Torts Flashcards
Assault is the intentional threatening of another with battery and the creating of reasonable apprehension of immediate bodily harm in the victim.
Joe raises a fist at Victim and screams, “I am going to kill you!”
Battery is the intentional, harmful or offensive touching of another.
Defendant punches Victim.
Transferred Intent Doctrine
The Transferred Intent Doctrine is applicable when a defendant, while in the process of committing a tort against one person, unintentionally harms a third person or commits a different tort. In such a case, the defendant’s wrongful intent is transferred to include the unintended victim or tortuous act.
Defendant swings a baseball bat at Joe. Joe ducks and Defendant hits Victim who was standing behind Joe.
Substantial Certainty Doctrine
The Substantial Certainty Doctrine holds that if the defendant does an act with the knowledge that it is substantially certain to produce a particular result, the defendant is deemed to have intended the result and is liable for his act.
Defendant throws a book out the window without looking and the book hits Plaintiff below. Even though Defendant did not intend to hit the Plaintiff, there was a substantial certainty that someone would get hit with the book Defendant threw.
False Imprisonment
False imprisonment is the intentional confinement of the plaintiff by the defendant.
Defendant locks Plaintiff in a cellar and refuses to let her leave.
Intentional Infliction of Emotional or Mental Distress
Intentional infliction of mental (or emotional) distress is the intentional causing of severe emotional or mental distress in another through extreme and outrageous conduct.
Defendant is angry at Plaintiff so Defendant tortures Neighbor’s dog while forcing Neighbor to watch.
Trespass to Land
Trespass to land is an intentional entry upon real property in the possession of another.
Defendant ignores “Private Property, No Trespassing” sign and enters upon the property and goes camping anyway.
Trespass to Chattel
Trespass to chattel is the intentional interference with a person’s use or possession of a chattel.
Defendant puts a “boot” on Plaintiff’s car so Plaintiff cannot drive to work.
Conversion is an intentional assumption of dominion and control over the chattel of another, resulting in a substantial interference with the plaintiff’s possessory rights.
Defendant “borrows” Plaintiff’s lawnmower without permission to mow his own yard and while using the lawnmower Defendant breaks it.
Trespass Ab Initio
Trespass ab initio is an entry upon the real property in possession of another under a conferred legal right, and the subsequent abusing of that conferred legal right through the commission of an assault, batter, false imprisonment, or trespass.
Private Nuisance
Private nuisance results from an act by the defendant who unreasonably interferes with the plaintiff’s use or enjoyment of his property.
Defendant is a revolutionary state of the art Factory that occasionally releases gasses into the air that causes Plaintiff severe headaches so that Plaintiff cannot spend time in his yard.
Public Nuisance
Public nuisance results from an act or conduct by the defendant that is injurious to the public in general.
Defendant is a revolutionary state of the art Factory that occasionally releases gasses into the air that causes residents in the entire town to have severe headaches and nausea.
Defenses to Intentional Torts
Defense of:
- Consent,
- Self-Defense
- Defense of Others (Step-in-Shoes Doctrine)(Reasonable Appearances)
- Defense of Property
- Prevention of Crime
- Legal Authority
- Necessity
- Recovery of Property (Re-entry upon Land) (Recapture of Chattel) (Shopkeeper’s Rule) (Fresh Pursuit) (Reasonableness).
A defendant who acted in accordance with the plaintiff’s informed and voluntary assent, whether express or implied, is not liable for the resulting harm so long as the plaintiff had legal capacity.
Injuries resulting from playing contact sports
The Defense of Self-Defense
A person who reasonably believes himself to be threatened with immediate bodily harm may use whatever degree of force is apparently necessary to protect himself. If the attack is with so-called “deadly force” the majority rule is that the one attacked may defend with “deadly force” if deemed reasonable under the circumstances. The minority rule requires that the one attacked retreat if there is a safe means of doing so, unless the victim of the attack is in his “castle” (home).
A man wakes up and interrupts an armed burglar who threatens to kill him. The man shoots the burglar, killing him.
The Defense of Defense of Others
A person who reasonably believes another to be threatened with immediate bodily harm may use whatever degree of force is apparently necessary to protect the personal safety of the other person.
A man sees a woman being abducted by two strangers. The man shoots in the direction of both strangers, killing one, but the other gets away.
Step-in-Shoes Jurisdiction (Defense of Others)
In some jurisdictions, a person is not allowed to use the defense of “defense of others” unless the person being defended was not the aggressor and had the right to use self-defense.
Two friends are in a bar and Friend1 gets into a verbal argument with a patron that escalates into a physical altercation. Friend1 begins punching the patron. The patron punches back and starts to win the fight.
Friend2 may not defend Friend1 in this case because Friend1 was the aggressor.
Reasonable Appearances Jurisdictions (Defense of Others)
In some jurisdictions, a person defending another in good faith and in ignorance of the fact that the person being defended is the aggressor and not entitled to use self-defense is nevertheless justified when acting upon reasonable appearances. Sometimes it is further required that the person being defended is one whom the defender is authorized by statute to protect.
Two friends are in a bar and Friend1 gets into a verbal argument with a patron that escalates into a physical altercation. Friend1 begins punching the patron. The patron punches back and starts to win the fight. Friend2 was in the bathroom when the altercation started and comes out of the bathroom to find Friend1 being beaten by the patron.
Friend2 will likely succeed under “Reasonable Appearances” because in this case Friend2 was ignorant of the fact that Friend1 was the aggressor.
The Defense of Defense of Property
A person may use reasonable force that is not likely to cause death or serious bodily harm to protect his possession of real or personal property against an apparent trespasser.
A purse-snatcher tries grabbing a woman’s purse and she sprays pepper spray in his face. (Pepper spray is legal in that jurisdiction).
The Defense of Prevention of Crime
A person, whether a police officer or a private person, may use reasonable force to prevent the commission of a crime which is apparently being attempted in his presence.
At midnight, a police officer observes a man breaking and entering into the window of a store and the officer apprehends the man by tazing him.
The Defense of Recovery of Property
A person may commit an act that would otherwise be tortuous if he is acting in fresh pursuit and with a reasonable degree of force to regain possession of his property. There are three separate aspects to this particular defense: re-entry upon land, recapture of chattel, and the Shopkeeper’s Rule.
A shopkeeper apprehends a shoplifter by tackling him to the ground after the shoplifter ran out the door with over $500 worth of merchandise.
Re-entry Upon Land Aspect
A person may use reasonable force to re-enter real property only if the taking of the property was tortuous or wrongful and the re-entering party is entitled to immediate possession. Ordinarily, a demand must be made for the occupier to vacate unless such a demand would be a total exercise in futility. Only force not likely to cause death or serious bodily harm may be used.
Recapture of Chattel Aspect
A person may use reasonable force to defend against his chattel being taken only if the taking of the chattel was wrongful or tortuous, the recapturing person is in fresh pursuit, and the degree of force is not likely to cause death or serious bodily harm.
A purse-snatcher grabs a woman’s purse and she runs after him, tackling him, sprays pepper spray in his face, and then ties his hands up with a shoelace as she waits for the police to arrive. (Pepper spray is legal in this jurisdiction).
Shopkeeper’s Rule Aspect
Under the Shopkeeper’s Rule, a business person has a limited privilege in some jurisdictions to detain a suspected thief, e.g., shoplifter or embezzling employee, to investigate the shopkeeper’s claim to the goods, even though it may be determined that no wrongful taking has been committed.
A shopkeeper catches a teen attempting to steal a DVD and keeps him in the back room until a police officer arrives.
Fresh Pursuit
Fresh pursuit relates to the requirement that a person recapturing a chattel or a shopkeeper detaining a suspected thief must do so without unreasonable delay after discovering the loss.
A restaurant owner sees a man leaving the restaurant without paying for his meal. The owner chases the man down the street until he overtakes and detains him.
The Defense of Legal Authority
A person may commit an otherwise tortuous act if it is done under legal process or is otherwise authorized by law. It is a defense that is usually used by police officers or private persons who have made an arrest either with or without a warrant and who are now facing charges of false imprisonment in relation to their having made the arrest.
With a warrant, a police officer arrests a man suspected of burglary. The man was innocent and sues the officer.
The Defense of Necessity
A person may commit an otherwise tortuous act if that person is acting in an emergency situation to protect himself or others from a threatened injury to person or property. The person claiming the defense of necessity may act on appearances. A reasonable mistake is permitted.
A man stuck in a snowstorm breaks and enters into a cabin he does not own in order to save his life.
RiaCtPaotDtIT. IitSbwtAoFUotTaMoaRRoDiJ
Reasonableness is a concept that permeates all of the defenses to intentional torts. It is the standard by which the amount of force used or the time and manner of a re-entry, recapture, or detention is judged.
Liability for negligence requires proof of a duty of care owed by the defendant to the plaintiff, a breach of that duty, and that the breach was the actual and proximate cause of damages suffered by the plaintiff.
A shopper at a local store slips and falls on a spill that had been left on the floor for over an hour and had no warning or barrier placed around the spill. The man sues the store for damages because he broke his hip.
Here the store owes a duty to the shopper to keep the store safe, the store breached that duty by letting the spill stay on the floor for over an hour without any warning, and the spill was the actual and proximate cause of the damages suffered by the shopper, therefore liability will be found.
Elements of Negligence
The elements of negligence are: duty, breach, causation, and damages. Example:
General Duty
The general rule of duty holds that everyone owes a duty to exercise due care so as not to subject others to unreasonable risks of harm.
Drivers owe a duty to drive with care as not to injure others.
Cardozo Rule on Duty
Under Palsgraf v. Long Island Railroad Co., Justice Cardozo’s majority opinion held that a defendant owes a duty only to those who could foreseeably be endangered by the defendant’s negligent act. Therefore, according to the rule, there is no duty owed to a plaintiff who is in a position of apparent safety when the defendant commits a negligent act. This is the so-called “orbit of danger” (zone of danger) test.
A car runs off the road hits a pole, the pole hits a trailer with a boulder in it, the boulder launches over 500 feet into the air, hits a tractor parked on a hill, the tractor rolls down a hill, strikes a parked car, the parked car rolls down the hill gaining speed until it crashes into a bike that launches into the air and hits a pedestrian who was over a mile away from the original car that hit the pole.
Under Cardozo, the driver of the car would not be liable because the pedestrian was unforeseeable and within a position of apparent safety, i.e. the pedestrian was not in the “zone of danger”.
The Andrews Rule on Duty
In the Palsgraf case, Justice Andrews gave a dissenting opinion that has been applied as the majority opinion in other cases. Andrews argued that if the defendant owes a duty to anyone, then he owes a duty to everyone who could foreseeably be injured by his action. Thus, Cardozo looked at the issue from a perspective of identifying whether a duty is owed, while Andrews considered the issue as one of proximate causation.
A car runs off the road hits a pole, the pole hits a trailer with a boulder in it, the boulder launches over 500 feet into the air, hits a tractor parked on a hill, the tractor rolls down a hill, strikes a parked car, the parked car rolls down the hill gaining speed until it crashes into a bike that launches into the air and hits a pedestrian who was over a mile away from the original car that hit the pole.
Under Andrews, the defendant owes a duty to the pedestrian because anyone could have been hurt by the driver’s negligence.
Owner Liability Statues
Certain statutes impose liability upon owners of vehicles for the tortuous acts committed by persons to whom the owner intentionally furnishes the vehicle.
John loans his car to Defendant who was involved in a car accident due to Defendant’s negligence. John is liable in jurisdictions that have owner liability statutes.
Duty Owed to a Guest Passenger
A driver of a motor vehicle, in the absence of a statute otherwise, owes to persons riding in the vehicle a duty of driving with due care. However, a number of jurisdictions have statutes that provide that a guest passenger in an automobile cannot recover from the owner or operator of the automobile unless the owner or operator is guilty of willful misconduct, recklessness, or intoxication.
Defendant was willfully reckless in driving and injured a passenger in his car after crashing into a tree. Under a guest passenger statute, the passenger may sue for damages, whereas if the driver was not willfully reckless, the guest may not sue for damages. In jurisdictions that do not have statutes otherwise, the injured passenger may sue for damages.
Duty Owed to Those Injured by Drunk Driver
A person who serves alcoholic beverages to one who is intoxicated is not, in the absence of a statute stating otherwise, liable for the damages done by the intoxicated person. However, in those jurisdictions which have statutes traditionally referred to as dram shop acts, an owner, a bartender or other persons serving alcoholic beverages to a person who is intoxicated can be held liable for the foreseeable damages caused by the intoxicated person.
Bartender serves more alcohol to a woman he knows is wasted. Woman leaves the bar, gets in her car, and runs over a pedestrian in the parking lot, killing the pedestrian.
In jurisdictions that do not have statutes stating otherwise, Bartender is not liable for damages. In jurisdictions that do have “Dram Shop” acts/statutes, Bartender and Owner are liable for damages as outlined in the statute.
Family Purpose Doctrine
A parent who furnishes a vehicle to the members of his family for customary convenience, assumes liability for the tortuous acts committed by those persons when the car is being driven for a family purpose.
Parent asks Son to drive to the store to buy a loaf of bread. Son gets into an accident because he was texting while driving. Under the Family Purpose Doctrine, Parent is liable.
Duty Owed to a Rescuer
A person whose negligence creates a situation in which he needs to be rescued may be held liable for injuries incurred by his rescuer.
Idiot jumps off a cliff. Rescuer is injured while descending cliff to rescue Idiot. Idiot is liable for Rescuer’s injuries.
Duty Owed by a Good Samaritan
A person who embarks upon the performance of services for another, whether gratuitously or for consideration, is under a duty to render those services with due care. This person, however, is under no duty to complete the performance of the services unless abandonment would prejudice the other party’s position. The rendering of aid in an emergency constitutes the performance of services, and a duty of care is imposed upon those who undertake to render such aid.
Some jurisdictions have enacted statutes designed to encourage physicians to render emergency aid, by limiting the liability that could otherwise be imposed upon them. Generally speaking, liability can be imposed upon them only for reckless or wanton misconduct.
Good Samaritan uses the Heimlich Maneuver to help a man who was choking on his food at a local diner. In giving the maneuver, the Good Samaritan used due care, nevertheless he injured the choking man.
In this case, although the Good Samaritan injured the choking man, because he used due care, he is not liable for the choking man’s injuries.
Omission to Act
AOtAtPIdNGRtTLutiaSRoSCtCaADRtDtAtPtP. AADtAmaWtiaCFRsaPaCoHaWwtDatPaCwtDCtPtbiDoIwtDhBtRAttPwtDFtPaDtCtBoOwtDiaIowtDOaCCsaaPoS
An omission to act to prevent injury (nonfeasance), does not give rise to tort liability unless there is a special relationship or special circumstance that creates an affirmative duty requiring the defendant to act to protect the plaintiff. An affirmative duty to act may arise when there is a close familial relationship, such as parent and child or husband and wife; when the defendant and the plaintiff are coventurers; when the defendant caused the plaintiff to be in danger or injured; when the defendant has begun to render assistance to the plaintiff; when the defendant fails to perform a duty to control the behavior of others; when the defendant is an innkeeper; or when the defendant operates a common carrier such as a plane or ship.
Example 1:
Man sees a woman being raped in a parking lot. He is under no duty to help her.
Example 2:
Husband sees his wife being raped in a parking lot. He is under a duty to try and help her if he can.
Business Invitee
A business invitee is a person who has express or implied permission to enter business property to do business with the land occupier.
A shop owner asks a contractor to come out to give him an estimate on fixing the leaky roof to the shop.
Public Invitee
A public invitee enters property in the possession of another for the purpose for which the property is held open to the public. It is not required that a business purpose be involved. Public employees acting within the scope of their official duties are included in the category of public invitees.
A security guard who works at the local store is a Public Invitee as are those who enter into store for any purpose.
A licensee is a person who enters property with the express or implied permission of the land occupier. Such entry is not for the purpose of doing business.
Homeowner invites his neighbor over for dinner. Neighbor is a Licensee.
A trespasser is someone who enters the real property of another without express or implied consent.
A stranger climbs over a fence to Homeowner’s property in order to take a “shortcut” to the store. Stranger is a trespasser.
Constant Trespasser Upon a Limited Area
A constant trespasser upon a limited area is a trespasser whose presence is known, or should be known, to land occupier because of the trespasser’s repeated acts of trespassing.
A stranger walks up the walkway and knocks on the front door of Homeowner. Stranger is a Constant Trespasser Upon a Limited Area.
Duty Owed to a Business Invitee
A land occupier owes a duty of ordinary care to invitees, which includes reasonably inspecting the land for dangerous conditions and repairing those dangerous conditions that a reasonable inspection would reveal.
Land Occupier fails to repair a broken step to the front door. Business Invitee comes over and injures himself on the step. Land Occupier will be liable.
Duty Owed to Licensee
A landowner owes a duty of ordinary care to licensees, which includes either 1) warning licensees of known dangerous conditions, unless they are obvious or already known to the licensee, or 2) repairing dangerous conditions to make the property safe.
Homeowner fails to repair a broken step to the front door that he knows about, although it is not obvious the step is broken. Licensee comes over and injures himself on the step. Homeowner will be liable.
Duty Owed to a Trespasser
The land occupier generally owes no duty of care to the trespasser unless the trespasser is a constant trespasser upon a limited area or a child to whom the Attractive Nuisance Doctrine applies.
Trespasser falls on Land Occupier’s wilderness property and injures himself. Land Occupier is not liable.
Duty Owed to the Child Trespasser
The land occupier owes no duty to a child trespasser unless he is a constant trespasser upon a limited area or unless the case is one in which the Attractive Nuisance Doctrine applies.
Land Occupier fails to fix the gate to the fence around his swimming pool and a child trespasser drowns in it. Land Occupier is liable.
Attractive Nuisance Doctrine
The Attractive Nuisance Doctrine, recognized in most jurisdictions, imposes a duty upon land occupiers for the protection of young children whose trespasses are to be anticipated and whose immaturity renders them particularly susceptible to injury from dangerous conditions on the land. The land occupier owes a duty of reasonable care to eliminate a danger or to otherwise protect children when the following elements are present: 1) foreseeability of trespass, 2) foreseeability of serious harm, 3) the child is unaware of the danger, and 4) the benefit to the owner of maintaining the condition in its dangerous form is slight when weighted against the risk to children.
Land Occupier fails to fix the gate to the fence around his swimming pool and a child trespasser drowns in it. Land Occupier is liable.
Duty Owed to Persons Off the Premises
The land occupier owes a duty to maintain the premises in a reasonably safe condition for the protection of passersby and occupiers of adjoining premises. This includes the duty of inspection to discover and correct those defects that a reasonable inspection would reveal.
Land Occupier knows his tree is dead and could fall. Pedestrian is walking past Land Occupier’s house and the tree falls injuring Pedestrian. Land Occupier is liable.
Rowland v. Christian
Under Rowland v. Christian, the court eliminated the distinction between business invitee, licensee, and trespasser, and found that the land occupier owes a duty to act as a “reasonable man” for the purposes of rendering the occupied property safe for others.
Land Occupier fails to fix a hole in the walkway to the front door. A visitor breaks his ankle when he steps into the hole. Land Occupier is liable.
Natural Conditions
ALOtOnDtOftCoNCotOP. HtRTmbtIaDoRCatNCaLitSwtCiKttL
A land occupier traditionally owed no duty to others for the care of natural conditions on the occupied property. However, the recent trend may be to impose a duty of reasonable care as to natural conditions, at least in those situations where the condition is known to the landowner.
A person is injured on Land Occupier’s property after stepping into a sinkhole. Land Occupier knew of the sinkhole and failed to mark it accordingly. Land Occupier will most likely be found liable.
Res Ipsa Loquitur
RILiaRoEtAtPiPtEoBoDwtPiUtEbOEttDAU. TDPutTttOiSoNaiiUftPtStECwtDBhDoC.
Res Ipsa Loquitur is a rule of evidence that aids the plaintiff in proving the element of breach of duty when the plaintiff is unable to establish by other evidence that the defendant acted unreasonably.
The doctrine proceeds upon the theory that the occurrence itself speaks of negligence and it is unnecessary for the plaintiff to show the exact circumstances whereby the defendant breached his or her duty of care.
The plaintiff must prove:
- the defendant was in complete control of the instrument that caused the harm;
- the plaintiff is not guilty of contributory negligence;
- the defendant is in a better position to explain what happened; and
- injuries of this type do not normally occur absent such negligence.
The literal interpretation is “the thing speaks for itself.”
A man is eating at a local diner, bites into his hamburger and there is a human toe in it. The man gets sick and has to be hospitalized.
Actual Cause or Cause in Fact
An actual cause is the cause which starts, ignites, or makes possible the result which follows, and which satisfies the “But For” or Substantial Factor Test.
A driver fails to stop at a red light and rear ends the car in front of him.
Proximate Cause
An actual cause of harm is the proximate cause of that harm if the act occurs in a natural and continuous sequence of events, unbroken by unforeseeable, independent, intervening acts and results in the harm. When a defendant’s act directly causes injury to the plaintiff without any intervening causes, the majority of jurisdictions hold that act to be the proximate cause of harm unless the harm is unforeseeable. However, in some jurisdictions, if the defendant’s act directly causes harm, his act is the proximate cause regardless of whether the harm was foreseeable or unforeseeable. When a dependent intervening act occurs, the chain of causation is broken only if the result of the dependent intervening act is highly unforeseeable. When an independent intervening act occurs, the chain of causation is broken unless the result of the independent act is foreseeable.
Independent Intervening Act
An independent intervening act is one that would have occurred even in the absence of the original negligence. It breaks the chain of causation unless the act or its result was foreseeable in light of the original negligent act.
Friend asks Joe to store his lawnmower while he is on an extended trip overseas. Joe agrees, but leaves the lawnmower outside. A tornado hits the ground where the lawnmower was and destroys it. Although Joe left the lawnmower outside, it is arguable that a tornado sweeping away the lawnmower was not foreseeable.
Dependent Intervening Act
A dependent intervening act is one that would not have occurred in the absence of the original negligence. It is nearly always considered to be part of the chain of events set in motion by the original negligent act. Therefore, a dependent intervening act breaks the chain of causation only if the act was highly unforeseeable.
Careless Joe spills gasoline outside neighbor’s shed and does not clean up the spill. Neighbor’s child is playing with matches and ignites the gasoline burning down the shed. Even though the fire would not have started had the child not been playing with matches, Careless Joe will be held liable because it is foreseeable that spilled gasoline may ignite and start a fire.
The “But For” Test
The “But For” Test is used to establish actual cause. To apply the test, the plaintiff must show that but for the defendant’s act, the plaintiff would not have been injured.
Plaintiff suffers whiplash from being rear-ended by the Defendant. “But For” the Defendant rear-ending Plaintiff, Plaintiff would not have been injured.
The “Substantial Factor” Test
The Substantial Factor Test is used to establish actual cause where more than one act contributes to the plaintiff’s harm. The defendant is said to be an actual cause of the plaintiff’s harm if the defendant’s act is a substantial factor in bringing the harm about. This means that the defendant’s act contributed in more than a trivial degree to the plaintiff’s injury. The test applies where two or more acts combine to produce a single indivisible injury regardless of whether either or any of the acts by itself would have caused the injury. Where more than one act could have caused the injury by itself, then each actor may be held jointly and severally liable. However, where an act would not have caused the injury without the other contributing acts, liability may be apportioned between the tortfeasors.
Plaintiff suffers injury from asbestos poisoning through sources involving three different tortfeasors. In this case, all three tortfeasors will be held liable.
Negligence Per Se
Under the doctrine of negligence per se, the elements of duty and breach are proved when a defendant violates a safety statute that was intended to protect the class of people to which the plaintiff belongs from the kind of injury the defendant caused. In California, a presumption of negligence arises.
maintenance and the airplane crashes. Airline is responsible for all injuries/deaths due to the crash because the safety statute was designed to protect people from crashing airplanes.
Contributory Negligence
Under the minority doctrine of contributory negligence, if the plaintiff’s failure to exercise reasonable care for his own safety is a contributing factor to his own injury, he is barred from recovery for the defendant’s negligent action.
A man is injured in an auto accident that was not his fault, but he was not wearing a seatbelt, so his injuries were worse than they would have been had he exercised due care to wear his seatbelt. Under this doctrine, the man would be barred from recovery.
Comparative Negligence
Modernly, the doctrine of comparative negligence has replaced contributory negligence, so that liability is apportioned according to the relative degrees of fault of the plaintiff and defendant. In a pure comparative negligence jurisdiction like California, the plaintiff will recover some damages no matter how great his own negligence was. In partial comparative negligence jurisdictions, the plaintiff will not recover if his own negligence equals or exceeds the defendant’s.
A man is injured in an auto accident that was not his fault, but he was not wearing a seatbelt, so his injuries were worse than they would have been had he exercised due care to wear his seatbelt. Under this doctrine, the man would be awarded damages according to what the court deemed was only caused by the Defendant. In partial comparative negligence jurisdictions, if the man was 50% or more the cause of his injuries, he will not recover.
The Doctrine of Avoidable Consequence
Under the Doctrine of Avoidable Consequences, a plaintiff must act reasonably to mitigate his damages. If the plaintiff fails to act reasonably to minimize his loss or injury, the amount of damages he recovers may be reduced.
A man receives an eye injury due to Plaintiff’s negligence and needs a common and relatively simple eye surgery with very little risk. Man refuses surgery and is blinded as a result. Under this doctrine, man’s recovery will be reduced because he did not reasonably mitigate his damages.
Last Clear Chance Doctrine
The last clear chance doctrine limits the contributory negligence defense so that even if the plaintiff was contributorily negligent, he will be permitted to recover if the defendant had a superior opportunity to avoid the accident and failed to do so.
If the plaintiff, through his own negligence, is in a position of helpless or inattentive peril and therefore unable to avoid an impending accident, and the defendant could have avoided the accident through the exercise of due care, but failed to do so, then the plaintiff’s contributory negligence will not bar his recovery from the defendant.
Assumption of the Risk
UtDoAotRaPAtRoHihVShtaKaAR. SCmbECbAbtPoimbIbtPC. ACLAotRiaCBtRiaNA
Under the defense of assumption of the risk, a plaintiff assumes the risk of harm if he voluntarily subjects himself to a known and appreciated risk. Such consent may be expressly created by agreement between the parties, or it may be implied by the plaintiff’s conduct. At common law, assumption of the risk is a complete bar to recovery in a negligence action.
A woman is injured after falling off of a friend’s horse.
Vicarious Liability
UtToVLaDwinCwPFoWmbhLftTAbotDRttT. ADWiHVLhtRtIbtT.
Under the theory of vicarious liability, a defendant who is not charged with personal fault or wrongdoing may be held liable for the tortfeasor’s act because of the defendant’s relationship to the tortfeasor (e.g., the defendant is an employer, joint venturer, car owner, bailor, parent, etc.) A defendant who is held vicariously liable has the right to indemnification by the tortfeasor.
Employee recklessly drives employer’s van onto the sidewalk and hits Pedestrian. Employer may be Vicariously Liable.
Joint Tortfeasors
JTCoToMPwJttCaTA. TSiSttoCCiCLaEiVLftAdbtOitFotCD.
Joint tortfeasors consist of two or more persons who join together to commit a tortuous act. Their status is similar to that of co-conspirators in criminal law, and each is vicariously liable for the acts done by the other in the furtherance of the common design.
Concurrent Tortfeasors
Concurrent tortfeasors consist of two or more persons who are not acting in concert with each other, but whose acts combine to produce a single indivisible injury to the plaintiff. In some jurisdictions, joint and several liability is applied in a pure form, holding each concurrent tortfeasor liable for the full amount of the harm. However, a majority of jurisdictions will apportion damages by using a comparative fault system.
Vicarious liability does not apply.
Successive Tortfeasors
A successive tortfeasor is one whose negligence follows an initial injury and adds to, or aggravates, the existing injury. Under the rules of proximate causation, if the second tortfeasor’s negligent act did not break the chain of causation set in motion by the first tortfeasor, then the first tortfeasor can be held liable for both acts. However, if the second tortfeasor’s negligent act did break the chain of proximate causation, the first tortfeasor can only be held liable for his own negligence.
Joint and Several Liability
Joint and several liability is imposed upon joint and concurrent (but not successive) tortfeasors. This means that each is responsible for the full amount of the plaintiff’s injury and the full amount of a related court judgment. Judgments for the full amount may be obtained against any of the tortfeasors, but the plaintiff is not entitled to recover more than the total judgment. Thus, satisfaction from one tortfeasor will discharge the liability of the others to the plaintiff. Example:
Contribution relates to a claim by one concurrent tortfeasor against another concurrent tortfeasor, requesting reimbursement of the other’s proportional share of a court judgment. It is typically used after joint and several liability has been found and one defendant has had to pay the plaintiff more than his pro rata share of the damages. Example:
Indemnity is a shifting of the liability from a defendant who is only secondarily or vicariously liable to the party who is primarily liable. Where it applies, indemnification allows the secondarily or vicariously liable defendant who has paid a court judgment to obtain full reimbursement from the party who is primarily liable. Some jurisdictions, including California, have adopted a rule of partial indemnity on the basis of relative fault of the parties. Example:
Husband-Wife Immunity
At common law, husband-wife immunity prevented one spouse from maintaining an action against the other. It was argued that such suits between spouses would disrupt domestic tranquility. Modernly, husband-wife immunity does not exist in most jurisdictions. Example:
Parent-Child Immunity
Traditionally parent-child immunity has been applied so that a parent and minor child are immune from suits against each other in tort action. However, suits involving interference with property interests have been freely allowed. Many jurisdictions have abolished parent-child immunity. Example:
Governmental Immunity
Governmental immunity has been applied to prevent suits against a governmental entity unless that entity has consented to the suit. A substantial number of jurisdictions have totally abolished the immunity of municipal governments, and in several states, the immunity of the state government has also been terminated. Example:
Charitable Immunity
Charitable immunity traditionally prevented non-paying recipients from suing a charity. However, paying recipients could sue the charity because, as to them, it was not a charity; it was a business. Modernly the trend is to abolish the immunity and to hold non-profit organizations liable to the same extent as any other wrongdoing defendant. Example:
Wrongful Death Statutes
Under a wrongful death statute, when the defendant’s intentional or negligent act causes the death of a person, the surviving members of the decedent’s family can bring an action to recover for their loss. At common law, no such cause of action existed for the surviving members of the decedent’s family. Example:
Survival Statutes
Survival statutes allow a decedent’s pre-existing cause of action against another to continue after the death of the parties originally involved. At common law, the death of either party to a lawsuit prior to judgment for whatever reason terminated all tort causes of action, except in the case of torts involving personal property. Example:
Wrongful Birth
Wrongful birth actions have been accepted in an increasing number of jurisdictions. They usually relate to a claim of negligence against a physician or laboratory related to the failure to supply information concerning potential birth defects or claimed negligence involved in the failure to prevent birth by contraception, abortion, vasectomy, etc. Example:
Pre-Natal Injuries
At common law, pre-natal injuries could not be the basis of a suit by a child against a tortfeasor. It is now generally held that the child, if born alive, should not be denied a cause of action merely because the injury occurred prior to birth. Example:
Negligent Supervision
Negligent supervision is a cause of action that is brought by a plaintiff who suffered injury because of a child or other person who was inadequately supervised by one who owed a duty of supervision. Most commonly, it is brought against parents who failed to exercise ordinary parental discretion as to the manner in which their child is supervised or cared for. Modernly, a child may bring an action against his or her own parents for injuries sustained by the child because of lack of proper supervision. Example:
Strict Liability
Strict liability is liability without fault. It is imposed against a defendant even though the defendant has done nothing intentionally wrong and has not acted unreasonably under the circumstances. Such liability is imposed, traditionally, for the keeping of dangerous animals, and the carrying on of abnormally dangerous activities. Example:
Rylands v. Fletcher
Under Rylands v. Fletcher, one who brings something onto his land that is non-natural and likely to cause injury if it escapes is strictly liable for all damages resulting from an escape. Example:
Products Liability
A manufacturer or seller who releases an unreasonably dangerous product into the stream of commerce is liable for harm caused by the product. In order to recover, it must be proved that the product was defective in design, manufacture, or warning, and one of four separate and distinct theories of liability must be asserted: intentional, negligence, breach of warranty, or strict liability. Example:
MacPherson v. Buick
In the case of MacPherson v. Buick, Justice Cardozo dispensed with the previously applied requirement of privity of contract in products liability cases and extended the manufacturer’s duty of care to include the ultimate consumer of the product, whether or not the consumer was the actual purchaser of the product. Later cases extended the duty to include not just the purchaser or the ultimate consumer, but to include all persons and property likely to be endangered by the product’s probable use, such as the consumer’s family or guests, or even near bystanders. Example:
Products Liability (Negligence)
In order for a plaintiff to recover under a negligence theory of products liability, the plaintiff must prove duty, breach, causation, and damages. A duty of care originally extended only to those in privity of contract, but under McPherson v. Buick, the duty was extended to all foreseeable users. To establish breach, the plaintiff must show that the product failed to meet ordinary commercial expectations. Damages are limited to personal and property. Example:
Products Liability (Breach of Warranty)
Liability can be imposed against the manufacturer or seller of a product based upon the buyer’s reliance upon an express or implied warranty that the goods are of merchantable quality or are fit for their intended purpose. Example:
Products Liability (Strict Liability)
Strict liability may be imposed against a manufacturer or seller of a product which is defective and thereby unsafe for its anticipated use, or for failure to warn the consumer of an inherent danger involved in the use of the product when put to an intended or foreseeable use. To prevail in a products strict liability action, the plaintiff must prove: 1) manufacture or sale of the product was by defendant, 2) the product was defective, 3) the product and its defective aspects were the actual and proximate cause of the plaintiff’s injuries, and 4) the defect existed at the time the product left the defendant’s hands. Example:
Intentional Misrepresentation (Deceit)
In order to recover for intentional misrepresentation, or deceit, the plaintiff must prove that the defendant made a false statement of material fact with scienter and with intent to induce the plaintiff’s reliance, and that the plaintiff justifiably relied, causing the plaintiff damage. Example:
Negligent Misrepresentation
In order to recover for negligent misrepresentation, the plaintiff must prove that the defendant breached his duty to exercise due care in acquiring and transmitting information, and made a false statement of material fact, with an intent to induce the plaintiff’s reliance, and that the plaintiff justifiably relied, causing the plaintiff damage. Example:
Defamation is a false and defamatory statement, published intentionally or negligently to a third person, that the third person understood applied to the plaintiff, and which caused damage to the plaintiff. In order to recover damages, in addition to proving each element of defamation, the plaintiff is required to show that he or she has made a demand for a retraction from the defendant that would be given equal publicity, and the plaintiff must show that the defendant has refused to give the retraction. Example:
Inducement and innuendo
Inducement is the extrinsic facts necessary to understand the defamation. Innuendo is the connection between the inducement and the defamation that explains why the statement is defamatory. Example:
Colloquium is the offer of extrinsic evidence to explain the defamatory sense of the defendant’s statement, and is included in a complaint when a statement is not defamatory on its face. Example:
Libel is written defamation. Example:
Libel Per Se
Libel Per Se is a statement that is clearly defamatory on its face, meaning that inducement and innuendo are not needed to establish the fact that the statement is defamatory. For libel per se, proof of special damages is not required, and general damages are presumed. Example:
Libel Per Quod
Libel per quod is not defamatory on its face but is defamatory only when viewed in light of outside circumstances, meaning that the inducement and innuendo are needed to establish the defamation. Libel per quod requires proof of special damages in some jurisdictions. Example:
Slander, which is defamation that is published through the spoken word, requires proof of special pecuniary damages that flow directly from the defamation. Once these are proved, general damages are recoverable. Example:
Slander Per Se
Slander Per Se results from a slanderous statement that is sufficiently serious to allow the plaintiff to recover without proof of special damages. The slanderous statement must allege criminal behavior, loathsome disease, unchastity, or improper business practices. For slander per se, the plaintiff is not required to prove special damages in order to recover general damages. Example:
Special Damages
As the term is used in the law of defamation, special damages are those of a pecuniary nature, such as loss of a job or loss of customers or business. Example:
Retraction Requirement
Where there is a retraction statute, the plaintiff needs to show a demand and a refusal for retraction giving equal publicity, unless plaintiff can prove special damages. Can be a defense IF: Need to be made immediately after defamation and clearly connected with it so as to effectively negate the defamation. If no defense: 1) diminish actual damages, 2) negate malice, 3) show punitives are unwarranted, 4) where qualified privilege show good intentions of defendant indicating privilege was not abused. Example:
Absolute Privileges
Under an absolute privilege the defendant has complete immunity from liability for defamation, even if he defames maliciously, knowing the statements to be untrue. Absolute privileges exist for statements: 1) during judicial proceedings, 2) during legislative proceedings, 3) during executive government functions, 4) which are official statements of government officials, 5) between husband and wife, or 6) which are broadcast under the equal time doctrine. Example:
Qualified Privileges
Under a qualified privilege, the defendant has immunity from liability for defamation if he is acting for the following socially desirable purposes: 1) to protect the defendant’s own interests, 2) to protect the interest of others, 3) to protect a common interest, 4) to protect a public interest, 5) to offer an opinion within the Fair Comment Privilege. A qualified immunity can be lost if the statement was irrelevant, made with malice, with a bad faith belief, or if it was excessively publicized. Example:
Fair Comment Privilege
The Fair Comment Privilege is a common law rule derived from the First Amendment rights of free speech and free press. The privilege applies to statements of opinion that have been made in good faith on matters of public interest. Covered by this privilege are opinions about newsworthy persons, events, products, art, works, etc. Example:
New York Times v. Sullivan
Under New York Times v. Sullivan, the U.S. Supreme Court held that a public official may not recover damages for defamation bearing upon his or her qualifications for a position unless he or she can prove by clear and convincing evidence that the statement was made with actual malice. Later cases extended the rule to public figures. Example:
Invasion of Privacy
Generally, causes of action for invasion of privacy relates to the violation of one’s right to be let alone. One of four theories must be charged: appropriation of likeness, intrusion upon seclusion, public disclosure of private facts, or false light. Example:
Malicious Prosecution
Malicious Prosecution is a cause of action against a defendant who previously filed criminal or civil proceedings against the plaintiff without probable cause and with malice. The original proceeding must have ended in favor of the party who is now suing for malicious prosecution. Example:
Abuse of Process
Under tort law, a person is liable for abuse of process if he previously initiated a legal proceeding against the plaintiff, with an ulterior motive, and for an improper purpose. Example:
Disparagement, or trade libel, is the publication of an untrue or misleading statement about another’s business or product in an attempt to influence a person not to deal with the business. Example:
Interference With an Economic Relationship
Interference with Economic Relationship is a broad cause of action alleging an intentional interference with one’s business relationships. Included are interferences with contractual relationships, expected commercial relationships, and intimidation of employees, clients, etc. To prevail, the plaintiff must prove that the defendant intentionally and unlawfully interfered with the plaintiff’s business or enterprise, and that the defendant’s act resulted in commercial or economic harm to the plaintiff. Example:
General Damages
General damages are non-pecuniary in nature and are presumed by the law to be incurred based upon the commission of the tort. General damages need not be specifically claimed and proved. Examples are pain, suffering and inconvenience. Example:
Punitive or Exemplary Damages
Punitive damages, also called exemplary damages, are awarded to the plaintiff for the purpose of punishing the defendant for malicious or reckless conduct. The intent is to make an “example” of the defendant’s conduct so that such conduct will not be repeated. Example:
Out of Pocket Damages (Misrepresentation)
Out of Pocket damages are usually considered to be the same thing as special damages since they are pecuniary in nature. However, in an action for misrepresentation, out-of-pocket damages are calculated by comparing the difference between what the plaintiff paid, to the value of what the plaintiff received. Example:
Loss of the Benefit of the Bargain
Under the Loss of the Benefit of the Bargain Theory, special damages for misrepresentation are calculated by considering the value received by the plaintiff as compared to the value that the defendant stated the plaintiff would receive. Example: