Topic 7 - Global Issues Flashcards
Outline: full cooperative behaviour
N countries jointly choosing levels of abatement to maximise their collective pay-off. This is equivalent to what would happen if the N countries were unified as a single country that behaved rationally
What is the main way in which international agreements are reached/stuck to?
Having a leader who moves first, needs to be a big player e.g. USA or China
Outline the Kyoto Protocol
The first substantial agreement to set country-specific GHG emissions limits and a timetable for their attainment
The key objective set by the Protocol was to cut combined emissions of five principal GHGs from industrialised countries by 5% relative to 1990 levels by the period 2008–2012.
The Protocol did not set any binding commitments on developing countries
What are the four flexibility mechanisms in the Kyoto protocols?
1 - Emissions Trading
2 - Banking (average over a period)
3 - Joint implementation (projects in annex countries that reduce emissions)
4 - Clean development mechanism (funding reductions in poorer countries)