Topic 5: Approaches in Psychology Flashcards
What are the 5 approaches ?
Who was the father of experimental psychology ?
Wilhelm Wundt (1832-1920)
This is a technique devised by Wundt so a person can gain knowledge about their own mental and emotional states as a result of the examination of their conscious thought and feelings.
The scientific study of the mind and behaviour
Problems with introspection
- doesn’t explain how the mind works
- relies on people describing their thoughts and feelings , which usually isn’t objective
- doesn’t provide data that can be used reliably
Wundt believed in reductionism - the idea that things can be reduced to smaller, measurable parts
Features that make something a science
Hypotheses testing- theories generate predictions (hypotheses)
Arguments for psychology as a science
- Allport (1947) said psychology has the same aims as science - to predict, understand and control
- the behaviourists , cognitive and biological approaches use scientific procedures.
Arguments against psychology as a science
- there are approaches in psychology which use unreliable methods - interview techniques which can be biased
- psychological experiments are also open to extraneous variables which can be hard to control
Behaviourist approach
A learning approach that suggests all children are born as “tabulae rasae” (blank states), learning through their interactions with their environment
Biological approach
A learning approach that views human behaviour as a result of genetics and proposes that individual psychology stems from internal psychology
Classical conditioning
A form of learning which occurs by associating naturally occurring instinct with new stimuli, thus creating a “conditioned” response
Cognitive approach
A learning approach which likens the human mind to a computer, with internal mental processes turning an input to an output. This approach suggests studying these internal processes by inference is the key to understanding human psychology.
When a persons ideal self and actual self are aligned
Defence mechanisms
Strategies employed by the ego to protect the mind from feelings that may be too overwhelming