Topical Location Flashcards
Day of Pentecost
Acts 2
Stephen’s Martyrdom
Acts 7
Paul’s Conversion
Acts 9
Peter’s Vision
Acts 10
Jerusalem Council
Acts 15
Paul’s First Missionary Journey
Acts 13-14
Paul’s second missionary journey
Acts 15-18
Paul’s Third Missionary Journey:
Acts 18-21
Paul’s Speech to the Ephesian Elders:
Acts 20
Paul’s Defense before Agrippa
Acts 25-26
Paul’s Universal Condemnation of All Humanity
Romans 1-3
Abraham Justified by Faith:
Romans 4
God’s Sovereignty Over Israel
Romans 9-11
The Wisdom of the Cross:
1 Cor. 1
Spiritual Gifts
1 Cor. 12-14
Paul’s Vision
2 Cor. 12
Paul Opposes Peter:
Galatians 2
Fruit of the Spirit
Galatians 5
The Armor of God:
Ephs. 6
Christ’s Example of Humility:
Phil. 2
Preeminence of Christ:
Col. 1
The return of Christ.
1 Thess. 4