🌁 Tower Bridge Flashcards
session (n)
(n) a period of time that is spent doing a particular activity
grand (adj)
(adj) impressive and large (important)
washing-up liquid (n)
(n) liquid soap for washing dishes, pans, etc…
slave (n)
nô lệ
a person who is owned by another person and is forced to work for them
breed (v)
(v) sinh san, to have sex and produce young (animals)
European bees-eaters form familiers that breed in the spring and summer
minor (adj)
(adj) not very large, important or serious
soul (n)
(n) spririt of person
messy (adj)
Q: Is he messy?
A: Yes, he never cleans
(adj) dirty and/or untidy
alive (adj)
Q: Is your mother still alive?
(adj) living, not dead
scream (v)
to give aloud, high shout, because you are hurt, frightened, excited, etc,…
E.g: He covered her mouth to stop her from screaming
tooth paste (n)
(n) a paste to clean teeth
executive (n)
CEO = Chief Executive Officer
(n) a person who has an important job as a manager of a company or organization
shut (v)
(n) to close something
expose (v)
(v) to show sth that usually hidden
tongue (n)
(n) a soft part in the mouth that moves around, used for tasting, speaking, etc,…
firm (n)
(n) a bussiness or company
charge (n)
(n) the amount of money that S.O asks for good, services
conditioner (n)
(n) a substance used to make your hair soft
murder (n)
(n) the crime of killing S.O deliberately
immigrant (n)
(n) a person who has come to live permanently in a different country from the one they were born in
gently (adv)
e.g. leaves moving gently in the breeze
“you miss her, don’t you?” he asked gently
(adv) in a way that is soft and light, not strong, extreme or violent
commit (v)
e.g. to commit a crime
(v) to do sth wrong or illegal
appoint (v)
(v) to choose S.O for a job/position of responsibility
assure (v)
(v) to tell S.O that sth is deffinitely going to happen, especially when they have doubts about it
catch (v)
(v) to stop and hold a moving object or person, especially in your hands
wander (v)
(v) to walk slowly around or to a place, offten without any particular sense of purpose or direction
Synonym: drift
prime (adj)
(adj) main, most important/basic of the best quality, excellent
hair dryer (n)
(n) electric device used for drying hair after washing it
haircut (n)
(n) the act of somebody cutting your hair
burner (n)
(n) the part of a cooker, etc, that produces a flame
toothbrush (n)
(n) a brush to clean teeth
spaghetti (n)
synonym: pasta
(n) in a shape of long thin pieces that look like when they are cooked
shade (n)
(n) an area that is dark and cool under or behind sth, for example: a tree or building, because the sun’s light doesn’t get to it
shot (n)
e.g. We heard some shots in the distance
(n) the act of firing a gun
toast (n)
(n) slices of bread that has been made brown and dry by heating them on both sides
recipe (n)
(n) a set of instruction that tells you how to cook sth and the ingredients you need for it
division (n)
(n) into separate parts
ancient (adj)
e.g. ancient Greece
opposite with modern
(adj) belonging to a period of history that is thousands of years in the past
implementation (n)
chính thức triển khai
the act of making sth that has been officially decided start to happen or be used
e.g. the implementation of the new system
agent (n)
(n) a person who job is to act for, or manage the affairs of, other people in bussiness, politics, etc,…
fence (n)
(n) a structure made of wood or wire supported with posts that is put between two areas of land as a boundary, or round a garden, field, etc,… to keep animals in, or to keep people and animal out
lawyer (n)
(n) a person who is trained and qualified to advise people about the law and to represent them in court, and to write legal documents
stability (n)
(n) the quality or state of being steady and not changing or being upset in anyway
constraint (n)
synonym: restriction
e. g. constraint of time/money/space
(n) the thing that limits sth or limits your freedom to do sth
diner (n)
(n) a meal, especially in a small restaurant, usually cheap
pot (n)
(n) a deep round container used for cooking things in
stove (n)
(n) a piece of equipment that can burn various fuels and it used for heating rooms
possessive (adj)
Sỡ hữu
adj) demanding total attention or love, not wanting somebody to be independent
- expression of belonging
e. g. Ted’s car is green
dress (n)
(n) a piece of women’s clothing that is made one piece and covers the body down to the legs, sometimes reaching to below the knees, or to the ankles
jar (n)
(n) a round glass container, with a lid (cover) used for storing food, especially jam, honey, etc,…
Hustle (v)
(V) to make somebody move quickly by pushing them in a rough aggressive way
somewhat (adv)
mức độ nào đó, phần nào
to somewhat degree: đồng ý ở mức độ nào đó
I was somewhat surprised to see him
synonym: rather, little
reliable (adj)
ex: very reliable and honest man
(adj) that can be trusted to do sth well that you can rely on
synonym: dependable
string (n)
(n) for tying, fastening
colander (n)
cái rổ
a metal or plastic bowl with a lot of small holes in it, used for draining water from vegetable, etc, after washing or cooking
reverse (v)
(v) change to opposite
spot (n)
(n) small mark
a small mark round area that has a different colour
rear (adj)
(adj) at or near the back of sth
essay (n)
(n) a short piece of writing by a student as part of a course of study
prospect (n)
ex: there is no immediate prospect of peace
(n) the possibility that sth will happen
synonym: likelihood, probability
incomprehension (n)
(n) the state of not being able to understand so/sth
synonym: misunderstanding, ignorance, unawareness
contraction (n)
ngan gon lai
(n) the process of becoming smaller
- shortening of words by combination
- ‘He’s’ may be a contraction of ‘he is’ or ‘he has’.
left in
ex: there aren’t any eggs left in the fridge
I haven’t got any money left
synonym: remaining
temp agency (n)
(n) are recruitment agencies that specialise in finding positions for candidates looking for temporary work
soap (n)
(n) a cleaning agent. a chemical or a substance that use with water for washing your body
Bistro (n)
(n) a small informal restaurant usually in European
Pub (U.K) / Bar (U.S)
(n) a building where people go to drink and meet their friends.
- server alcoholic and other drink, watching football in there
chopping board (n)
(n) a board made of wood or plastic used for cutting meat or vegetables on
synonym: cutting board
virtually (adv)
ex: a virtually event
virtually impossible
(adv) almost or very nearly, so what any slight difference is not important.
phenomenon (n)
(n) a fact or an event in nature or society, especially one that is not fully understood
federal (adj)
(adj) having a system of goverment in which the individual state of country have control over their own affairs, but are controlled by a central goverment for national decisions
possibility (n)
(n) a thing that may happen or be true
category (n)
(n) a group of people or things with particular features in common
synonym: class
affair (n)
internal/external affair
(n) public / political activities
- event that are of public interest or political impotance
separate (adj)
(adj) forming a unit by it self, not joined to sth else
nephew / niece (n)
(n) the son / daughter of your brother or sister
kettle (n)
am dun nuoc
(n) a container with a lid, a handle, used for boiling water
potholder (n)
(n) a piece of thick cloth for handling hot dishes and pans
basin (n)
synonym: washbowl (U.S)
(n) a large bowl that has taps and is fixed to the wall in a bathroom, used for washing your hand and face in
towel (n)
(n) a piece of absorbent cloth for drying
bathtub (n)
(n) an open container that can be filled with water to wash the body
shampoo (n)
(n) cleansing agent for cleaning the hair
exhausting (adj)
ex: an exam can be exhausting
(adj) (sth) making you feel very tire
likelihood (n)
(n) the chance of sth happening, how likely sth is to happen
synonym: probability (60 percent)
assess (v)
ex: The committee will continue to assess progress in coming meetings
(v) to make judgement about the nature or quality of so/sth
cousin (n)
(n) a child of your aunt or uncle
- toothache (n)
- throat (n) -> a sore throat
- runny nose / blocked nose
- a pain in your teeth or in one tooth
- a passage in the neck through which food and air pass on their way into the body, the front part of the neck.
- how to stop a runny nose?
fast food (n)
(n) hot food, such as hamburgers and chips, that is served very quickly and can be taken away to be eaten in the street
campaign (n)
(n) a series of planned activities that are intended to achieve a particular social, commercial or political aim
democracy (n)
ex: social democracy
(n) a system of government in which the people of a country can vote to elect their representative
jar (n)
(n) a round glass container, with a lid (cover) used for storing food, especially jam, honey, etc.
neighborhood (n)
(n) a place, a district or an area of a town; people who live there.
- elbows
- hip
- ankle
- the joint between the upper and lower parts of the arm where it bends in the middle
- the joint at the top of the leg that connect it with the top part of the body
- the joint connecting the foot to the leg, the narrow part of the leg just above the____joint
sponge (n)
(n) a porous object used to absorb water, having many small holes that allow water or air to pass through slowly
greasy (adj)
(adj) cooked with too much oil or fat
grape (n)
(n) a small green or purple fruit that grows in bunches on a climbing plant
- wine is made from it
sock (n)
(n) a piece of clothing that is worn over the foot, ankle and lower part of the leg, especially inside a shoe
coat (n)
- a leather coat / a fur coat / a long winter coat
(n) a piece of outdoor clothing that is worn over clothes to keep warm or dry. Coats have sleeves (parts covering the arms) and maybe long or short
jacket (n)
- leather jacket / denim (jeans) jacket / tweed (wool) jacket
(n) a piece of clothing worn on the top half of the body over a shirt, etc… that has arms and fastens down the front, a short, especially light coat
stimulating (adj)
kích thích, gây hứng thú
full of intersting or exciting ideas, making people feel enthusiastic
- Her lesson is very stimulating
- Both men and women are stimulated by erotic photos
frightened (adj)
so hai
(adj) (s.o) afraid, feeling fear
- don’t be frightened
frustrated (adj)
ex: Don’t you feel frustrated after so many failures?
(adj) thất vọng feeling annoyed (slightly angry) and impatient because you can not do or achieve what you want
fascinating (adj)
like: enjoy so much
(adj) (sth) extremely intersting and attractive
tropics (n)
ex: about one third of the country (Australia) lies in the tropics
(n) the area between the two imaginary lines drawn around the world 23 degrees 26 minutes north or south of the equator
enthusiasm (n)
(n) a strong feeling of excitement and interest in sth and a desire to become involved in it
concentrated (adj)
(adj) made stronger because water or other substance have been remove
lettuce (n)
(n) a plant with large green leaves that are eaten raw, especially in salad.
There are many types of it
scarf (n)
ex: a woollen scarf / a silk scarf
(n) a piece of cloth that is worn around the neck
boil (v)
(v) to heat on the stove until water gets hot enough for bubbles to rise and break the surface
pour (v)
do vao
(v) to transfer a liquid from on container to another
- put noodles and beef into the bowl fisrt, then pour hot soup water in to it.
peel (v)
(v) to remove the outside of a fruit or vegetable
reputation (n)
ex: bad reputation / good reputation
danh tiếng, được biết đến như
(n) the opinion that people have about what s.o/sth is like, based on what has happend in the past
- I’m aware of Steve Jobs’s reputation for being late
urbanized (adj)
(adj) having a lot of towns, streets, factories, etc, rather than countryside.
- (of people) living and working in towns and cities rather than in the country
blender (n)
(n) may xay sinh to
an electric machine for mixing soft food or liquid
sieve (n)
cá rá, cái sàn
(n) a tool for separating solids from liquids or larger solids from smaller solids, made of wire or plastic net attached to a ring.
The liquid or smaller pieces pass through the net but the larger pieces do not
marinate (v)
uop gia vi
(v) to soak foods in a flavorful liquid that adds flavor
queue (n)
(n) a line of people, cars, etc, waiting for sth or to do sth
- a list of items of data stored in a particular order
disaster (n)
(n) an unexpected event, such as a very bad accident, a flood or a fire, that kills a lot of people or causes a lot of damage.
a very bad situation that cause problems
not (adj) enough
Q: Why couldn’t she hear you?
A: Because I did not talk loud enough.
feed (v)
It’s important to feed children a well-balanced diet.
(v) to give food to a person or an animal
duty-free (n)
(n) alcohol, cigarettes, etc, that you can bring into a country without having to pay tax on them
reissue (n)
phat hanh lai
(n) an old book or record that has been published or produced again after not being available for sometime
- The book was reissue for 4 times
chop (v)
cat, chat
(v) to cut into little pieces
- The share price was chopped from 50 pence to 20 pence
fry (v)
(v) to cook food in hot fat such as olive oil or butter
frying pan (n)
(n) a large shallow pan with a long handle, used for frying food in
patriotic (adj)
(adj) having or expressing a great love of your country
defarme (v)
nói xấu ai đó
to harm S.O by saying or writing bad or false things about them
- The newspaper denies any intention to defame the senator’s reputation (to bao phu nhan moi y dinh boi nho danh tieng cua thuong nghi si)
- /dɪˈnaɪ/
ruling (n)
(n) an official decision by somebody in a position of authority, especially a judge
poem (n)
bài thơ
a piece of writing in which the words are chosen for their sound and the images they suggest, not just for their obvious meanings. The word are arranged in separate lines, usually with a repeated rhythm /ˈrɪðəm/, and often the lines rhyme /raɪm/ at the end.
rhythm (n)
ex. music with fast rhythm
(n) a strong regular repeated pattern of sounds or movements
masterpiece (n)
(n) a work of art such as a painting, film, book, etc, that is an excellent, or the best, example of the artist’s work
- Mona Lisa -
drowned (v)
ex. She drowned herself in the river
(v) to die because you have been underwater too long and you cannot breathe, to kill s.o by holding them underwater
paddling (v)
cheo thuyen
(v) to move a small boat through water by using a paddle
commemorate (v)
(v) to remind people of an important event or person from the past with a special action or object
ancestor (n)
tổ tiên
a person in your family who lived a long time ago
watercraft (n)
tau thuy
(n) water vehicles in general
dignity (n)
phẩm giá
(n) a calm and serious manner that deserves respect
- a dignity of work
perfume (n)
(n) a liquid, often made from flowers, that you put on your skin to make yourself smell nice
glutinous rice (n)
gao nep (n) also called sticky rice, is a type of rice grown mainly in Southeast and East Asia
slice (v)
(v) to cut into thin, wide portions
carry-on (adj)
(adj) carry-on bags are ones that you are allowed to take onto a plane with you
mix (v)
(v) to stir together a spoon, fork or electric mixer
bake (v)
(v) cook food in an oven
steam (v)
hap cach thuy
(v) to cook food using the heat from boiling water without putting food directly in the water
- put dumpling into a big pot and steam them for 2 hours
literature (n)
(n) a pieces of writing that are valued as works of art, especially novels, plays, and poem (in contrast to technical books and newspapers, magazines, etc,…)
myth (n)
truyền thuyết, huyền thoại
a story of acient times, especially one that was told to explain natural events or to describe the early history of people, this type of story
tribe (n)
(n) a group of people of the same race, and with the same customs, language, religion, etc, living in a particular area and often having one leader know as a chief
diverse (adj)
ex. people from diverse cultures were invited to the event
(adj) very different from each other and of various kinds.
bilingual (n)
(n) a person who can speak two languages equally well
compulsory (adj)
(adj) that most be done because of a law or a rule
opposite with voluntary
engage (v)
gắn bó, đính hôn
(v) to succeed in attracting and keeping somebody’s attention and interest
synonym: participate in, take part in
comprehension (n)
(n) khả năng hiểu
the ability to understand
aware (adj)
nhan thuc
(adj) knowing or realizing something
synonym: knowledgeable
I hope you were aware the problem
role (n)
(n) dien vien
an actor’s part in a play, film, etc, ot real.
- The function or position that s.o has or is expected to have in an organization in society or in a relationship
- nhiem vu
crucial (adj)
(adj) extremely important, because it will affect other things
synonym: critical, essential
skirt (n)
(n) the part of dress, coat, etc, … that hangs below the middle part of the body
antique shop (n) /ænˈtiːk/
(n) a shop that sell old and often valuable items
landlord (n)
(n) a person or company from whom you rent a room, a house, an office, etc.
incharge of (n)
the person who is officially responsible for a department, etc.
synonym: responsibility, duty
plan (n, v)
something that you intend to do or achieve
babysitter (n)
a person who takes care of babies or children while their parents are away from home and is usually paid to do this
Middle Eastern (adj)
coming from or connected with the Middle East
plumber (n)
a person whose job is to fit and repair things such as water pipes, toilets, etc.
home-cooked (n)
a meal you don’t eat in the restaurant
orient (v) / sports-oriented
dinh huong, huong nghiep
- Our students are oriented towards science subjects
controller (n)
a person who manages or directs something, especially a large organization or part of an organization/ a device that controls or regulates a machine or part of a machine
buddy (n)
a friend
idiot (n)
Ngu ngốc
a very stupid person
favour (n)
su giup do, a thing that you do to help somebody
- Could you do me a favour?
S.O who does research
Bottle opener
A device for opening bottles
Bystander (n)
Người đồng hành
S.O who is standing nearby
S.O who communicates
People who ride bicycles
People who drive cars
Liquefy (v)
làm tan chảy
Making into a liquid
- The cheese had liquefied so we poured it over the bread
Undoubtedly (adv)
Certainly, no dout
Prehistoric voyagers
People who travelled by the sea before historical time
Possible to navigate
Made again
- ‘The Seven Samurai’ was remade in Hollywood as ‘The Magnificent Seven’.
People who give information
Simplify (v)
Make more simple
Cannot be passed along
khong may thay
may man thay, luckily
- I was late, but fortunately the meeting hadn’t started.
put away
cat vao trong tu
- I put away my clothes into the closet
- when I finish to wash the dishes, I put it away the kitchen cabinet
put on
mac quan/ao vao
Can you put on my chef clothes?
hon the nua
- A talented artist, he was, moreover, a writer of some note
Democratic party Republican Conservative Labour Communism -> communist
Present perfect
- something which started in the past and still continues now
e.g: I’ve had this phone for 3 years
I haven’t been my hometown since last Tet holiday
I haven’t attened classes with teacher for 7 days
- things which happened in the past, but no time is given and they have a result in the present
e.g: There’s no class today because our teacher has gone on holiday
guilty (n)
pham toi
- She may be guilty of murder
- A guilty party
deserve (n)
xung dang voi
- They didn’t deserve to win
economic hub
trung tam kinh te
- HCM is not a capital, but it is the major economic hub
atmosphere (n)
bau khong khi
- bustling atmospheres: bau khong khi nhon nhip
su o nhiem
- to reduce pollution levels
commute (v)
Do you commute every day?
ly hon
marriage (n)
ket hon
widen our horizons
mo rong tam nhin
lean on each other
dua vao nhau
No longer celebrate Valentine’s day
khong con to chuc le tinh nhan nua
devotion (n)
su tan tam
His devotion to his wife and family is touching
tweet each other
lien lac voi nhau
act like twins
hanh dong giong nhau
stay awake together
cùng nhau thức (xem bóng đá)
vulnerability is a sign of strength, not weakness
su de bi ton thuong la dau hieu cua suc manh, khong phai la su yeu duoi
we either win together or lose together
chung ta hoac cung nhau thang hoac cung nhau thua
loi di
- My dad walked me down the aisle
fabulous (adj)
very great, that tuyet
- Hana is a fabulous cook
- The food looks fabulous
tuan trang mat
- How was your honeymoon
close-knit family
/ˌkləʊs ˈnɪt/
mot gia dinh gan bo
- We’re a pretty close-knit family. We get together every weekend
in common
diem chung
My brother and I don’t have as much in common
sibling (n)
brother and sister
Do you have any other siblings?
peas in a pod
giong nhau nhu duc
We’re like two peas in pod
How large?
is your family?