Topics 14-20 (Staff) Flashcards
Pros and cons of treating staff as a cost
- lowers cost
- higher turnover
- lowers motivation
- causes conflict
What are some examples of having a flexible workforce?
- Multi-skilling
- Part time and temporary staff
- Home working
- Zero-hour contracts
- Outsourcing
Benefits of a flexible workforce
- Respond quickly to changes
- Can be cheaper
- Allows firm to operate more efficiently
Drawbacks of a flexible workforce
- Workers have less loyalty
- Can lack in quality
- Can cause demotivation
What are the 7 stages in the recruitment process
- Identify how many are needed and what type
- Prepare job description and person specification
- Advertise job
- Evaluate applicants
- Interview process
- Evaluate and make appointment
- Feedback for unsucessful candidates
What is a person specification?
Details of qualifications, experience, skills, abilities and other characterisitics needed from a person doing the job.
Advatages of internal recruitment
- Cheaper
- Familiar already
- Motivates other staff
Advantages of external recruitment
- Brings new ideas
- More choice for employer
Give some objectives of training
- Improving productivity
- Finding new ways of working
- Flexibility
Pros and cons of on the job training
- Output produced
- Cheaper
- Mistakes can be costly
- Stressful for the worker
What is the chain of command?
Chain of command is the way that authority is organised. Orders pass down and information passes up the chain.
What is span of control?
Span of control is the number of subordinates a person directly controls. A span of more than six can cause difficulties.
What are the features of centralisation?
Centralisation is where senior management has more control of the business. Decisions are made from the view of the whole firm. Communication improves with fewer decision makers.
What are the features of decentralisation?
Decentralisation is where subordinates have more control over decisions. It empowers and motivates staff, and reduces stress on senior managers. It offers flexibility but runs the risk of mistakes.
What is a matrix organisational structure?
A matrix organisational structure reports in a grid-like structure. It allows businesses to connect people with particular specialist skills.
What was Taylor’s theory?
What were some of the problems with Taylor’s theory?
Taylor suggested the biggest motivator was money. He thought that pay should be linked to production, and without supervision, employees would do the bare minimum.
- It doesnt take into account indiidual differences
- Views workers as machines
- Not everyone is motivated by money
What was Mayo’s theory?
Mayo suggested that increases in output were due to greater cohesion and communication between workers. They were also motivated by the interest shown by researchers.
What are the 5 classes in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs?
- Psychological needs
- Safety needs
- Love and belonging
- Esteem needs
- Self-actualisation
What was Herzberg’s two-factor theory?
He suggested that there are two factors which afect motivation; motivators (sense of achievement, chance of promotion, improvement, responsibility etc.) and Hygiene factors (pay, conditions, treatment etc.)
What are some financial incentives to improve staff performance?
- Piecework
- Commission
- Bonuses
- Profit Sharing
- Performance related pay (PRP)
What are some non-financial incentives to motivate staff?
- Delegation
- Consultation
- Empowerment
- Teamworking
- Flexible Working
- Job Enrichment, Rotation & Enlargement
What is an autocratic leadership style?
Managers tell staff what to do and they are obedient. Fear can motivate, but high staff turnover is likely. If the leader is wrong, problems can arise too.
What is a paternalistic leadership style?
Staff must still be obedient, but the relationship between staff and manager is better. This motivates staff, however it must not overshadow the aims.
What is a democratic leadership style?
This is where staff are involved in the decision making of the business. It can be persuasive, or consultive. Motivates staff but can waste time.