topic 5 Flashcards
Bank rate
The interest rate that the Bank of England uses when it lends money to other banks. Financial services providers take account of the Bank rate when they decide how to set interest rates on their own products
Banking Act 2009
This Act provides a set of tools to allow the regulatory authorities to resolve (ie wind up) a bank or building society that is in financial difficulty in an orderly way, and so to reduce the impact of a bank failure on financial stability and bank customers
Challenger banks
Any new bank that challenges the ‘big four’. For example, Virgin Money, Metro Bank, Monzo Bank and Starling Bank
Consumer protection
Designing products and services with customers’ needs in mind, rather than making maximum profits the absolute priority. It also involves ensuring that customers are not sold products that are unsuitable for them, and that they are treated fairly
Corporate social
responsibility (CSR)
Any action or project in which a company goes beyond the interests of its shareholders and senior management in order to benefit other stakeholder groups, normally with either a social or an environmental purpose. Also known as citizenship or sustainable responsible business
Reducing the amount of debt in relation to assets. In personal terms, this might mean paying off loans, credit cards, etc
Digital exclusion
An aspect of financial exclusion – the inability to take part in the computer based society
Financial exclusion
The inability to get access to even the most basic financial services and products
Financial inclusion
The delivery of financial services at affordable cost to all sections of society,including the most disadvantaged
Financial Services (Banking Reform) Act 2013
Legislation that introduced retail ring-fencing for banks and the cap on payday lenders.
Financial Services Act 2010
Legislation that focuses on the need for banks to have a plan in place to deal with situations where they get into financial difficulty
Financial Services
Act 2012
The main Act of Parliament governing the regulation of the financial services industry
FTSE 100
The Financial Times Stock Exchange Index, known as the ‘footsie’. It is an index of the share price of the 100 companies with the highest ‘market capitalisation’ (total value of issued shares) listed on the London Stock
General Data Protection Regulation
European Union legislation implemented on 25 May 2018. In the UK, its provisions supersede those of the Data Protection Act 1998 with the creation of the Data Protection Act 2018
Help to Buy scheme
A government-backed initiative set up to help home-hunters purchase a property with as little as a 5% deposit