Topic 7 Flashcards
Explain what job production is
Job production is when a firm produces a one off product for a particular customer. Firms produce products that meet the specific requirements of the customers. Eg a wedding dress maker.
Explain what flow production is
Flow production is when products are produced along an assembly line with components or parts being added at each stage, eg Coca Cola drinks
Explain what batch production is
Batch production is the production of batches of similar products in large quantities. Large numbers of identical products will be produced at the same time, in a batch. Eg bread.
Explain what cell production is
Cell production is when the flow production is subdivided into a number of self contained units.
Explain what lean production is
Lean production is doing more work , but with less labour, less time, less space, less inventory and lower costs. It attempts to eliminate waste while maintaining quality.
Give two advantages of job production
Higher quality work
Tailor made for customers
Give two disadvantages of job production
Slow production process
Expensive products due to specialist labour
Give two advantages of flow production
Machinery used 24/7 meaning production levels are maximised
Minimal human error, no mistakes
Give two disadvantages of flow production
Very expensive due to cost of machinery
Boring for employees, reduces motivation
Give two advantages of batch production
Benefit from economies of scales
Production is faster
Give two disadvantages of batch production
Large storage space required
Boring work for employees
Give two advantages of cell production
Job rotation increases motivation
Multi skilled workers can cover for absent employees
Give two disadvantages of cell production
Training staff can be time consuming
Some may not work as hard as others
Give two advantages of lean production
Reduced waste will reduce costs
Quicker production time
Give two disadvantages of lean production
May require additional training
Requires delegation and organisation