Topic 5 - Political Institutions Flashcards
What is a political party?
A political party is a group of people that is organized for the purpose of winning government power, by electoral or other means.
They were ushered in by the advent of representative government and the progressive extension of the franchise since the 19th century.
Whilst they are complex organizations, the party shares a common identity and a broadly similar outlook.
Characteristics of Political Parties
1) Parties aim to exercise government power by winning political office.
2) Parties typically adopt a broad issue focus, addressing each of the major areas of government policy.
3) To varying degrees, parties are united by shared political preferences and a general ideological identity.
Theories of Political Party origins: Institutional Theory
This theory focused on the
interrelationship between early Legislatures and political parties.
Political parties are directly related to the evolution of national parliaments and the growth in the size of the electorate.
Parties grew out of political assemblies as their members felt the need of a group to act in concert.
Theories of Political Party origins: Historical-situation Theory
This theory focuses on the historical crisis, which political systems have encountered at the moment in time, when political parties developed.
Historical crisis provides the context in which political parties first emerge and also tended to be a critical factor in determining what pattern of evolution parties take later.
Types of Political Crises
1) The legitimacy crisis became central when existing political structures of authority failed to cope with the crisis itself and a political upheaval ensued.
2) Integration crisis led to the creation of political parties e.g. The Muslim League in India created to protect the minority Muslim population.
This refers to the capacity of parties to respond to and articulate the views of both members and the voters.
Without a doubt this function is best carried out in an open and competitive system that forces parties to draw together people who have similar political philosophies and ideas.
FUNCTIONS OF POLITICAL PARTIES: Elite formation and recruitment
Political parties are responsible for providing countries with their political leaders.
Parties provide a training ground for politicians equipping them with skills, knowledge and experience, and offering them some form of career structure.
Political parties play this role by the programmes they formulate with a view to attracting popular support. This means that political parties are a major source of policy initiation
FUNCTIONS OF POLITICAL PARTIES: Interest articulation and aggregation
In the process of developing collective goals, political parties help to articulate and aggregate the various interests found in society.
FUNCTIONS OF POLITICAL PARTIES: Socialization and mobilization
Through internal debate and discussion, as well as campaigning and electoral competition, parties are important agents of political education and socialization. They are one of the main avenues for political debate and discussion in the community.
FUNCTIONS OF POLITICAL PARTIES: Organization of government
Political parties provide the government. They give government a degree of stability and coherence, especially if the members of the government are drawn from a single party and are therefore united by common sympathies and attachments.
Parties operating in a competitive system, provide a vital source of opposition and criticism, both inside and outside government.
Types of Political Parties - Elite Parties
They are internally created. That is, they are founded by cliques within an assembly.
The early Conservatives parties in Canada and the UK were of this elite type.
Types of Political Parties - Mass Parties
They originate outside the assembly, in groups seeking representation in the legislature for their interests and goals.
The working class parties that spread across the globe symbolize these externally created parties.
Types of Political Parties - Catch-All Parties
This type of party is a response to a mobilized political system in which governing has become more technical and in which electoral communication takes place through the mass media.
Catch all parties seek electoral support wherever they can find it; their purpose is not to represent but to govern
One Party Systems
This is a system in which a single party enjoys a monopoly of power through the exclusion of all other parties.
One party cannot produce any other system other than autocratic/dictatorial power. One of the more common features of a one party state is that the position of the ruling party is guaranteed in a constitution and the law bans all forms of political opposition.
Eg: North Korea, China, Cuba, and Vietnam