topic1 Flashcards
What is a State?
A political community that occupies a definite territory and has an organized government with the power to make and enforce laws without approval from a higher authority.
What is a Nation?
An independent state or country; a sizable group of people united by a common bond of race, language, custom, tradition, and sometimes religion.
What is a Nation-state?
A term often used to describe a country where the territorial boundaries of a nation and state are generally the same.
What are the features of a State?
- Population: Stable governments have a population with consensus about basic beliefs.
- Territory: States have established boundaries that can change due to war, negotiations, or purchase.
- Sovereignty: A state has supreme and absolute authority within its territory.
- Government: Organized structure to enforce laws.
What is the Evolutionary Theory?
The theory that government evolved through the family.
What is the Force Theory?
The theory that government developed when all people of an area were brought under the control of one person or group out of necessity.
What is the Divine Right Theory?
The theory that God or gods have chosen certain people to rule by divine right, making opposition to these leaders opposition to God.
What is the Social Contract Theory?
A theory that began to challenge Divine Right in the 1600s, proposing that people consent to give authority to the government.
What did Thomas Hobbes believe?
Hobbes believed people are naturally cruel and should surrender to the state to maintain order; the state must protect citizens.
What did John Locke believe?
Locke believed people have the right to life, liberty, and property, and can break contracts if the government fails to preserve those rights.
What are the functions of government?
- Form a more perfect union.
- Establish justice.
- Insure domestic tranquility.
- Provide for a common defense.
- Promote the general welfare.
- Secure the blessings of liberty.
What is Autocracy?
Rule by one person, where power is inherited or taken by force.
What is Oligarchy?
Rule by a few persons; a small group holds power.
What is Democracy?
Rule by many persons, where the supreme power is vested in the people.
What is Direct Democracy?
A form of democracy where people govern themselves by voting on issues individually.
What is Representative Democracy?
A form of democracy where people elect representatives to make laws and conduct government.
What are key characteristics of democracy?
Majority rule with minority rights, insistence on individual freedom, compromise, and free and open elections.
What is a Unitary System?
A system that gives all power to the national or central government, which can delegate power to local governments.
What is a Federal System?
A system where power is shared between federal and local governments.
What is a Confederation?
A loose union of independent states.
What is a Republic?
A government system where public policies are made by officials elected by the people.