Topic 9: Interest Parity Models Flashcards
What are the interest rate parity models?
- Covered Interest Rate Parity (CIP)
- Uncovered Interest Rate Parity (UIP)
- Real Interest Rate Parity (RIP) [we don’t look at this]
What is a forward contract?
An agreement to swap a specific amount of currency, at a specific rate, at a specific point in time.
What is the definition of CIP?
The condition that the return to similar assets in different countries are equal once we take into account that foreign exchange risk being covered in the forward market.
Give the CIP equation.
(1 + i) = F(d/f)/S(d/f) * (1 + i*)
- Right hand side is value of foreign asset in d.c.
- Left hand side is the value of foreign asset.
What are the conditions for CIP?
- Assets & forward rate must be of the same period, or converted to such
- Assets must be the same, meaning have the same risk
How is CIP derived?
From these conditions:
- If CIP is violated, there is risk free abitrage profits
- Exploiting arbitrage opportunities pushes towards the CIP equilibrium
- If arbitrage occurs fast and readily then we can assume CIP.
What are the types of CIP arbitrage?
- Inward: When the domestic interest rate is higher then the foreign. We borrow internationally and invest locally. We also purchase a forward contract that assures us an arbitrage profit.
- Outward: When the foriegn interest rate is higher then the local. We borrow locally and invest in the foriegn, purchasing a forward contract that assures us arbitrage profit.
What is the forward margin?
The proportional difference between the current spot and the current forward
f = (F - S)/S
What is approximate form of CIP?
i = i* + f(d/f)
What evidence is there for CIP?
Lots, it is very strong.
The CIP consistant exchange rate: S = F(1+i*)/(1+i)
The actual exchange rate is indistinguishable, no systemic differences.
What is it called when F > S?
What about F < S?
Trading forward at a premium.
Trading foward at a discount.
What is the definition of UIP?
The condition that returns to similar assets (i.e. assets with the same risk.) in different countries are equal after taking into account the expected changes in the exchange rate in the absence of forward cover.
Give the uncovered interest rate parity condition.
(1+i) = Se(d/f)/S(d/f) (1 + i*)
- Left hand side represents end of period value of domestic investment
- Right hand side is the expected end of period value of foreign investment in d.c. terms.
How do we derive UIP?
- If UIP is violated, there would be arbitrage
- The operations of arbitrage should push markets towards the UIP equilibrium.
Go through the tedious steps of UIP inward arbitrage.
Start of Period:
- Borrow at i* internationally.
- Convert to d.c. at S0.
- Invest domestically at i.
End of Period:
- Receive investment proceeds S0(1+i) per f.c.
- Convert enough to f.c. pay off at (1+i*), which is S1(1+i)
- Reap proceeds (S0(1+i) - S1(1+i*)) per f.c. in d.c. value