Tort law Flashcards
Which causation is used for tort law ?
Factual causation which is the but for test
what is the caparo test?
all three parts need to be satisfied to show a duty of care
was the damage or harm foreseeable ( predictable)
is there a sufficiently close relationship between the claimant and defendant
it is fair to impose a duty of care
kent v griffiths
ambulance didn’t come in a reasonable time and there wasn’t a obvious reason for this
claimant suffered further illness as they didn’t arrive on times this was foreseeable
legal principle no public health service can operate withoutr effectiv3 ambulance provision
Bourhill v young 1943
pregnant women heard sound accident but there wasn’t a relationship between the two close for there to be a duty of care this it too reduce the floodgates of other claims
Mcloughlin v Obrien 1982
claimant husband and children were is a serious road accident she saw them before they were treated tit was rule there was a close enough relationship therefore the defendant owed a duty of care
she suffered sever shock , organic depression , personailty
Hill v chief constable of west Yorkshire 1990
Yorkshire ripper had been attacking and murdering women the claimant daughter was his last victim before he was caught by the time of her death they had enough information to arrest but failed to do so. the mother claimed they owed a duty care to her daughter .
it was decided the relationship between the police and the daughter was not close enough or reasonable for them tp owe a duty of care to the general public.
whats pure economic loss
loss of profit for a business that is not operating during an injury
what is the exception to pure economic loss ?
result acting on a negligent misstatement if there is a special relationship with their defendant that gave the advice as seen in Hedley v Byrne
Chaudhry v prabhakar 1988
Claimant asked her friend who wasn’t a mechanic but had experience of cars to find her a good second .hand car that had not been in an accident he recommended a car that was being sold by a dealer. He assured it was in good condition and had not been in an accident and relying on this assurance she bought it.
It was then discovered it had been in an accident and was completely unroadworthy.
The claimant recovered the cost of the vehicle from the dealer under contract law but also successfully sued her friend for his negligent misstatement.
Legal principle special relationship can exist in social relationships
What does a special relationship require ?
The possession of a special skill or expertise on the part of the person giving the advice
A reliance on the advice by the claimant the advice is acted upon there has to be sufficient proximity between two parties
Advice communicated directly to through a third party eg newspaper
Person giving advice know it’s being used by claimant
No disclaimer to act as a defence
What is psychiatric injury ?
Also known as nervous shock. A severe long term mental injury which is more than shock or grief
What is a primary victim?
Some one who is directly injured in the event, the injury can be physical and or mental.
What is a secondary victim ?
Someone who is harmed when they witness an event the injury is likely to be mental
What does public policy do
Control the amount of claims
Claims are decided by the judges - judicial precedent
Most claims will be for pure economic loss due to inability to work
Judges have developed a public policy reasons to restrict the amount of claims especially for secondary victims
Primary victims have to prove negligence on behalf of the defendant
What do secondary victims have to prove ?
There was an accident or suddden event where some one the defendant was negligent which caused the injury
Some form of mental injury claimant passes Alcock criteria
That a person of reasonable fortitude would have suffered injury in the same circumstances
Dulieu v white 1901
Claimant was working in a bar when as a result of an accident in the street outside, a coach and horses crashed into the bar. She’s suffered fear of her own safety. Her claim was allowed as it was foreseeable that in the event of an accident someone could sufffer real and immeadiate fear of personal danger
Legal principle a claim can be made if the victim fears for their own safety