Topic 4 - The UK's Evolving Phiscal Landscape Flashcards
What is a peak?
Peak-the highest amount
What is a discharge?
Discharge-volume of water in the channel at one point
What is a rising limb?
Rising limb-shows rising water after rainfall.
What is lag time?
Lag time-difference between peak rainfall and peak discharge
What is falling limb?
Falling limb-shows discharge falling as less water reaches the channel.
What is a storm hydro graph?
A storm hydro graph shows how the discharge of a river changes over time;we use them to see how the river responds to rainfall events showing 2 things: rainfall (bars) and discharge (line).
What is the river course?
River course-the path of a river as it flows downhill is called its course.
What is upper course?
Upper course-rivers have an upper course (closest to the source of the river). Steep gradient with ‘v’ shaped valley, steep sides, narrow and shallow channel.
What is middle course?
Middle course-In between an upper and a lower course. Medium gradient with gently sloping valley sides. Wider deeper channel.
What is lower course?
Lower course-closest to the mouth of the river. Gentle gradient, very wide almost flat valley. Very wide, deep channel.
What is river channel?
River channel-Rivers form channels as they flow downhill. The shape of the channel changes along the river depending on whether erosion or deposition is having the largest impact. They are ‘v’ shaped.
What is long profile?
Long profile-shows you how the gradient (steepness) changes over the different courses.
What is cross profile?
Cross profile-shows you what a cross-section of the river looks like.
What is river discharge?
River discharge-the volume of water flowing in a river measured in metres cubed/second or cumecs.
What is vertical erosion?
Vertical erosion-this deepens the river valley (and channel), making it ‘v’-shaped. Its dominant in the upper course of the river. High turbulence causes the rough, angular particles to be scraped along the river bed causing intense downwards erosion.
What is lateral erosion?
Lateral erosion-widens the river valley (and channel) during the formation it meanders. Dominant in the middle and lower course of the river.
What is the Bradshaw model?
The Bradshaw model summarises the changes to river characteristics from source to mouth down the long profile. Five features increase downstream three decrease downstream.
Does river discharge increase or decrease downstream?
Increases as yo go downstream
Does the channel width increase or decrease downstream?
Very wide downstream
Does channel depth increase or decrease downstream?
Shallow downstream
Does velocity increase or decrease downstream?
The velocity increases as there is less friction.
Does sediment load size increase or decrease downstream?
Decreases downstream in size.
Does sediment particle shape decrease or increase downstream?
Gets smoother downstream.
Does slope angle (gradient) increase or decrease downstream?
Becomes less steep as you go downstream.
Does river discharge increase or decrease downstream. Give reasons.
As rivers join to the lower course the sediment merges creating lots of discharge as they all have different courses.
Does channel width increase or decrease downstream. Give reasons.
Lateral erosion downstream causes the rivers to be wide. As the river meanders there is lots of abrasion and hydraulic action due to its high velocity.
Does channel depth increase or decrease downstream. Give reasons.
The upper course of the river experiences deep vertical erosion as the rocks in the water are rough and angular. This means that it is deeper than downstream.
Does velocity increase or decrease downstream. Give reasons
The velocity in the lower course of the river is slower than the upper course as it has smooth sides, the upper course has rough sides slowing it down.
Does sediment load size increase or decrease downstream. Give reasons.
The size of the sediment decrease because it gets worn down by the erosion on the walls of the channel. It also breaks apart when they hit each other continuously.
Does sediment particle shape increase or decrease downstream. Give reasons
Due to erosion on other rocks breaks down sediment causing its originally jagged edges to smooth down into curves.
Does slope angle (gradient) increase or decrease downstream. Give reasons
Due to higher lateral erosion the small rocks eroding the sides of the channels makes the rocks at the sides wide.