Topic, Identifier, Subject, Additive, Object, Time/ Place Particles Flashcards
What Are The Two Topic Particles
What Topic Particles is used for NOUNS without 받침
What Topic Particle is used for Nouns with 받침
What word is paired with the Topic particle in this sentence:
나는 행복해요(I Am Happy)
What word is paired with the Topic particle in this sentence:
우리 선생님은 미국인이에요( Our Teacher Is American)
What Is The Propose(s) For Topic Particle’s
For the topic of Sentences and to comparing or contrasting two things.
어제는 더웠어요. 오늘은 추워요. (Yesterday was hot. Today is cold.)
Where is the (comparing) Topic particle, also have the English word
어제는 and 오늘은 / yesterday and today
나는 커피를 마셨어요. 친구는 주스를 마셨어요. (I drank coffee. My friend drank juice.)
Where is the (comparing) Topic particle, also have the English word
나는 and 친구는 / I and friend
find the comparing topic particle:
치타는 빠르다
Which sentence is wrong:
1- 치타는 느리다 (cheetah is slow)
2-치타가 느리다 (cheetah is slow)
Which sentence is wrong:
1- 바다는까맣다 (sea is black)
2-바다가까맣다 (sea is black)
If you wanted to state a fact about the sea’s color being blue what particle would you use?
If you wanted to say something about an object what that is identified and known by both the speaker and the listener, what particle would you use?
what is the Identifier Particle
when would you want to use 가/이
when necessary to identify the person or thing that is being talked about
what is the main purpose of 가/이
가/이 is more concerned about WHO did something
what is the main purpose of 는/은
는/은 is more concerned about WHAT you did