Topic 7 - Groups in the periodic table (Year 11) Flashcards
True or False: Group 1 metals are soft?
True - all group 1 metals are soft
What are Group 1 metals called?
Alkali Metals
Why are elemets placed in group 1?
They have similar chemical properties ad electronic configuration
Why do elemets in group 1 share similar chemical properties?
Group 1 elemets all have one electron in their outer shell, so they react in similar ways
A piece of sodium is added to some cold water. A reaction takes place. What are the 2 products?
Sodium Hydroxide and Hydrogen
Give the balaced equation for the reaction between lithium and water
2Li + 2H2O → 2LiOH + H2
Describe what you would observe during the reaction between potassium and water.
Potassium will fizz around the surface of the water and melt in the heat of the reactio. It will also get hot enough to ignite the hydrogen gas produced. There would be a lilac flame given off.
How would you expect the reaction between rubidium and water compare to the reaction between potassium and water?
Rubidium is more reactive than potassium so it will react more violently with water than potassium. Rubidium will more than likely explode durig the reaction with water.
What happens to reactivity as you go dow group 1?
As you go down group 1 reactivity increases
What happens to the melting and boling points as you go down group 1?
Melting and boiling points decrease as you go down the group.
Explain why the reactivity of the group 1 metals increases as you go down the group
As you go down the group, the atoms gain an extra electron shell. This shell means the atoms get bigger, there outer electron is further away from the nucleus, so there is less attraction between the nucleus and outer electron (more electron shielding). The means less energy is needed to remove it.
What charge ions do all group 1 metals form?
Why are alkali metals stored under oil?
Alkali metals are stored under oil because they are highly reactive with oxygen.
How would a teacher demostrate the reaction between group 1 metals water?
Fill a water trough with water, place behind a safety screen. Teacher to wear safety glasses, using tweezers grab a small piece of the metal, cut the metal using a scapel, placig the esxcess back into the oil. Remove any excess oil off of the metal and place into the water trough.
What would be the products of the reaction between lithium and oxygen?
Lithium Oxide
Describe the physical appearance of fluorine at room temperature
Yellow gas
Describe the physical appearance of chlorine at room temperature
Green gas
Describe the physical appearance of bromine at room temperature
Brown liquid
Describe the physical appearance of iodine at room temperature
Dark gery/purple solid crystals
Describe the physical appearance of astatine at room temperature
Black solid
What are group 7 also called?
What do we call Group 7 ions?
Halide ions
What is the charge on a halide ion?
Describe the trend I reactivity as you go down group 7
Reactivity decreases