Torts Flashcards
Prima Facie Case general Elements
(1) Voluntary Act
(2) Intent (Specific - D acted with purpose to cause offensive contact OR General - D knows that consequence is substantially certain to occur)
(3) Causation
conduct was “substantial factor” in bringing the harm.
(1) harmful contact
(2) w/ plaintiff’s person
(3) Causes by D
(4) w/ intent (general or specific)
(1) Reasonable apprehension
(2) of imminent harm or offensive bodily contact
(3) Causes by D
(4) w/ intent (specific or general)
intentional infliction of emotional distress
(1) extreme or outrageous conduct
(2) which causes or is substantial factor in causing
(3) severe emotional distress
(4) w/ intent to cause severe emotional distress OR acts with recklessness as to the risk of causing severe emotional distress
caused harm or conduct was substantial factor that caused harm.
General Intent
D knows that harm is substantially certain to occur.
Trespass to land
(1) Causes or is substantial factor
(2) a physical invasion in P’s real property
(3) w/ Intent (specific or general)
Trespass to chattels
(1) Causes or is substantial factor
(2) An interference with the plaintiff’s right of possession in a chattel
(3) w/ intent (specific or general)
(1) Causes or is substantial factor
(2) an interference with P’s right of possession in chattel
(3) where interference by D deprives P entirely of the use of the chattel
(4) w/ intent (specific or general)
Defenses to Intentional Torts
(1) Consent
(2) Self-defense
(3) Necessity
Consent (defense to intentional tort)
(1) Consent - Express or implied; BUT must be (valid and D’s conduct did not exceed scope of consent)
Self-Defense (intentional torts)
(2) Self-defense - D reasonably believed P was going to harm him or another AND D used reasonably necessary amount of force proportionate to threat
Necessity (intentional torts)
(3) Necessity - D enters onto P’s land or interferes with P’s personal property to prevent an injury or some other severe harm
(private necessity - benefit limited ppl = D liable for any damages to P’s property)
P cannot use force to exclude D.
(public necessity - public good = D is not liable for property damage that he caused.)
(1) D owed a duty to P to conform to a specific standard of care
(2) D breached that duty
(3) Actual and Proximate cause
(4) damages
To whom is duty owed?
A duty of care is owed to all foreseeable plaintiffs that may be harmed by D’s breach of applicable standard of care
(1) majority view - D liable to Ps in foreseeable zone of danger
(2) minority view - D owes duty to everyone harmed.