Topic 9-10: Photosynthesis Flashcards
Differentiate between anabolism and catabolism
- Anabolism: producing large molecules from smaller ones and requiring energy input
- Catabolism: breaking large molecules into smaller ones and releasing energy
Different between oxidation and reduction
- Oxidation: losing or donating electrons
- Reduction: gaining or receiving electrons
Explain how ATP can be used to power cellular processes
Energy is stored in the bond between the 2nd and 3rd phosphate group of ATP. When ATP is used, the bond is broken, yielding ADP, Pi and energy which can be used to power cellular processes.
The amount of ATP in cells tends to be small, so how can it be used for many cellular processes?
ATP amount at any one time is small, but in general, a lot of ATP is produced in one day and it is constantly recycled to store as well as releasing energy.
High turnover rate
Identify and describe 2 main ways organisms can acquire energy
- Heterotrophy: consume ready form of energy/ other organisms and acquire energy from those
- Autotrophy: self-feeding organisms, have to process the incoming resources to make food
Write the equation showing the transformation of radiant energy into chemical energy by photosynthesis
6CO2 + 6H2O + energy –> C6H12O6 + 6O2
The input energy is sunlight and the output energy is in form of sugars/glucose.
Identify the 2 stages and their location in photosynthesis
Stage 1: Light reaction in chlorophylls located in thylakoid membrane
Stage 2: Calvin cycle or light-independent in chloroplast stroma
Explain the overall organisation of the light reactions in photosystems I and II
+ Light energy is captured by antenna complex then reaches P680 reaction center, in which the electrons are excited into higher energy levels.
+ The high-energy electrons are then passed to other proteins, losing energy during that process which is used to pump protons/H+ ions from stroma into the lumen, creating a proton gradient.
+ The electrochemical gradient drives H+ ions back into the stroma via ATP synthase, catalyzing phospholyration of ADP to produce ATP.
+ Water is split, then produce electrons to offset the lost electrons in P680 and also, O2. - PS1:
+ The high-energy electron after being passed through the electron transport chain arrive at P700 reaction center with low energy level.
+ Light energy is captured, causing the electron to be excited to an even higher energy level which makes the chlorophyll have a high redox potential.
+ That energy is then used to reduce NADP+ to NADPH, a reducing agent needed for Calvin cycle.
Describe the model of how chlroplasts are arranged to receive and transfer energy
Many pigment molecules, mostly chlrophylls, are grouped into what is called Antenna complex. This acts as a funnel to to capture light energy from a large area to focus it to the reaction center where electron transfer can happen.
What is a reaction center?
Reaction center refers to special pairs of chlorophylls
How is light energy transfered from 1 chlrophyll to another?
As light hits the 1st chlorophyll, the electrons are excited and jumping to a higher energy level. This electrons eventually falls down to previous energy level and during that, it transfers energy to the electrons of the next chlorophyll.
How does proton gradient result in ATP synthesis?
When protons or H+ ions are pumped from the stroma into lumen, they are going against the concentration gradient. So eventually, they diffuse out into the stroma again via ATP synthase, a protein integrated in the thylakoid membrane. The protons move creating energy to catalyze phospholyration of ADP to produce ATP.
Identify differences between cyclic and non-cyclic photophospholyration
- In cyclic photosynthesis, the electrons after going through the electron transport chain return to the previous chlrophyll without having the next step of arriving at P700 like in non-cyclic one.
- The reducing agent in cyclic process is produced by taking H2S from the atmosphere to reduce NADP+.
–> cyclic photosynthesis generates ATP and reducing agent in separate steps
How important is compartmentalism in photosynthesis?
- Keep the stages separated
- What makes proton gradient possible –> without proton gradient, ATP cannot be produced.
Rate evolutionary advantage of organisms undergoing cyclic photosynthesis, non-cyclic photosynthesis and heterotrophy
Organisms utilizing non-cyclis photosynthesis have advantage over those using cyclic process. Heterotrophs have the least evolutionary advantage because they depend on preformed organic matter which is depletable.
Identify the process in which prokaryotes acquire mitochondria to become eukaryote as well as photosynthetic prokaryote to become photosynthetic eukaryote
By engulfing followed by endosymbiosis
Explain the process of CO2 fixation in the Calvin cycle
- Carboxylation:
+ catalyst, Rubisco, helps 5-C compound called 5-biphosphate (RuBP) to attach with captured CO2
+ a 6-C compound is made which is unstable so it spontaneously splits to make 2 3-C compound called 3-phosphoglycerate (3PG) - Reduction:
+ ATP and NADPH from previous stage are used to extract energy and electron to turn 2 3PG into 2 glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate or G3P
+ only 1 in 6 G3P is used to make starch, the rest continue the cycle
+ ADP and NADP+ are released, ready for 1st stage of photosynthesis again - Regeneration:
+ ATP is used to turn G3P back to 5-biphosphate, completing Calvin cycle
Compare the carboxylation and oxygenation by Rubisco
Identify other names of oxygenation by Rubisco
- In carboxylation, Rubisco catalyzes attachment of CO2 to RuBP to make 3GPs.
- In oxygenation, Rubisco takes in O2, still makes 3GPs, but also makes 2GPs which have 2C –> C2 photorespiration
+ 2GPs go through peroxisome and mitochrondrion undergoing many reactions that energetically consuming
+ produces CO2 –> loss of productivity
Describe the co-evolution of photosynthesis (C4) and the Earth’s atmosphere
CO2 level in the atmosphere used to be really high so oxygenation was not much of a problem.
As carboxylation and oxygenation compete for active site on Rubisco, when CO2 dropped, there was higher proportion of oxygenation –> more waste of carbon
–> evolutionary driver for organisms to solve the photorespiration issue –> C4 photosynthesis evolved around same time, suggested to be evolution solution to photorespiration
Describe the photosynthesis-transpiration compromise and how CAM photosynthesis breaks the nexus between photosyntehsis and transpiration
Which plants is CAM suitable for?
There are guard cells which open and close the stomatal aperture or the leaf pores to allow CO2 to be captured for photosynthesis.
There are airspaces in the pores saturated with water vapor, so when the pores are opened, water constantly diffuses out causing dehydration.
CAM photosynthesis involves temporal segragation of biochemistry.
- At night:
+ CAM plants open up stomata –> lower temp and high humidity at night –> less water diffuses out
+ CO2 is hydrated into HCO3- which is fixed by PEPcase to malatate then malic acid to be stored in vacuole
- At daytime:
+ Stomata closes
+ Malic acid diffuses out of vacuole and is fixed to produce CO2 and pyruvate
+ CO2 enters Calvin cycle and pyruvate used to make starch
–> less water lost for each mole of CO2 getting fixed to produce energy
–> suitable for plants in dry habitats
NADP+ and NADPH, which one is oxidizing agent and which one is reducing agent?
NADPH: reducing agent, reduces CO2 to become C6H12O6
NADP+: oxidizing agent, oxidizes H2O to produce O2
Which enzyme helps to catalyze CO2 fixation in Calvin cycle and what is special about it?
Rubisco and it is the most abundant protein on Earth
Why is Calvin cycle referred to as C3 photosynthesis?
The first stable product of the first stage, carboxylation is 3-phosphoglycerate or 3PG which has 3 carbon. So, Calvin cycle is called C3 photosynthesis.
How many turns of Calvin cycle is required to make 1 glucose molecule and why?
6 turns of Calvin cycle
At the start, only 1 C from CO2 is added while 1 glucose molecule has 6 C –> needs 6 turns
6 C added from CO2 –> 12 3GPs –> 12 G3Ps (each has 3C)
–> only 2 go on to make glucose (1 every 6) –> 6 C needed to make 1 glucose molecule
Describe C4 photosynthesis
A series of metabolic and structural adjustments, particularly spatial segragation, to use PEPcase to saturate Rubisco with CO2.
- In mesophyll cell:
+ CO2 gets fixed into HCO3-
+ Pyruvate in chloroplast turned into phosphoenol-pyruvate (C3)
+ PEPcase fix HCO3- with C3 to make malate (C4) - In Bundle sheat cell:
+ C4 diffuses into bundle sheat cell and into mitochondrion
+ C4 gets decarboxylated to release CO2 and C3
+ CO2 is released around the ouside of chloroplast –> make chloroplast saturated with CO2
+ C3/pyruvate diffuses back into mesophyll cell ready for the next turn of cycle