Topic 5/6 - Options Flashcards
If S = 100 , X = 101 and the call premium is C = 6 what is the time value of the call option?
the call is out the money so IV = 0
C = TV
How do you close an open long position in a put option contract before expiry?
Take an opposite position in an identical contract (sell an id
If S = 102, X = 101 and the put premium is P = 4 , what is the time value of the put option?
S = 100 , X = 120
what is the intrinsic value of a call option?
Draw, label and explain a diagram showing the pay-off at the expiry of a long call
The limited loss is the premium paid to the short call. After this point the line remains horizontal in the negatives as the share price doesn’t rise to the strike price.
This is out of the money
Losses are incurred until the long call slopes upwards. Price is increasing at this point
Where it crosses the x-axis this is the breakeven point (at the money).
After this point the price increases and the profits for the long is unlimited
Draw label and explain a diagram showing the pay-off at expiry for a short put
If the price of stock A varies more than the price of stock B, explain whether the call option on stock A has a higher or lower premium than the call option for stock B, other things being equal.
The options are the same except that the price of stock A has greater variability.
Call options on A and B therefore have zero exercise value for any value of the stock price below the exercise price X.
There is a greater probability of having S>X for stock A than for stock B, so there is a greater chance stock A will expire in the money.
The call option on A is therefore more valuable and has the higher premium
Explain why a put option would not be exercised at expiry if X < S.
The put option is a contract in which the holder of the long position has the right to sell the asset at the exercise price, X.
The option would not be exercised if the spot price, S, were higher than the exercise price because it would be more profitable to sell the asset on the spot market
The time value of a call option
The value of an option before expiry consists of time value (TV) + intrinsic value (IV).
Intrinsic value = difference between the exercise price and the asset price.
Time value = value that accrues to the option as a result other being a possibility of a favourable change in the price of the underlying asset
Time value is the distance between the dashed line and the profit and loss at expiry diagram
The intrinsic value of a call option
It reflects the value of the option when exercised.
The holder of the call option will only exercise if the exercise prise is less than the current market price.
The total value of the option is time value +intrinsic value (C=TV+IV), where the intrinsic value is max (0, S-X).
The Vega of a call option
Show how to create a synthetic stock position, using put and call options
Construct a pay-off table for a butterfly spread formed from call options. Assume that
X2 = 0.5(X1 + X3 )
and show that the maximum loss to this portfolio is the
net option premium.
What is the buyer of an option?
they hold a long position, have the right to exercise the option. They pay a price called a premium
What is the seller of an option
The seller of an option holds the short position.
They have an obligation to trade the underlying asset if the option is excercised.
They are pid the premium
Compare options to futures/forwards
In options, only the short has the obligation to trade, the long has the choice. This compares with F/F where both parties have the obligation to trade.
premium vs no premium
Hedging and options/ FF contracts
Options provide insurance by allowing investors to both protect themselves against price uncertainty but also gain from advantageous movements in price.
This compares with F/F, where forwards are used to deal with future uncertainty by fixing the price for the underlying asset for the hedger.
Speculation and options / FF contracts
With options, the loss is limited to the premium paid for the option.
This compares with forwards where the potential loss and gain can be large.
Put options
Give the holder the right to sell the underlying asset at the exercise (strike) price
Call option
Give the holder the right to buy the underlying asset as the exercise (strike) price
Long call
Bought the option to buy the underlying asset at an agreed price
Short call
Sold the right to buy an option at an agreed price
Long put
Bought the option to sell the underlying asset at an agreed price
Short put
Sold the option to sell the underlying asset at an agreed price
What position does the writer of the option have?
Short position.
They have an obligation to buy the asset if a put is exercised.
They have an obligation to sell the asset if a call option is exercised