Tort MC Set #1 Flashcards
3 requirements of an intentional tort
1-act; 2-intent; 3- causation
intent for an intentional tort
specific intent- goal to bring about specific consequences, or general-actor knows with substantial certainty that these consequences will result
defenses to intentional torts
self defense and consent
self defense
he use of force is justified against another when and to the extent she reasonably believes necessary to defend herself or a 3rd party against the offender’s IMMINENT use of unlawful force
self defense type of force standard
meet same force with same defense
stand your ground
can use defensive force and NO DUTY TO RETREAT if reasonable belief it is needed to prevent GREAT/SERIOUS BODILY HARM or DEATH, or if you believe there is a commision of a FELONY about to occur
stand your ground reasonable belief presumption
if the person against whom force was used entered or was in the process unlawfully or forcibly entering dwelling or vehicle and person who used defensive force knew or had reasonable belief that unlawful force was occurring. NOT LIMITED TO RESIDENCE.
stand your ground reasonable belief presumption: when it does not apply
does not apply if the person against whom force was used had right to be, or was a lawful residence of dwelling, or was a child etc of such a person, or person using force was doing something unlawful, or person whom force was used was a LEO on duty and person using force should have known person was a LEO
negligence 4 elements
1-duty; 2-breach; 3-causation; and 4-damages
negligence: def
has created an unreasonable risk of harm
negligence standard
reasonable prudent person under the circumstances–objective standard
physicians: informed consent
DR is under special obligation to explain all MATERIAL risks prior to patient consenting. Failure to comply rises to the level of professional negligence. Affirmative obligation that results in breach of duty (actionable as MED-MAL).
physicians: informed consent exceptions
risk is commonly known; patient waives info; patient is incompetent; disclosure would be too harmful and may cause something like a heart attack
physicians: informed consent applies to
physicians, chiros, dentists, assistant
physicians: informed consent: no recovery
no recovery if obtaining consent was in accordance with accepted standard of practice among professionals with same training and reasonable patient would have understood risks; or, circumstances show that patient would have consented knowing the risks
physicians: informed consent presumption
if consent meets requirements and is in writing, a presumption of valid consent is raised
landowners in general (standards)
only owe a duty only to those w/i boundaries of land (land owner, occupier or in possession)
trespassers: discovered duty
discovered or anticipated: duty to warn or protect against concealed dangerous artificial conditions
trespassers: discovered
enters w/o express or implied invitation and whose presence was detected w/i 24 hours preceding accident
trespassers: undiscovered duty
landowners owe NO duty, nor a duty to inspect property for evidence of trespassers
trespassers: undiscovered definition
enters w/o express or implied invitation and whose presence was NOT detected w/i 24 hours preceding accident
landowner immunity
not liable for damages to trespasser that was under the influence of drugs/alcohol; however, the owner will not be immune of owner’s gross or intentional misconduct was cause or proximate cause of injury; not liable to trespasser regardless of intoxication except:1-to avoid liability, the owner must refrain from intentional conduct; 2-owner must not engage in gross negligence or intentional misconduct, and must warn of dangerous condition; not liable to person attempting to commit a felony on the property
landowner owes greatest duty of care: wanr, use reasonable care, AND must conduct reasonable inspection of property; BUT, limited to nature of the invitation
business invitees
public invitee on premises by express invitation by owner; if a plaintiff slips and falls on a transitory foreign substance at a business, the P must prove the business had actual or constructive knowledge of the dangerous condition and should have taken action to remedy it. Constructive knowledge can be shown by evidence that: 1-dangerous condition existed for such a period of time that the business should have known; 0r 2-the condition occurred w/ regularity and was therefore foreseeable
uninvited licensee
one who comes on the premises solely for their own convenience w/o invitation. SAME DUTY as DISCOVERED trespassers
licensees by invitation: def
social guests and other persons who are on the property through express or implied invitation of the owner. SAME DUTY as DISCOVERED trespassers
licensees by invitation:
SAME DUTY as DISCOVERED trespassers, BUT includes engaging in REASONABLE efforts to keep property free of transitory dangerous items.
public invitee
licensee on the premises by express or implied invitation by owner. SAME DUTY as DISCOVERED trespassers
good samaritian act
any person who gratuitously and in good faith renders emergency care will NOT be liable as long as they act as a reasonable person under the same circumstances; unless they acted in reckless disregard of standard-very high standard to meet
failure to wear a seatbelt
is not viewed as negligence per se; but is evidence of comparative negligence
proximate cause test
“foreseeability test”; Palsgraff “zone of danger”; limits liability
proximate cause rebuttable presumption in car wreck
rear driver is presumed to be solely at fault; unless he can prove: 1-lead driver stopped or changed lanes abruptly where a reasonable person would not expect them to; 2-lead driver stopped illegally;or, 3-lead driver suffered mechanical failure that was not the rear driver’s fault
Firefighters and law enforcement officers
Firefighters and law enforcement officers engaged in the lawful performance of their employment who enter another’s premises are treated as invitees.
damages: definition
ACTUAL harm or injury-all past, present, and future (future means “reasonably certain to occur).
3 classic form of damages
1-nominal, right was infringed-classic award is $1; 2-compensatory, put P back to where she would have been if wrong had not occurred; 3-punitive, to deter others from doing what D did-a need to be punished, typically because D acted willfully or with reckless disregard
punitive damages proof required
must be plead and may be award if established by CLEAR AND CONVINCING evidence that the D personally engaged in INTENTIONAL MISCONDUCT OR GROSS NEGLIGENCE. P cannot plead unless evidence demonstrates a reasonable basis for recovery
punitive damages: employee misconduct
vicarious liability can be imposed for employee or agent only if guilty of INTENTIONAL MISCONDUCT OR GROSS NEGLIGENCE; and employer: 1-actively acted or knowingly participated in conduct; 2-ratified or consented; 3-engaged in gross negligent conduct that contributed to P s loss, damages, or injury.
Punitive damages may NOT exceed
greater of: 3x compensatory damages, or $500k (except abuse cases).
punitive damages: duty to mitigate
all P’s are required to mitigate
punitive damages collateral rule
gov’t/charity benefits admissible for cost of future care; courts statutorily required to offset damages (except Medicare, Medicaid, worker’s comp) balanced with insurance premiums paid; no reduction if subrogation rights exist