Topic 5 - Planning Flashcards
Benefits of Planning
- Attention paid to important areas
- Potential problems solved in a timely manner
- Organise and manage in an effective manner
- Appropriately assigned work
Reduces the risk of the wrong opinion.
Audit Strategy - set overall approach elements
- Engagement characteristics
- Framework
- Industry and business
knowledge - Timing and client availability
- Reporting objectives
- Significant engagement factors
- Resources needed
- Preliminary activity results
- Direction and supervision
Elements of developing a Plan
Nature of:
- direction, supervision and
- Risk assessment procedures
- Audit Procedures; what,
who, how and when work
should be done.
- Other necessary procedures.
Interim and Final Audit
Interim Audit
Advantages - Errors and Fraud are discovered at an early stage. - Books and records of clients are always up to date. - Reduces workload for the final audit. Disadvantages - Audited figures may be altered. - Not relevant for small entities. - High cost. Differences - Carried out during the accounting period. - Voluntary. - Suitable for large organisations
Final Audit
Advantages - Allocation of work to staff becomes easier. - Costs are lower. - No duplication of work. Disadvantages - Delay in presentation of final accounts and completion of work. - May overlook some detailed aspects. Differences - Carried out at the end of the accounting period. - Compulsory. - Suitable for small organisations
Auditor’s responsibility to detect fraud and error:
o Responsible to obtain reasonable assurance that the FS are free from material misstatement, whether caused by fraud or error.
o Required to identify and address risk of material misstatement due to fraud.
o Auditor must respond appropriately to fraud or suspected fraud identified during the audit.
o Ensure that the whole engagement team is aware of the risks and responsibilities of fraud and error.
o Must report any actual or suspected fraud to appropriate parties.
Purpose of working papers:
o Provides evidence of the auditor’s basis for a conclusion about the achievement of the overall objective of the audit.
o Provides evidence that the audit was planned and performed in accordance with ISAs and regulatory requirements.
o Assists the engagement team in the planning of the audit.
o Records matters of continuing significance to future audits.
Contents of working papers:
o Name of client – identifies the client being audited.
o Year-end date – identifies the year end timings.
o Subject – identifies the area of the FS being audited and the topic area of the working paper.
o Working paper reference – provides a clear reference.
o Preparer and date prepared
o Reviewer and date of review