tort: defamation Flashcards
what 3 things have to happen to qualify for defamation
1) statment made. has to. be untrue (if its true its. freedom of speech)
2). has to be communicated or published to. a third party( doesnt count for conversations between two people)
3) statement damages the. claimants reputation (this. was added by. the. deformation act
what did. deformation have. to be. before the defamation act. 2013?
- had. to cause harm. but the act claridies that the act. has to. damagereputation)
when was the defamation act?
why were defamation cases heard. with. a jury in the. past
becuase the only. way to know. if someones. reputation has been. damages was if correct. minded. members of society would. shun them. therfore teh general. public of the dury decided
removed by. the 2013 def act not they
what courts were defamation cases tried in?
civil. high. courts.
another reason whymost defamation. cases are only brought by those inthe. public eye is due to the hgih. court cost of. holding a trial
after def actthey cna be tried in small claims courts alloing non famous people to claim (hasnt. happened yet)
what. case changed the rules on who. set damages of the case
john v mirror group
as. the. jury decided the damages, and. elton john. was very popular at the time they fined the. mirror 300,000 which. was arguably disproportinate
so now judges decide. damages
what. are the two types of defamation?
- slander
- libel
what is slander
- slanderous defamation has to be spokee
- has to be proven that the. slander has. already caused damages either finaical loss or if the statement implies someone has committed a criminal. offence. and its untrue
what is libel
- when defamation occurs in permenant form such. as written in a newspaper, in a film or sculptureect
- this si the. biggest most serious type of defamation
- actionable per say: no harm caused is neccecary as long. as you can prove the statement could. POTENTIALLY cause harm
sheridon v news of the world
sheridon sues news of the world for defamation as they published damming stories of his life on drugs and as a swinger as he was running to be elected. he won initally
but when he confided in his friend that it was true he was recorded saying this and then was charges with purgery
before 2013 what criteria of defamation was there?
if it brought the claimant contempt, ridicule or make people shun or avoid them
berkoff v burchill
case that states that if art critics start to personally attack somones looks rather than their art it is defamation as it could stop them from getting jobs in the future
why are there differences between slander and libel
slander refers to things said out loud and therefore there are harsher certeria to prove it. as things said outloud are usually spontaneous and less calculative thought goes into them
whereas with libel it has been written down it is more calcautive and therfore only needs tobe porven it could cause potential damage
john v mirror group
- after this case power of setting damages was given to the judge rather than the dury as they are cases of famous people
depp v news group
shows that even after defamation is proven a famous persons career can still be ruined
McAlpine V Bercow
- tweets are libel defamation as they are written down
what are the defences for defamation:
- truth
- honest opinion
- publication of the matter was of public intereest
- operater of website: if you operate a website and havent had the chance to take it down yet
- academic privilege: scientific repeorts or academic journals cant count