Topic 6 – Government Debt, Monetary Policy and Payment System Flashcards
Why Do Governments Need to Borrow?
Governments need to fund capital and recurrent expenditures.
- This is achieved by issuing debt securities in the money and capital markets.
Fiscal policy
relates to the annual incomes and expenditures of a government.
Monetary policy
affects the level of short-term interest rates by adjusting the level of financial system liquidity.
The borrowing requirement over a Full Financial Year:
To finance budget deficits.
Rollover existing bonds that mature.
Retire debt at/prior to maturity if budget is in surplus
Crowding-out effect
- Government demand for debt financing reduces amount of funds available for investment in private sector.
- Minimized in times of strong fiscal management, i.e. budget surplus
T-Bonds issued are held by market participants for a range of reason including
Liquidity management Portfolio investments Risk management Payments system requirements Prudential requirements
The borrowing requirement Within the Financial Year
Borrow to finance short-term mismatches between receipts and payments, i.e. manage day-to-day liquidity.
Rollover existing debt.
Instruments issued for intra-year budgetary purposes
are short term, i.e. Treasury notes (T-notes).
Main Feature of T-Bonds
- Coupon instrument).
- Coupon payment = coupon rate x face value of bond.
- Face value of bond redeemed at maturity date or may be sold in secondary market for early redemption.
Who buys Treasury Bonds?
RBA Commercial Banks Life insurance offices Other private financial institutions State governments
T-bonds Primary Market Transactions
Issued by Commonwealth Treasury.
Australian Office of Financial Management (AOFM) holds the tenders
Tender System
Investors bid a price on government securities, thus setting the yield; allocated in order of lowest yields
Australian Office of Financial Management (AOFM)
A body established to manage Commonwealth government debt issues
1982–present, tender system
- Bids submitted through AOFM;
- Minimum $1 Million;
- Bids made in terms of yield to maturity up to three decimal places – not in terms of price;
- Bids accepted in ascending order of yield, i.e. lowest-yield bid (highest price) first, until issue fully subscribed;
- Settlement is via Austraclear.
Why does RBA buy treasury bonds
to change the level of financial system liquidity by either buyin or selling government securities to other investors
Financial System Liquidit
The amount of exhange settlement accounts in the system
Why do banks buy treasury bonds
To manage their operational and prudential liquidity
The hold bonds as part of their liquidity management strategy
Operational Liquidity
Access to funds to meet day to day expenses and take advantage of business opportunities
Prudential Liquidity
Liquidity held above operational liquidity needs; may be prescribed by a regulator