topic 4 : normative accounting - conceptual framework Flashcards
what is the traditional objective of financial statements?
for outsiders to be able to assess stewardship of management
what is the modern objective of financial statements?
assist financial statement users on their economic decision making
what is the IASB objective of financial statements?
provide info on financial position, performance and changes in financial position of entity. useful to wide range of users in making economic decisions
what is the alternative objective of financial statements?
demonstrate accountability. duty to provide accounting
what is the accruals basis?
the effects of transactions recognised when they occur in FS of the periods to which they relate.
informs users of obligations payable & receivable
what is the going concern basis?
org will continue in operation for forseeable future. assumed that entity has no intention or need to liquidate
state the four measurement principles.
- historic cost
- fair value
- value in use
- current cost
what is the historic cost measurement principle?
the original price of transaction giving rise to the element
what is the fair value measurement principle?
the price received (asset) or paid (liability) in a transaction between market participants at measurement date
what is the value in use measurement principle?
present value of cashflows or other economic benefits that are expected from the use of the asset, and ultimately its disposal
what is the current cost measurement principle?
cost of equivalent asset at measurement date. (cost paid plus transaction costs)
what is the argument for revaluation?
- asset could be sensitive to market factors / risks, so HC would significantly differe from current value. so means info less relevant if not revalued
- historic cost value changes only reported on disposal or impairment, doesnt consider gains / losses in the period assets are held
- historic cost value doesnt provide timely information about changes in value, so income and expenses reported on HC basis may lack predictive and confirmatory value, as doesnt depict full exposure to risk from holding asset, so should revalue
what is the argument against revaluation?
- changes in fair value reflect changes in expectations and risk of market participants
what are the eight chapters that the 2018 conceptual framework consists of?
- objective of general purpose financial reporting
- qualitative characteristics of useful financial inforomation
- financial statements and the reporting entity
- elements of financial statements
- recognition and derecognition
- measurement
- presentation and disclosure
- concepts of capital and capital maintenance