Topic 8 Flashcards
The money or other assets owned by an individual or a business. With a financial services provider, it refers to the funds provided by the shareholders rather than customer deposits.
Chancellor of the Exchequer
The British Cabinet minister responsible for financial and economic matters and in charge of the Treasury
Citizens advice
A charity providing free, independent, confidential and impartial advice on citizens’ and consumers’ rights and responsibilities
Competition and Markets authority
An independent, non ministerial government department which works to promote competition between providers so that customers benefit
Consumer credit
This is another term used for borrowing. Taking credit and buying on credit refers to borrowing, but credit into a bank account means paying in.
Credit crunch
A reduction in the availability of loans or the tightening of the conditions needed to obtain one. The financial crisis of 2008 happened when financial institutions became reluctant to lend funds to one another.
Credit union
A mutual organisation that is owned by its members and provides a range of financial products like savings accounts and loans. The members must have a common bond like working for the same employer or living in the same district.
Current account
A bank or building society account where people can store their money in the form of electronic balances and withdraw it to make payments
Debit card
A card that can be used to withdraw cash, make payments face to face, online, or over the phone.
A sum of money placed by a customer with a bank
Financial Conduct Authority FCA
One of the two main regulators of financial services in the UK (the other is the PRA)
Financial Ombudsman Service FOS
An independent body set up by Parliament that settles customer complaints about providers at no charge to customers
Financial Policy Committee FPC
A part of the Bank of England that monitors and responds to risk posed to the entire financial services market. Its focus on the whole market makes it a macro-prudential authority.
Financial Services Compensation Scheme FSCS
A compensation scheme that pays compensation to account holders of up to £75,000 if the provider cannot pay the account holders the money they have in their account
Independent Commission on Banking ICB
A committee formed in June 2010, in response to the global financial crisis. It considered reforms to the UK banking sector to promote financial stability and also competition.
Independent Financial Advisor IFA
A professional who makes financial recommendations to clients based on available products across a wide range of providers.
Investment banks
Banks which are involved in trading financial assets such as shares, underwriting issues of shares and advising on mergers and acquisitions. They do not provide services such as current accounts, these are supplied by retail banks.
Lending Code
A voluntary code of conduct that sets out good practise for the provision of advice about loans, credit cards, charge cards and current account overdrafts. It assures customers that subscribed providers follow the Code and gives information on the service they should expect.
The assets that a business holds in the form of cash, that can be used to meet immediate demands for payment (Many assets cannot be used this way, for example a company that owns a building or machinery would have to sell them.)
Money Advice Service
A consumer information service set up by the government to help people make informed financial decisions.
Money Laundering
The process of making dirty money, i.e. gained through illegal means, look clean, as if it has been legitimately acquired
A loan usually taken out over a long term, e.g. 25 years, to pay for a property.
Office of Fair Trading OFT
The government department that monitored how businesses competed with each other. It was abolished in April 2014 and its responsibilities are now shared between the FCA and the Competition and Markets Authority.
A facilitiy that allows an account holder to withdraw more money than they actually have in their account. An authorised one is where a limit is agreed in advice, but unauthorised ones are over this limit and attempted withdrawals may not be done.