Topic 4 - Sequences Flashcards
Define: Sequence
A function from the natural numbers to the real numbers (IN to IR).
Define: Convergence
A real sequence (a_n) that tends to a real number as n tends to infinity.
Define: Limit
L is the limit of a real sequence (a_n) if:
∀ϵ > 0, ∃N ∈ IN s.t. ∀n ≥ N, |(a_n) - L| < ϵ.
We say (a_n) → L as n→∞, or lim_{n→∞} (a_n) = L
T/F: There are cases where a real sequence has more than one limit.
False. This is false according to the “uniqueness of limits” theorem, which can be proved by contradiction.
Definition: Bounded Sequence
A sequence (a_n) is bounded if the set of all its members is bounded.
T/F: If a sequence converges to a limit, then the sequence is bounded.
True. This can be proved by using the definition of limits (see section 4.1 for full proof).
Definition: Divergence
(a_n) diverges to ∞ if:
∀M ∈ R, ∃N ∈ IN s.t. ∀n ≥ N, (a_n) > M.
We say (a_n) → ∞ as n→∞, or lim{n→∞}(a_n) = ∞.
Similarly, (a_n) diverges to -∞ if ∀m ∈ R, ∃N ∈ IN s.t. ∀n ≥ N, (a_n) < m.
Define: Monotone
A real sequence (a_n) is monotone if it is:
- increasing: (a_n) ≤ (a_{n+1}),
- strictly increasing: (a_n) < (a_{n+1}),
- decreasing: (a_n) ≥ (a_{n+1}),
- strictly decreasing: (a_n) > (a_{n+1}),
for all n ∈ IN.
T/F: EVERY real sequence which is monotone and bounded converges.
True. This can be proved using the completeness axiom, Archimedean Postulate, and definition of limits.
Define: Subsequence
Given a real sequence (a_n) and a strictly increasing sequence of natural numbers (n_k), then (a_{n_k}) is a subsequence of (a_n).
T/F: If a subsequence converges to L, then the sequence converges to L.
False. Take cos(nπ/2) as an example. The subsequence of even numbers converges to 0, but the sequence doesn’t converge as it’s periodic.
The reverse implication of this statement is true however (see section 4.4).
State: Bolzano-Weirstrass Theorem
Every bounded real sequence has a convergent subsequence.
Definition: Cauchy Sequence
(a_n) is a cauchy sequence if
∀ϵ > 0, ∃N ∈ IN s.t. ∀m,n ≥ N,|a_m−a_n|< ϵ
(The difference between 2 terms of the sequence is smaller than any nonzero, positive number.)
T/F: A sequence is cauchy, if and only if the sequence is convergent.
True. Both implications can be proved using the triangle inequality (see section 4.5)
Define limsup (a_n)
limsup {n→∞} (a_n) = lim{k→∞} (sup{n≥k} (a_n))