Topic 7 - Chance Variability (Box model) Flashcards
LO6 Use the box model to describe chance and chance variability, including sample surveys and the central limit theorem.
Chance Variability
Everytime a chance process occurs, chance variability does too.
Observed value = Expected value + chance error
Law of Large numbers (Law of averages)
States that proportion of heads becomes more stable as simulation length increases (in coin tossing)
- The chance error in number of heads is large in absolute size, but small relative to the number of tosses
The Box model
Simple way to describe many chance processes
Must know:
- The distinct numbers that go into the box (tickets)
- The number of each kind of ‘tickets’ put into box
- The number of draws from the box
Creates a sum or mean of the sampl
- Expected value (EV)
- Observed value (OV)
CHance error = OV - EV
Applying the box model
Modelling the sum of a sample
- As the number of draws increases, so does the standard error, in terms of absolute size
Observed value = EV + chance error
EV = # of draws x mean of box
SE = squareroot(# draws) x SD of box
Working out the SD of a box
3 ways:
1. Formula; Root of the square mean of the gaps
2. R; popSD()
3. Shortcut for simple binary boxes:
SD = (big-small #) root(proportion of big x prop. of small)
Modelling the mean of a sample
For the mean of random draws from a box model with replacement,
OV = EV + CE (chance error)
EV = mean of box
SE = SD box/ Root(# draws)
Binary examples
Easier to make 2 box models
Types of Histograms
Data Histogram:
- Represents # of data by area
Probability Histogram:
- Represents chance by area
- On x-axis, EV measures centre, SE measures spread
Simulation Histogram:
- Represents chance by area, for a simulation of chance processes
Central limit theorum
- The sample mean of the large # of random variables is approximately normal
- Larger sample = more normal
- When drawing at random with replacement, if sample size if large enough, simulated curve will follow a normal curve
Relationship between Probability and Simulation hitogram
- ## Repeating a simulation histogram will converge to the probability histogram, following the central limit theorum.
The continuity correction
To approximate a discrete distribution by the normal distribution, we need to adjust the end points by 0.5. This is called the continuity correction
- To work out whether to add or minus 0.5, draw a sketch of the histogram.
- it is best to draw it out to determine whether we delete or expand points on a graph.