, CBC, pregnancy test, urine PH
- Serum salicylate levels (toxicity at 25mg/dl)
- Toxicity correlates POORLY with levels
- Evaluation with DONE normogram based on single ingestion of regular
- ASA at levels drawn 6 hrs. after ingestion
- Underestimates toxicity in cases of severe academia or chronic ingestion
Therapy of ASA Overdose (5)
- ABC’s
- Activated charcoal
- Urinary alkalinization – Use of Bicarbonate
- By increasing urinary pH to greater than 8, ASA gets trapped in tubes and cannot be reabsorbed
- Dialysis for severe acidemia, volume overload, pulmonary edema, cardiac or renal failure, seizures, coma, levels >100mg/dl in acute ingestion, or > 60-80 mg/dl in chronic ingestion
Disposition for ASA overdose (4)
- Pt. gets charcoal and remain asymptomatic after 6-8 hours =
- Possible D/C
- Sustained release requires longer observation period
- Pts. with toxic levels, symptomatic, or develop symptoms = Admission
Acetaminophen Overdose (3)
- Usually metabolized almost entirely in liver where it is converted to nontoxic form
- Excreted in urine
- Severe toxicity in adolescents in doses as low as 10-15 grams
Acetaminophen Overdose Epidemiology (3)
a. Accidental overdose in children over 6
b. Adults and adolescents more likely to develop toxicity
c. Peak level 4 hours post ingestion
Rumack-Matthew Nomogram (4)
- Sensitive predictor of hepatotoxicity
- Failure rate approaches zero over the past 25 years of use
- Useful only with levels obtained between 4 - 24 hours post ingestion
- Single acute ingestion
Signs and Symptoms of Acetaminophen Overdose (5)
- Initially asymptomatic
- Malaise, nausea, vomiting
Liver injury:
- Abdominal pain,
- Persistent vomiting
- Jaundice –> Appears 14-48 hours post ingestion
Acetaminophen Overdose Treatment (3)
- GI decontamination with activated charcoal
- Rumack-Matthew nomogram
a. Patients with acetaminophen levels within safety range: no RX
b. If at 4 hours post ingestion > 150 microgram/ml need N acetylcysteine
c. Every 4 hours - Psychiatric evaluation
Optimum timing to obtain levels: acetaminophen
4 hours
Optimum timing to obtain levels: iron
4 hours
Optimum timing to obtain levels: salicylates
2-4 hours